Chapter 19

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If you are a vegetarian or vegan or someone who hates to hear about animal slaughter and that stuff like my vegetarian friend, then Im sorry. Trust me I hate it too
It has been 2 weeks since Pidge and Keith had escaped, and there was only one week left till the season ends. Recently Keith has gone out hunting for him and Pidge. Mainly Pidge. She was cranky again. She had recently shown signs of being pregnant. They both got really excited about this, but Keith was even more excited to be a father.

She started having morning sickness, in the mornings she did this thing where she would kick Keith's right leg when jumping out of the bed to go puke. There was a huge bruise on that leg now. She has the weirdest cravings. She legitimately asked for a leaf and blue-berry sandwich. Keith has searched on weird cravings people had, but that was just beyond weird. And her mood swings were the worst! He'd be lying if he said he wasnt excited to go back to the castle so he wouldnt be the only one to deal with this.

Keith has learned to somehow control his transforming its still quite hard but he's been getting the hang of it. When going out hunting he'd normally transform cause in his Galra form his senses become ten times stronger which makes it easier to hunt.

Pidge asked for a normal dish for once, she was craving for beef, but since this was an alien planet Keith went to go find the closest thing he could to a cow. He found a kraal ((Kraal is an Afrikaans word for that pen where sheep are held in. I have no idea what it's called in English just search on Google 'what is a kraal' they'll show u images)) in the village that was nearby their den. Keith knew that the Hydran's were farming aliens when they had saved the planet, and since they lived in villages and were farmers the land was rich and healthy and had a lot of resources which made it a good fit for living.

Most of the animals here were domesticated like the farm animals on Earth so there weren't in the wild so occasionally Keith stole a domesticated animal when Pidge was craving for them. This was the first time she was craving for cow meat actually. It was nightfall and the Hydran's were going to sleep, this was the time when Keith was able to steal an animal from one of their herds.

Now why steal them? Cant you just ask for one? You areon hood terms with them, they would happily give you on! You might be thinking. But would they give one of their cattle or any of their live stock to a Galra? Keith still couldn't control it and he could transform in front of them and everyone would start to panic. So what was the next best thing? Stealing. And its worked perfectly so far, but thing is. They started noticing animals going missing so they started patrolling at night so Keith had to be extra careful now.

It was going to be harder to kill and drag out a full sized-alien cow out of a kraal, I mean the females were twice the size of Kalternecker and the males atleast three. They should be called elephants rather. And another thing, these alien-cows were rather aggressive especially towards other Hydra-villagers, not towards their masters though. But what made it dangerous wasn't their aggression, but their horns. They had four horns, two where it normally sits on a cow and two out by the side of the cheeks curling towards the front. And these horns were twice the length of a bull's horn.

Yeah, now Keith had to be extra careful. As the Hydran who Keith assumed was the owner of the cattle and who was patrolling walked passed the kraal. Keith took this chance to get in. Keith quietly walked around the sleeping cow things searching for the smallest one, supposedly a calf. He'd hate to kill a baby cow but he had no choice. Finally he had found one. This one was small enough for him to carry on his shoulder.

He carefully bent down and grabbed the horn that came out of its facial horns and slowly lifted up its neck. Keith took out his blade and put it to the calf's throat. "Im sorry little one" he quietly said, but before he could slit its throat it instantly woke up. Shiet. He forgot they had really good hearing when it comes to voices!

The calf immediately got up but Keith held his grip on its horn. The calf started becoming distressed and started calling for its mom. Soon the whole herd woke up and then everything went down hill. Before they could charge at Keith he quickly pinned down the calf and cut its throat. He threw it over his shoulder and started running. Now this is gonna be hard.

The alien-cows started charging at him, swinging their horns at him. One managed to cut the side of his thigh. That's definitely going to leave a scar. "Hey! Who's there?" Keith heard a voice scream and saw a light running towards the kraal to see what's going on. Great just what he needed. Keith was getting closer to the divider between the woods and the kraal, but with his injured leg and the added weight on his shoulder. It was going to be hard for him to jump it without gaining another wound. But he'd take the chance.

Keith jumped over the divider and luckily he hadnt gained another injury and took off deeper into the woods. He stopped to rest by a rock a lake. That was a close one. He went to wash off his wound. He'd lie if he said that it didnt hurt like a bioch. He drank some water before heading back to the den.


"Chief another animal has been taken" "Did you see who or what is taking them?" "No Chief, all I saw was a purple tail heading after the thing jumped over the kraal wall" "A purple tail? We dont have any creatures on this planet with purple fur. Hmm. Find out what it is and fast" "Yes chief"

Words: 1 003

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