Chapter 10

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What are they building?? What could it be?? Where could it be?? Allura asked herself as she was pacing up and down in her room. Keith and Pidge had taken off to build whatever they were building 2 days ago and hadnt returned. Honestly, she started to worry. Where were they? Were they okay? Thousands of questions had been flooding her head. But the most common question was, What were they building?

Allura had been pacing for quite a while now. If she carried on with this she may make a path on the ground soon. Few moments passed and her legs finally started feeling tired so she decided to sit down and think. No. They couldn't be building that! Right? What if they are!? What if-

A knock on her door interrupted her train of thought. "Come in" the door slide open revealing the person who had knocked "Hey" "You should be resting" Allura said as she got up and started walking towards the door "I know I should, but I just want to see you, I havent seen you for 8 quintants" Lance said as he held Allura in his arms and she hugged him back tightly. She really liked being hugged by Lance. She always felt safe in his arms. It was warm and calm, sometimes she wouldnt even let him go. She's glad he came to see her, she needed this. She was also happy when Lance had gotten out of the healing pod 1 quintent ago. He had been resting the entire yester-quintant so they hadn't seen each other a lot, especially since Coran forbid her and everyone from checking up on him.

She was really angry with Keith at the time cause he had injured Lance real badly, and could've potentially killed her aswell. But it was kind of her fault. None of that would've happened if she had just told the paladins. This all wouldve been prevented. Pidge wouldn't of gotten injured, then Keith would've of changed and gone on a small rampage. She did admit that to herself and she is taking the blame for it.

"Lance" "Hm?" "Is there anything else you had to tell me?" "Hmm? Oh Right! The Blades of Mamora had arrived and we were just waiting for you, so you being mine and all I volunteered to come get you" "They're here? Already!?" "Yep" "How long has it been?" "Say about 5 vargas" "5 vargas?! We need to go right now!" Allura instantly slipped out of his embrace and started sprinting down the hallway. Lance chuckled and followed after her.


Allura had entered the control room where some of the Blades were waiting for her. Shortly after Lance had entered the room, once everyone, besides Pidge and Keith were present, they got down to business. "Thank you for coming" Allura started the conversation. "We are more than happy to be welcomed to the Castle of Lions, Princess Allura" Kolivan spoke "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Allura took a deep breathe before speaking again. "Its about the mating season" "Let me guess. Keith" "Yep" Kolivan slapped his forehead "How could we have forgotten about that" Kolivan groaned while mumbling. "Wait, so you knew half-galra go into heat?" Coran suddenly asked "Yes? Its basic knowledge" "THANK YOU!" Shiro shouted out and threw his arms up in the air.

"Wait wait wait. You didnt know!?" Krolia suddenly burst out. Worry laced all over her face and some fear written across some others. "No. Why? What's the problem? Just give us the serum that u have left and we give it to him and all is fine" Allura said casually. "No it won't work" Kolivan said. "And why's that?" "For one, its too deep into the season already, he's most likely already started building and two its his first heat, the serum won't be strong enough" Krolia explained "Hang on a tick. You said building. You dont mean..." Coran asked abruptly. "Yes" "So i was right" Allura and Coran looked at each other worry written across their faces.

"What, what is it? What does it mean?" Shiro asked. He was tired of not knowing what was going on. Kolivan explained "When a Galra goes into heat, them and their mate goes off and finds some place to 'settle'" "Settle?" "Basically build a den for them to stay during the season, one that they find suitable. The male claims the territory so no other Galra is allowed to be there not even a mile close. And once they finish building it, then the mating process begins" "And that's a bad thing how?" Lance asked, not understanding why all the aliens looked worried. "Because the mate can get seriously injured, some die even, because some mateless Galra will try and steal another Galra's mate" The colour drained from the Paladins faces.

"Some of the mates, if they are smaller or weaker than the males, its most likely going to happen to them, especially if the males are strong" Kolivan continued. "And its twice as dangerous if its the first heat, if its a male Galra's first heat, the instincts will drive them insane causing them to be more powerful therefore more dangerous" "So what you're saying is. Pidge is in danger, and theres a likely chance she'll be injured severely or she'll die!?" Hunk said with a shaky voice.


Words: 903

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