Chapter 4

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Its been a few days now and everything was the same for everyone when they first arrived at the castle of lions before Zarkon send Sendak after them, well everyone except for Keith. Keith had been feeling very weird these past couple of days. He doesn't know what's going on, but he just thinks that he's coming down with something. Well whatever it was, it sure made him more grumpier and more rude to everyone else besides Pidge. Everyone noticed this, but they just thought it was just Keith being Keith cause everyone started restricting him from training so much.

And because of that him and Pidge started hanging out more often, they did things that Pidge liked, they did some things Keith liked and they would also just chill. Pidge even installed the cloaking device in Red. They would play with Kosmo now and then but for some reason Keith didn't like Pidge being with Kosmo so much, he felt... Jealous? What? Why would he be jealous?


Allura and Lance where sitting on some random planet that Lance had taken them to for another date. Lance heard the food there was great and it offered an amazing view of a sunset, that they are busy watching right now. "Wow, sunsets on Earth a beautiful, but this is just... Wow I can't explain it" "It is really, although this sunset isnt as amazing as the one on Altea, now that is breathe taking" "I would love to go watch a sunset with you there once we defeat Zarkon" "I'd like that, thank you Lance" "Anytime" he said as he kissed her on her cheek.

Once it was dark they started heading back to Blue when Lance noticed that Allura was spacing out. "Allura?" no answer "Allura?!" "Huh?" "You're spacing out, whatcha thinking?" "I was just thinking about Keith-" "Wait hold up, why you thinking about mullet boy!?!" she smacked him in the back of  his head "You cut me off before I could explain, idiot, *sigh* I was just thinking about his behavior, he's been acting weird lately" "What do you mean by that?" "He's seemed more distant from all of us, seemed more aggressive towards everyone, everyone except for Pidge" "Nah, that's not weird, mullet has always been like that trust me, and him and Pidge have become really close since u and Shiro made us do that training, they're practically best friends, like me and Hunk" "Yes I know, but he's even been aggressive and distant with Shiro aswell, mostly with Shiro. Why, they're like brothers!" "Well he did say he felt a little bit sick and that is what's probably making him like that, I don't know"

"*sigh* I hope it's nothing serious" "Yeah yeah, now let's get back to the ship and get some milk from Kalternecker to make us some milkshakes and go watch a movie" "I think I'll pass on the milkshake" Allura shivered remembering how humans get milk, she and Coran are still traumatized from that. "What is wrong with the milk?!" "Nothing its just where is comes from" Allura said with a traumized looking face "What, Kalternecker is a beautiful girl and it's very natural!" Lance said defending Kalternecker "Whatever I'm still not going to have any!" Allura said as they boarded Blue and flew back to the Castle of Lions.

I'm glad we didn't run into any Galra's territory while we were there, Allura thought to herself
No one ever seems to add poor Kalternecker in any Voltron stories, the poor cow ;~;

Words: 580

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