Chapter 11

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"So what you're saying is. Pidge is in danger, and theres a likely chance she'll be injured severely or she'll die!?" Hunk said with a shaky voice.



This was bad. The Paladins were in shock and fear. There's nothing the Blades could do. So this season could potentially kill Pidge! This was bad. If she's gone, who's going to pilot the Green Lion?? Who's going to help them with things they don't understand?? Also, what would happen to Keith?? Allura may actually do something to him.

"Can't you stop him? Like prevent it or something!?" Lance suddenly shouted. He didnt want to lose Pidge. She was like a little sister to him and he is very fond of her aswell. All of them are. "No, im afraid there's nothing we can do" Kolivan said "There has to be a way!" Lance yelled again. Hunk went up to him and tried to calm him down "Calm down Lance, im sure everything will-" "How are u so calm about this!? Pidge could potentially die!" There was a moment of silence before Hunk spoke again.

"Im scared too Lance. We all care about Pidge. We are all very fond of her aswell, but we act as if she's this small fragile thing that will break if a feather touches it, that we have to protect at all times. How many times has she proven that she isn't like that? She's strong, she's independent, braver and smarter than all of us. Im trying to think positive. She can take care of herself. I just know it" Lance started to calm down "Yeah, you're right. Thanks Hunk" Lance then turned back to the Blades. "So there's nothing you can do?" "We can't do anything, we'll just have to let nature to take its course" Kolivan said.

Shiro had remembered something. "Kolivan. I have a question" "Im listening" "Its about the Galra Blades" "What about it?" "Is it able to change any other colour?" "No, I suppose not. No one's blade has ever changed colour...." "Except one" Krolia finished. "What do you mean?" Allura asked. "It happened a few years back to one of our new memebers. He was a very young one. That time all our warriors had gone into more than 2 heats so it was easier for us to control it then, we didnt have the serum then. That was until the season begun. He was our youngest member at the time which meant he was going into his first heat. We didn't really take too much notice of it, until he drew his blade against us one time."

"What happened?" Lance asked "Why did he draw his blade?" "Cause his mate was injured and he headed in to protect her. She was of another species that he met while going on a mission. He was pretending to work as one of the warriors. The fleet that he was hiding in had taken over another planet and there he was put in charge to gather up prisoners, thats when he met his mate. They became close over the phoebs, he had grown really attached to her, thats when the season started"

Krolia carried on with the story "i dunno all the details but I know that the Galra had taken all they needed from the planet and decided to kill the inhabitants" Allura gasp and put a hand over her mouth. Krolia continued "He tried to protect her but she was shot a few times, few times in the leg and one in her side. He'd gotten protective, instinct driving him mad. He stood over her with his blade out and ready to protect her. We tried to go help, but he wouldn't let us near. His blade extended and not the normal way it does. It was two times bigger and the purple streaks were then blue. He lunged forward and started a massacre, killing the Galra"

"Oh my gosh" Hunk said "That's not all. By observing we learnt that he was twice as strong than his normal strength. He was a really good fighter, one just like Keith. And that was a second time it actually happened" "What do you mean second time it happened?" Shiro asked "During one of our training sessions, I had seen a glimpse of blue in the purple streaks. So I had learnt that it was a symbol. A symbol saying that he was potentially an Alpha" "What!?" Everyone asked in confusion

Kolivan continued to explain "We Galra's are pack animals, we all have packs and in them we have an Alpha. I am the Blades Alpha" "But what about Zarkon? What does that make him?" Hunk asked. "He is also an Alpha, but not the standard one. He is the King Alpha. The King Alpha rules over all the other packs." "So you're saying Keith is potentially an alpha?" "Yes" "But Shiro is our 'alpha'!" Lance exclaimed. "True, he is the leader of Voltron, but nature says otherwise. He doesnt necessarily have to be your leader due to the fact you're a different species to us, so Shiro is still considered your 'alpha' " Kolivan stated

"Wait so if that Galra was potentially an Alpha, how are you still the Alpha? Wouldn't u have stepped down for a new alpha?" Hunk asked "Yes I would've" "But. How are u still the Alpha?" "That's because he died"

Silence filled the room. "W-what happened?" Hunk asked again "While he was fighting, his mate had died due to blood loss.He refused to leave and thats when the Galra Empire destoryed the planet" Kolivan ended.

They talked for a while longer, before the Blades left. The Blades had tried to reassure them but it wasnt working. They're all still really worried, they're scared what was going to happen to Pidge.
"So what do we do now?" Lance asked. "You heard the Blades, we can't do anything about it" Hunk said, but then Allura came in. "Yes we can" "How?" "Pidge and Keith still has to come back to get something right?" "Maybe, we don't know" "They still need some resources, Galra take resources from where they usually live to put into their dens to make it more liveable for them. So when they come back, lets jump Keith and put him in a cell"

"Allura I don't think that's a good idea" Shiro started talking protesting against her. "But you heard what they said! Keith could potentially kill her! Do you want that to happen!?" Allura shouted at Shiro. She was stressed and worried. "Keith wouldn't hurt her purposely, I know him. He wouldn't hurt the one's he holds dear to his heart. Yes he's always relied on instinct and yes he will most likely during this season, but he has control. I believe in him. He won't hurt her" Shiro said trying to calm her down.

"No, even if he has control, he won't this season. Like Kolivan said, if its their first heat, they will have no control whatsoever. If he doesn't kill her, then he will surely hurt her. We are engaging this plan, whether you like it or not. And no one try to communicate with them about this." Allura yelled and turned and walked off. The room fell silent. She had a point. Keith has always relied on instinct, so he will be relying on it this season. And like Kolivan said, if its the first heat, then the instincts will drive them mad. And no matter how much control Keith has, they doubt he'd be in control this time.

They couldn't risk it...

So they agreed to carry out the plan. It hurt them. They feel horrible for deciding this. But they just told themselves.

"Its all for Pidge's sake"

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