Chapter 2

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Just so u know:

Shiro 32
Keith 21 (19 if full human but he ages by 2 years)
Hunk and Lance 18
Pidge 18-19
Allura say 20 (before she was preserved)
Coran 45 (same reason as Allura)

The Paladins had just come back to the Castle of Lions after destroying another Galra fleet in another section of the universe. The Galra incharge was called Sabertooth and they had just freed three planets in his territory that Zarkon had assigned him. I won't lie, it wasn't an easy task, that dude had a lot more fleets than the past 6 fleets they had destroyed. AND that night they were performing again to form another Coalition, the plan was that all three planets would travel to the biggest one and there they would perform.

This is becoming very tiring for them, not to mention Allura and Shiro had been pushing them harder. Who could blame them tho? The Sentries were becoming more advanced thanx to Zarkon's witch. She had put more quintessens (( is that how it's spelled?)) which had made them more advanced and harder to take down. Because of that more of the Blades had to pitch in to take them down before Voltron gets to those places. And to make matters worse, there are a lot more Druids than they had previously thought and were being spread throughout the whole Galra Empire for who knows what reason. Heck they had to fight 6 of them just now! This was becoming very problematic and it was stressing Allura more and more.

"I'm worn out!" Lance exclaimed as he plopped onto the couch "You're worn out!? I had to fight hand-to-hand combat with 2 Druids! You were just freezing everything while piloting Blue!" Keith complained. "Stop fighting you two, we all had a part to play in this mission, yes some harder than others, but we all put a lot of effort and strength into it" Shiro said trying to stop the two dorks bickering. "Yeah and we're all gonna play a role when bringing the Flarekons, Gartheons and Hydra's all together to help win this war." Pidge said "She's right, so that means all of you get some rest we only have 5 hours" Allura said "Aye Sir!" everyone said and started leaving the room, but before they all exited Allura called and said "And after you form the Coalition with them u have a 2 hour rest before training again!" as she said that they all started debating, even Space Dad.

"They're right Princess, just give them some time off, they deserved it, especially after this mission" Coran had in to the Paladins rescue, much to their happiness. "Oh alright" "YAASS" everyone shouted and dashed off to their rooms. "Coran are u sure about this? The season starts in two days and I want the Paladins to free one more planet before the Galra go into Mating Season" "I know princess, but we should give them this time off and I don't think it's safe for them to go on a mission for these two days, the Galra are sending more druids out there and it gets extremely dangerous to even try and fly by a ship without being blasted into smithereens" Coran stated. "I guess your right, it's going to be round about 2 earth months before we can attack again" "Yes princess, but theres no need to worry, as long as we don't go near any Galra, besides the Blades, we're going to be okay, what could possibly go wrong!" "Yeah"

Little did they know is that they should NEVER say "What could possibly go wrong" because they forgot about their own Galra Hybrid...
Oh yeah, they can go to the Blades because they have this serum that they take every time it's Mating Season to keep them under control, but there's only enough for every member. The the Blades doesnt know that the Paladins wouldn't keep Keith Locked up so they kinda ignored that little fact and Krolia doesn't worry that much cause she puts her full trust in them to protect her son. Yeah big mistake right now.

Words: 588

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