Chapter 17

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His ears pinned against his head when he hadnt spotted Pidge. He started to look anxious. He walked up to the glass barrier still looking back and forth to see if his mate was around. "Pidge? Pidge where are you?" Pidge was about to answer that she was up in the control deck but Allura put her hand over Pidge's mouth, stopping her. "PIDGE?" They suddenly heard Keith's voice, but it was louder and sounded more scared.

They all looked at the screen and saw Keith was starting to breathe heavily. Keith suddenly started walking back and forth really fast. "Pidge!? PIDGE!?" Keith started shouting again "KATIE!" His voice cracked as he yelled real name. All of a sudden he started clawing at the glass barriers and started banging into the barrier with his body trying to get out

He was hurting himself, he was hurting himself to just to get to her. He was going insane without her.



Pidge couldnt let this continue. She ripped Allura's hand away from her mouth and was about to speak into the mic but Allura stopped her again. "Allura what are you doing?" Pidge yelled "You cannot tell him that we are up in the control deck" "What!? That's stupid! If you dont let me calm him down he is going to seriously injure himself!" Pidge said. Allura sighed and let Pidge go

Pidge turned back to the mic and spoke. "Keith, Keith calm down I'm here" Keith had stopped banging into the barrier and started to look around again "Katie, where are you? I can't see you" Keith replied. "I'm up in the control deck, don't worry I'm okay" Keith started to calm down. His breathing slowed down and he sat on the ground cross-legged. "There we go Emo, it's okay. We're okay" Keith chuckled. This was the first time since he was put there that Shiro had at least seen a slight smile on his face. Even if it was just a smirk.

"Okay Emo now just listen" Pidge said. She started snapping her fingers, Shiro and Allura looked at Pidge strangely. Pidge saw their confused faces "What? This helps him calm down" but Shiro knew that it wasn't true. She was secretly communicating with Keith. Though Allura seemed suspicious

Keith got the message and stood at ready. Pidge turned around to face Allura and Shiro. She looked at Allura "Sorry Allura" "For wha-" "Shiro!" Pidge yelled. Shiro immediately grabbed Allura and pinned her down. Pidge turned around to the control panel and hit a button. The door to Keith's cell opened and just when the gap was big enough Keith bolted out of the cell. Once Pidge was certain that Keith got out of the cell, she ran out of the control deck. Pidge said they would meet at the control room, Keith would be there first since he is faster than Pidge. And the control deck is a bit further than the prison room

They couldn't wait to see each other.


The moment Pidge stepped into the control room she was engulfed into a hug. A big fluffy hug infact. She hugged him back. She really missed him and she could tell he missed her more. Keith pulled her back and kissed her forehead before looking into her eyes. "I will never leave you alone again, unless necessary" he said before pulling her back into a hug.

The hug lastest a minute longer before Pidge pulled away "Okay let's go" she said as she took Keith's hand and started running towards the red lion's hanger. When they got to the entrance of the hanger Keith stopped Pidge and stood in front of her growling.

"Calm down Mullet, we're not going to do anything" Lance said, but Keith just continued to growl. "Keith its okay. They really aren't going to do anything to us, they're helping us" Pidge said "What?" Keith said in confusion "Yeah we are, we got the stuff you guys packed by the red lion's feet. Since we couldnt get inside we placed it near it" Hunk said "You guys better hurry before Allura gets here. She's stronger than Shiro so he won't be able to keep her down for long" Coran said

Keith nodded his head and grabbed Pidge and ran "Thanks guys!" Pidge yelled. They continued to run down the passage leading to Red, once they got there, they saw some of their belongings that they had packed laying by one of Red's feet. "This isnt everything I wanted. Dang it Hunk I told you what to pack!" Pidge slightly yelled really disappointed in Hunk. "*chuckle* Deal with it, you already have enough gadgets as it is. C'mon lets get this in Red and get out of here" Keith said.

They loaded their things as fast as they could and once they were finished they boarded Red and took off.

Words: 817

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