Chapter 12

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No one had a good night. They were all feeling sick. Everyone felt guilty for what they were going to do. They felt ashamed of themselves. But they were doing it for Pidge's own good right? Thats what they want to believe. Allura was also feeling guilty but convinced herself this was the right thing that they were doing. She has never been fond of Galra, heck she wasnt all that comfortable with the Blades in the castle, but she was being respectful, yes she is trying to get along with them but she just can't.

Allura had called everyone to the control room to discuss a plan. "Morning everyone, so today we are going to discuss a plan in order to capture and contain Keith a-" before she could carry on Shiro interrupted "Allura, I know what you're trying to do is all to protect Pidge but I dont think-" "Save it Shiro, we are going to do this whether you like it or not. Remember this is all for Pidge's sake" Allura said

They weren't sure when Keith and Pidge would return but they hoped it was soon. Allura would like to track them down but Pidge just happened to be a Tiny Einstein and know how to remove the tracking devices in the lions and their suits. They continued discussing how they going to carry out the plan. The fact that they didnt know when they would be back just motivated Allura more into planning this as soon as possible.

A few hours passed and they've already got everyone planned out and Allura made sure to go through every scenario imaginable. She had send everyone, even herself, not Coran cause he's a Gorgeous Man, to go to the training room and train for just in case of what might to come. The Paladins and Coran still weren't feeling all to good about this, they hated it...

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('_' )

"I think we're doing pretty good dontcha think?" Pidge said as she finished making the bed softer. "Keith?" "Hm?" Keith hummed in reply. He was sitting on a ledge just staring at the sunset. Pidge climbed up and came to sit next to him. She sat down beside him and put her head on his shoulder staring at the sunset aswell. Keith leaned his head onto hers as a comfortable silence fell upon them.

The sky was slowly changing colour. It went from blue to a dark blue to a blue-ish purple to a dark purple before going to black. It was honestly breath-taking. The end result, all the stars seemed to immediately fill the sky. The colour was a mixture of purple black and blue. Earth's sunsets were nothing compared to this. "Whatcha thinking about?" Pidge asked Keith "When we fart its actually our butt cheeks clapping"

"Oh my gosh Keith" Pidge said and got up and started walking back inside. Keith chuckled and went after her. Before she walked any further he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back to him and her back came into contact with his chest. He leaned down and whispered in her ear "You know im always thinking about you" his hot breathe tickling her neck sending shivers down her spine. Keith then kissed her on the cheek before letting her go.

"Whatcha say, let's go back to the castle to get the last bit of stuff tomorrow?" Keith said as he walked to the entrance. When he heard no response he turned around to look at Pidge. "*chuckle* Why so red Katie?" Pidge was so red that her face would put a tomato to shame. "Y-yeah, we can g-get the rest t-tomorrow" Pidge stuttered turning her head trying to hide her blushing face. Keith chuckled again and walked towards her. She still refused to look at him so he put his hand under her chin and tilted her head so she was facing him. He leaned down and said "You're cute when you blush" he said as he kissed the tip of her nose which made her blush twice as hard. He then started walking towards their makeshift bed and laid down and started to drift off to sleep.

This man will be the death of me Pidge thought to herself as she also headed for the bed.


The next morning Keith and Pidge boarded their respective lions and flew back to the Castle. It took a while but it wasnt far, the Castle was still in that Milky Way. The reason why Keith had chosen to settle down on the Hydrans planet was because between all three planets in that Solar System it had a lot more life, and life meant animals to hunt. It was more nourished than others the other two and was bigger meaning more space, because there wasnt a large population on this planet and because he highly doubted that there woukd be any other Galra who would be there to try and take Pidge away from him.

He wont let that happen.

They arrived at the Castle. Once they parked their lions they went to load a few things from their Lions Hangers that they wanted to take along. Once they were done with that, Keith had to wait a long time for Pidge... but once they were done they decided to meet up at the control room, but for some odd reason they both felt like something was off...

They both met up at the control room. "Keith, I feel a bit uneasy" "Yeah me too. The Castle is unusually quiet. The others didn't come to see us" "Do you think they went somewhere?" "No, the lions are still in their hangers, before you ask how I know I had time to check while waiting for u to pack. And two even if they did go somewhere Allura or Coran would be in the control room" "You have a point. So where is everyone" Keith was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Let's just go get our stuff. I don't have a good feeling" Keith grabbed her hand and started walking to their rooms.

Keith dropped Pidge by her room before he went to his down the hallway. He wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. He felt, no, he knew something was going to happen. He didnt know what, but he didnt like it. Not one bit. He quickly gathered all his things he wanted to take to the den and went to go check up on Pidge. "Pidge?" Keith knocked on her door.

No answer

He knocked again. "Pidge?" Still no answer. He entered her room. No one was in there. Keith started panicking. He frantically started searching her room. Her room was small and filled with a lot of her stuff but it wouldn't be so hard to find a 17 year old girl in this mess. Keith ran out her room. His panic rising. "KATIE!?" He screamed as he ran around trying to find his mate. His breathing becomimg unsteady.

As adrenaline was rushing through him he started transforming. Not only his eyes and teeth this time. His nails started growing longer and sharper. Purple Fur started growing along his hands up till his elbows aswell by his feet, halfway up his shins. He also had cat-like ears and a tail. His senses heightened due to his transformation and adrenaline.

He was still frantically searching for Pidge. Still no sign. He checked almost everywhere! The kitchen, the lounge, the dining room, their rooms, the control room, the main hall, the trai- He hadn't checked the training room! He rushed to the training room fast as possible hoping Pidge would be there.

When he entered the training room he saw Pidge was laying in the middle of the room. What happened to her!? But Keith didnt bother to think about it, he just wanted to get to Pidge and make sure that she was okay and get the quiznak out of there. When he finally got to her he immediately went down on his knees checking if she was okay. Who did this? Was there an intruder? Was that why no one was around? All of a sudden Pidge grunted. She slightly opened her eyes only to widen extremely fast at the sight of Keith. This was bad. He had to get out of here.

"Keith you have to get out of here now!" "What?" "Just get out of here before-" "Before what?" One of Keith's ears twitched at the sound of something clicking.

Too late

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