Chapter 1

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It's been a couple months since the Paladins has left Earth -against their own free will- and were the chosen ones to defeat Zarkon and the Galra Empire -again against their own free will.

During this time, a lot has happened. They were blasted off into space by a quiznaking overgrown blue cat space ship that has a mind and soul of its own, landed on an Alien Planet with no signs of life except for the last 2 of what they assumed were the species of the planet who were apparently 10 thousand or something deca-phoebs old.

Learned a word called 'quiznak' which still nobody knows the meaning to, yet use it all the time. Had to go get their chosen lions to free Kion the leader of the Lion Guard of Space. Had team building exercises. Ate space goop that is surprisingly good yet the drinks are disgusting and they're the appetizing looking things there! Were chased by Purple Furries who has an ugly witch aboard who keeps sending hideous monsters (( the lizard monster scared the hell out of me 😐)) to destroy them but failed cause the kitty kats always win!

Fast Forward, they had managed to free enslaved planets from the Purple Furry Empire but only freed like 1/12 of the universe cause come on, they've ruled for thousands of deca-phoebs and u expect them to free every planet in a single night? Which is the other question, how do the Paladins know when it's nighttime? They're always drifting in space! Its just a black void with giant balls of gas everywhere!

Emo dude had finally found out what his magic toothpick meant and why he has it and found out that he was part Purple Furry which Space Princess didn't like and didnt treat him the same since but eventually she accepted and treats him the same again, yay.

During all this time they had kept on freeing planets and forming Alliances with them. And Space dad had become a little more strict, but Space Princess was the most strict. She started getting more irritated and more strict so she kept on working the  Paladins to their limits, yes occasionally resting but wow did she push them.

One time Space Dad and Princess had come up with a new training plan where the Paladins could become a better team and be in more sinc with each other. So they did it like this, the arms work together and the legs work together cause the first time around Dork 1 and Dork 2 kept on going at it never shutting their quiznaks. So they did it this way and well it worked.

Emo and Nerd had grown closer to one another and Emo had grown a bit more protective of Nerd. Dorkasaurus and Cuddle Bear had also grown closer they actually had a lot in common like family and cooking being two of them. Space Princess and Dorkasaurus also started dating, surprisingly...

Things had continued like they normally did, Emo had hung out with Rebel Furries more but was still there for the lion guard when needed. And he actually got a Space Dog!

But one day something odd had happened... The Purple Furries were inactive. Only the wind up robots were guarding places ((BTW they're more advanced)) and there were Druids everywhere. This had puzzled the Paladins and they didn't know what was happening yet the two ancient space people knew what was happening.

It was Galra Mating Season

I actually really like this chapter. I didn't take it all to seriously as u can tell by all the horrible names and everything. But I find it funny and smart. Next chapters are taken seriously, promise

Words: 588

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