Chapter 9

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"It's sounds like Keith and Pidge!" "Now remember, don't go near her!" "Got it!"

The door slid open and there appeared Keith holding Pidge. Both of them with a big smile on both of their faces. "Hey guys! Guess who's awake!"

Everyone froze in horror when they saw Hunk running towards them. "Pidge!" he shouted out, completely forgetting that he mustn't go near her. Keith's face changed from Happy to Angry in a blink of an eye. Keith stood in front of Pidge, his eyes and teeth changed again as he growled at Hunk. Immediately Hunk remembered and stopped a few feet away before backing away very quickly and acting as if nothing happened.

"Uh I'm so glad you're okay Pidge!" Hunk said, trying to act as if nothing happened. Keith's eyes and teeth changed back to normal and everyone let out a breath that they didn't know they were holding Holy macaroni! I forgot I wasn't suppose to go near her! I almost became Keith Food! Hunk thought to himself while he was feriously sweating.

"I'm glad to be healed and back to being conscious!" Pidge said as she stepped out from behind Keith. She looked at Allura, Shiro, Hunk and Coran's faces and they were all shocked "What?" "Nothing" they all said. They were shocked that Pidge seemed totally unfazed about what just happened. Hadn't she seen that Keith stopped Hunk from getting to her? Hadn't she heard Keith growl like that just some ticks ago?

"Hey Allura?" "Yes Pidge?" "Who won the trials?" "Oh we had to get it canceled because of the accident, and Bob wasn't too pleased" Allura visibly shivered. When Bob found out that they had to cancel it, ho-oh he wasnt happy. But after a little explaining and making some deal with him about finding new contestants, they resolved it. Allura, Coran and Shiro are still traumitized by what had happened.

"Oh..." "Why so sad Pidge?" "I was looking forward to torturing Lance" she sniffled and cried anime tears. "You'll get another chance someday" Keith said, trying to cheer her up. "Well, we're off!" Pidge announced "To where?" "We are going to the Hydra's planet, we're building something there" Pidge explained and they took off "Wait what do you mean you're-" Allura tried calling out, but it was too late since they were out of earshot.

"Did any of you notice that?" Hunk asked "Yeah" the three of them said in unison. "Pidge seemed totally unfazed of what happened when Keith semi-transformed" Shiro said "Why tho? We all saw it, even she did, yet she didn't jump or anything!?" Allura said. "Maybe she thought it was just her imagination" Coran said "Why would you say that Coran?" Allura asked "Think about it, she's been in the healing pod for 6 vargas, her senses are still busy coming back to her and slowly, she must've thought that her mind was playing tricks on her or something. It happened a lot to me when I was in a healing pod too long!" Coran said concluding his hypothesis

" Makes sense" Hunk agreed with Coran. "Allura?" Shiro asked Allura. She was lost in thought. "Allura!?" "Huh?" "What are you thinking about?" "It's just what Pidge said, she said that they're building something, but what?" "Well whatever it is, I think we should stay out of it, we don't want to be mauled by Keith" Hunk said everyone agreed with this.

But Allura couldnt help but feel like something will go wrong

Words: 586

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