Chapter 14

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It was dark. That's all Pidge could see. She was surrounded by darkness. What happened to her? Oh right. She was shot. But who had shot her? She didn't know, she hadn't seen the person who shot her.

She felt herself moving. What? Why is she moving? Isn't she unconscious? She can't move, but yet she's moving. She felt herself being laid down on what feels like a bed.

Why can't she move? It's like being paralyzed. You can't move anything, but she can still feel. That's good.


Pidge doesn't know how much time passed. It felt like she was just going to float around in this black void forever.

She didn't like it

She wanted to see Keith. She wanted to go back to the den. She just wanted to get out of here.

Pidge was stirring, finally she could move her limbs again. She grunted and slowly opened her eyes. She didn't know how long she'd been out but it took quite sometime for her eyes to adjust so she could see where she was.

She kept blinking her eyes, trying to get them to adjust. Things were starting to become less and less blurry. Finally she could see where she was. She looked around the messy room. Things were lying everywhere from the desk to the floor, electronics and devices were lying everywhere. She was in her room. But how'd she get there? She could've sworn she passed out on the ground in the training room while she was running to go help Kei-

KEITH! He'd been shot! Where was he? Without a second thought Pidge sprang out from her bed. She stood up too fast and felt a wave of dizziness flow over her, but she didn't let that stop her, she scrambled to her feet and ran out the door.

Where was Keith? She needed to know. First place Pidge went to go look was his room, but he wasn't there. Then where was he!? Pidge kept searching and searching but alas she couldn't find him. Where was he!?

Pidge went to the control room and there she found Allura, Coran and the paladins. "Pid-" Allura started to say but Pidge interrupted her.

"Don't you Pidge me. Where's Keith!?" Pidge yelled at them. She looked at the table that was next to them and looked at what was laying on top of it. "And why do you have his Blade!?" she yelled again. There was a moment of silence before Allura spoke.

"To answer your questions, Keith is locked up and we have his blade so he can't use it to break out" Pidge sighed and walked up to everyone without saying anything. She stood in front of Allura and looked up to her, glaring at her. "Why are you glar-" before she could finish, Pidge, as fast as lighting grabbed Keith's Blade and booked it out of the control room making her way to where Keith was being held.

She had a pretty good idea where he was being held. They had cells specifically built for specific species, since they didn't have for humans, he was most likely put in a cell that contains Galra. And that's exactly where she's going to.

Pidge hadn't gotten far until she was tackled by Lance. "Arg, let me go!" Lance didn't reply and kept her pinned down waiting for the others to arrive "Lance! Let me go!" Pidge yelled at him again. "No" he simply said. "Why?" "Because it's for your own safety" Allura said as she approached Lance and Pidge. "What? What do you mean for my own safety?" Pidge asked.

(/ =_=)/

Before Allura would talk to Pidge about the Mating Season, she had gotten her and Pidge secured in Pidge's room with Shiro and Hunk waiting out the door and Coran and Lance hidden at both ends of the hallway just in case. They couldn't under estimate Pidge.

"So why do you think Keith is a danger to me?" Pidge started talking, she had her arms crossed and was looking at Allura with one eyebrow raised. "It's because Keith is in-" "Heat? Yeah I know" "But, how did you-" "Hello! Paladin of the Green Lion. Remember?" "Uhh" Allura face palmed herself.

Of course! That's why she wasn't shocked the first time when she had gotten out of the healing pod, or when they were trying capture Keith. It made sense now! Gosh they were stupid.

"But then you should know the consequences of being a mate of an Alpha" "Wait hold up. What's this about being a mate of an alpha?" That's right. Pidge had only seen Keith's blade transform once and that was when they were trying to capture him so she wouldn't understand.

So Allura explained everything

"And you think that will change my mind?" "Yes, but whether you want to or not, you are not going to free Keith and go back to that den, until the season is over, until then you are going to be under strict supervision" "What!? But you can't do that!" "And why not?" "Because it's going to have a very negative effect on Keith!" Pidge yelled and sprung up from the bed.

"And what do you mean by that?" "Do even know anything about the Mating Season!?" "I know that it'll potentially kill you and that's all I need to know" "But-" "That's final Pidge, you aren't going to him until the season is over" Allura said as she walked out the room. The door slide closed.

Pidge ran up to the door but it wouldn't open. "Open the door! I need to get to Keith" "No is no Pidge and that's final" Allura said from the other side of the door. Tears started flooding Pidge's eyes. "If you do this it'll kill Keith!" she said while sobbing. She slid down to the ground sobbing


"It'll kill him"


Words: 982

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