Chapter 6

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I named their weapons, cause I don't know the real names and I'm to lazy to search:
Keith: sword (obv)
Pidge: zappy hook
Lance: arm gun
Hunk: bazooka

"Okay, enough chit chat, let's begin"

And so their training began. Round one: Maze guiding.

Both teams got to choose who was guiding and who was being guided. Arms, Keith was being guided by Pidge, one, she is better navigating than Lance, two he trusts her fully and three he doesn't want her to be electricuted if she touches the walls. Legs, Hunk is navigating Lance for one reason and one reason only, Lance is terrible at directing people.

Once everyone was in position they were able to begin, and they were being timed. Deal was, winner gets to go to an exclusive live show by Bob, no they aren't going to be the contestants, they are going to help him, and the losers, well.... They become Bob's contestants unfortunately...and after that....... Train again and fight 8 bots which are set at level 7.....Why? I don't know, Im just harsh when it comes to punishing people, I show no mercy! Especially since I have all the power in this story! I can do what I want, when I want and how I want!

"Okay Paladins your time starts.... Now!"

"Alright Keith I want you to take five steps forward, then two steps to the right" "Got it" Keith moved as Pidge instructed him "Okay nex-" "OUCH! Hunk!" "Sorry Lance!" the poor guy.

This went back and forth, Keith had been shocked like 3 times and had 10 near misses. Lance and Hunk on the other hand... Uhh. Let's just say Hunk was being overwhelmed and Lance came out with an afro in the end. Keith and Pidge had finished within 2 doboshes and 5 ticks, Hunk and Lance finished within 2 doboshes and 25 ticks. Guess the winners

...... LANCE AND HUNK!!!

How? Cause Altean's logic is different from Humans logic, nah just joking, Keith and Pidge won.

Round two: Bot fight. In this round they fight the training robots that are set at level 4, one team at a time, and again they're being timed. The team that finishes faster is the winner, obviously. This rule applies to every round except for round 3 and 4.

Lance and Hunk went first. They stood side by side, both of them facing the other one's blind spot. "Ready Hunk?" "Ready" he said and at that moment they both took out their bayards which transformed into two different types of blasters, an arm gun and bazooka. Hunk and Lance don't train as much as Keith and Shiro, normally they'd only train when told to, but because of that. It had given them a disadvantage.

They lasted longer than the first time they battled a bot, and even tho they were being beaten badly they hung in there and finally took down the last bot. It only took them about 35 doboshes and 25 ticks, but hey, they beated those bots earlier than they thought they would.

They thought they did a pretty good job and doubted that Keith and Pidge would finish earlier, they knew Keith trains a lot and would take those bots down in almost a heartbeat cause he trains against bots put at level 10, whereas Pidge on the other hand.... Not to be rude, but what can she do with such a small Bayard. I mean, it's cute...right?

Yeh, Lance totally forgot his first encounter with her bayard, yeh totally cute.

Pidge and Keith stood back to back, "Ready Nerd?" "Ready as I'll ever be Emo" The training bots were sent out, the way the teams had to battle them, was each person took two bots. Just as predicted Keith had absolutely no trouble with taking them down, he had finished in 5 doboshes and 15 ticks. The rest of the crew was surprised tho, not because Keith took them down that fast, no, they were surprised Pidge wasn't struggling like Lance and Hunk did. She did better than them and she made it look easy as well. She had finished in 7 doboshes and 5 ticks, which added up their total time, 12 doboshes and 20 ticks.

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