Chapter 13

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Keith had grabbed Pidge's hand and headed for their rooms. He really wanted to get out of here as fast as possible before anyting happened. He dropped Pidge off at her room told her to pack only a few stuff because he just knew how much stuff she would've taken otherwise. He left her to it while he went to his room down the hallway to pack his stuff. "Guess I don't need this, definitely need that. Nope. Yes this" Pidge mumbled to herself while she was tossing and packing random things.

While she was packing she heard her door open "Oh c'mon Keith I'm no-" she started talking and turning around to look at Keith at the door. The reason why she stopped talking is because it wasnt Keith standing by her door. Pidge dropped one of her gadgets that she had in her hand and went up to the person. "Hey Allura! Where were you, we were wondering where u guys were and why didnt you come see us when we came in?" Pidge asked but Allura didnt reply. "Allura?" "Forgive me Pidge" "For wha-"

All of a sudden Pidge just felt her whole body go numb, and before she knew what was happening she blacked out.

"Everyone knows what to do"

What? What's going on?

"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am"

What are they sure about? What's going on?

"Repeat the plan"

What plan? What's happening? What's going on?

"Put Pidge.....centre"

Put me where?

"Keith.....come.......and see......then.......catch him"

Wait who wants to catch Keith? What's going on!?

"Shoot him"


Pidge had been slipping in and out of consciousness. She couldnt talk and couldn't move. Her body was numb. She had heard people talking about something. She didnt know who the people who were talking were nor did she know WHAT they were talking about, but all she could make out was she was bait and Keith was going to be shot. The last thing she heard before blacking out again was "Shoot him"

Everything was dark. Cold. Quiet. It scared Pidge a little. She hadn't known how long she'd been out for. Doboshes? Vargas? A Quintent maybe? She doesnt know. All she knew was she was sick and tired of this. She just wanted to go to the den. She just wanted to be with Keith.

"Pidge?" She suddenly heard someone calling her name. "Pidge!?" There's it again. But who's calling out her name? All of a sudden she felt her body being rocked back and forth. Earthquake? Wait no, she's in space, then why is she being rocked back and forth? All of a sudden she felt warmth and her name being called out again. But this time it was her real name. Only one person ever calls her by her real name.

She forced her eyes open. It was hard but she managed. She grunted. She slightly opened her eyes only to widen extremely fast at the sight of Keith. This was bad. He had to get out of here.

"Keith you have to get out of here now!" "What?" "Just get out of here before-" "Before what?" One of Keith's ears twitched at the sound of something clicking.

Too late


Keith turned his head around at an alarming rate. Instinctively he held Pidge closer to him. Making sure that she was secure in his arms. When he turned his head around, he looked at the person while growling. There stood Lance and Allura. Lance has his gun aimed and ready to fire. Keith's tail started swatting around viciously, his ears were laid back flat against his head. He was baring his fangs and his growling increasing.

"Lance, Allura! What are you doing?" Pidge asked them. "Protecting you from him" "What?!" "Pidge just het away from him!" Allura yelled, but Pidge didnt listen "No" Pidge said in response. Before Allura could speak, Keith gently let go of Pidge and stood up. He took his blade out and clutched onto it tightly "Katie get ready" Keith signed with his free hand. Pidge saw this and hummed in response and she secretly got her bayard.

"Pidge last warning. Get away from him!" Allura said again. And Pidge's reply was the same "No!" Allura was getting irritated, why couldn't Pidge understand that they were trying to protect her? Before Allura could yell again Keith attacked. Lance saw this and started firing. Keith dodged every bullet and was getting closer to them. Keith extended his blade just like before when he was protecting Pidge. Eventually Keith got close enough and sliced Lance's arm gun.

Immediately Lance dropped his bayard and started fighting Keith using hand combat only, but he had to be extremely careful of Keith's blade. Allura tried to go help but suddenly her arms were tied against her sides. She looked down to see a green lasso was holding her arms against her. She looked around to see Pidge with her bayard extended. "Pidge what are you doing?" "Helping Keith" before Pidge could generate the electricity through her bayard Allura broke free from it and charged at her.

Lance was slowly losing his energy, Keith had already cut him twice, there was blood trickling down from his right cheek and a cut on his left arm. Lance doesnt think he'll last long with Keith. It wasn't a fair fight. Keith had both a weapon and combat skills, so Lance was surely gonna lose.

Keith knocked Lance to the ground and was slowly approachong him. He grabbed Lance by the collar and pulled him closer. Keith's fist ready to beat Lance up when all of a sudden a gun blast was heard and Keith let go of Lance and fell to the ground. Lance was panting then he reached to the side of his helmet where the coms were. "Thanks Hunk" he said before passing out.

When the blast sounded throughout the room. Pidge and Allura took their focus off of one another to see the boys, both passed out on the ground. "Keith!" Pidge shouted and started running towards Keith, but Allura wouldn't allow that. "Hunk don't let her get close!" Hunk was in the control deck with Coran aiming at Pidge but was reluctant. It was one thong shooting Keith twice, but Pidge...

"HUNK!" Allura shouted. Hunk took a deep breathe in "Sorry Pidge" he said as he pulled the trigger on his bazooka. Pidge was blasted in the back, making her pass out aswell.

"Well done everyone" Allura said. Allura had told Coran to come and chain Keith up while she tends to Lance and Shiro go tend to Pidge. Hunk can rest cause this was a bit too much for him to handle.

It was too much for any of them to handle.
Hunk keeps on doing Keith dirty like that 😂

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