Chapter 5

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"Urggg" Pidge grunted as she woke up "I feel stiff" she tried stretching but felt something around her locking her arms against her. She found herself in Keith's arms. He was spooning her, not that she minded, but she knew that it would be awkward when he wakes up. She had managed to get out of his grip only to be pulled back into his embrace. "Keith?" "Let's just stay like this for a while longer" he mumbled but loud enough for her to hear. She didn't debate against it and stayed like that with him. He's so warm Pidge thought to herself and nuzzled closer to him and they dozed off.

=couple minutes later=

"What the quiznak!" someone screamed which startled them and they fell off the couch, Keith landing on top of Pidge, he had his arms on both side of her to support himself so he wouldn't crush her. They looked up and saw Lance and Allura staring at them. "What?" Keith and Pidge asked in unison. Allura was the first one to recover "Mind explaining why Keith was spooning Pidge?!" "We were just taking a nap!" Pidge said sitting up as Keith got off of her. "Yeah, we were watching a movie called 'The hate you give' (( I love that movie)) and we fell asleep on the couch" Keith said while glaring at them, Lance specifically.

"Yeah Allura, it's no big deal, give them some slack, close friends do that all the time on Earth, dunno what Alteans do" Lance said, trying to reassure Allura that it was completely normal. and why in the hell is mullet head glaring at me specifically, I did nothing to him this whole time!? "Oh okay then, we anyways were looking for the both of you, we are planning to do training today, arms VS legs, get ready, we are beginning in 30 doboshes" Allura said and left the room, still thinking of what she saw. Humans are strange

=30 doboshes later=

"Okay Paladins, this is how it's going to go. There is going to be 4 rounds. First round, you are going to do the maze, the one will pilot the other like we did the first time around. But this time there is going to be two mazes, and the two that are being guided are going to be blind folded. Second round, you are going to battle against 4 bots set at a level 4. Third round hand to hand combat Lance VS Keith and Fourth round Weaponry Fight." Allura had told them."Wait, why isn't Shiro training as well" Lance asked finding it unfair that the leader of the Paladins isn't training but they have to. "Oh his arm hasn't been working right and I'm still in the process of trying to fix it" Pidge said. "Oh"

"Okay, enough chit chat, let's begin"

Short chapter I know, I just haven't had so much motivation nor inspiration lately :/

Words: 477

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