Chapter 16

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Silence. There was nothing but silence. No matter where he looked it was always empty. He was hungry but he didnt care, he had stopped eating after 2 quintents (days) of being in there. No matter how many times they had tried to get him to eat he just wont. It didnt matter.

He tried to escape again today, clawing at the walls just trying to break free but there was no exit. Even though he knew the only way to escape was if someone opened it from the control deck, even though he knew that he still tried. Otherwise it was useless to try and escape. This cell was made to contain a Galra afterall and he was half Galra.

Keith didnt know how long he had been in here, but however long it was he knew it was long. Keith looked at his reflection, it wasnt a good sight. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess aswell as his fur. He looked so depressed, his eyes looked like they didnt have any life in them. He looked emotionless. He just looked dead. He turned around and walked towards the bed and collapsed onto it.

He just wanted to get out of here and see Pidge. He just wanted his mate.


"Pidge you should eat" Allura said for the how many-nth time. "No" was all Pidge said in reply. Pidge had stopped eating since yester-quintent. It was really bugging her. "Pidge" "You're not gonna get me to eat the food Allura. Dont try" Pidge said and turned her back to Allura. "Alright, im going to leave your food here on the table of you change your mind" Allura said as she placed the food on the desk. "When I come back there better be a few bites at least" Allura said before exiting the room.

Pidge sighed and got off her bed, walking towards the desk. "Come on out buddies" Pidge said. Three of those garbage gerbils came floating out from under her bed "Here eat a bit, I need to make her think I ate something atleast" Pidge said to them. She had kept atleast 3 of these little guys. They are very helpful for her. She had snuck some food for them in the past, they were her companions, after she had lost Rover she felt really sad and upset and they cheer her up.

Pidge went back to her bed and sat on it and sighed. She took out a cloth that was wrapped around something. She unwrapped it and ran her finger along the sharp edges of the blade. She wanted to see Keith so badly, but couldn't. She would take out his blade when she felt really down, and she had also discovered that the gem glowed at her touch sometimes. She liked it.

When will this end?


"Allura" "Still no Shiro" Ever since Shiro had heard Pidge saying that Keith would potentially die, he hadn't stop pestering Allura about it. Every time Allura saw Shiro she knew he was gonna try and convince her to let them go, but she still refused. Coran, Lance and Hunk had also tried but stopped since Allura had pretended like they didnt exist. Shiro didnt take that bull though. He kept going at it.

He wasnt going to let Keith die. I mean, Keith was like a brother to him, he wouldn't abandon his brother like this, so he was gonna try all he could. "Allura, just let them go" Shiro pressured on "No Shiro, I will not let that happen until the season is over. There is still one human month left, its not that long" "So Keith and Pidge are just gonna be left in small locked room for four more weeks with no entertainment to pass the time? Yeah it won't be that long" "There you understand"

Shiro aggressively sighed "Allura. If we keep them like this any longer, I am 100% sure that Keith will die" "He's not going to die Shiro! How many times must I tell you that!" "Then explain his current state!" Shiro yelled back "Why does he look like that? He's depressed, he almost looks dead!" "But he's not!" "But he might be soon!" Now Shiro was shaking. He was shaking.

He was shaking from yelling. From the image of Keith's current state. From the thoughts of him dying. He didnt want that. Keith had suffered a great deal in his life and deserved better. Shiro had promised to himself that he would make sure Keith would have a bright future. But that won't happen if he dies in a cell. He deserves so much more.

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