Chapter 8

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"Mhmm" Pidge started to stir. The pod opened and she stumbled out. She couldn't feel her legs and was about to fall to the ground when someone caught her "Woah there easy Pidge"
She tried to see who it was but her eyes were still adjusting. How long had she been out? Once her eyes finally adjusted she looked up to see who was supporting her "Keith?" "Glad to see you're awake" he said as he smiled at her.

"What happened? How long was I out? And why is Lance in a healing pod?" said it all in one breath "Woah, slow down. What happened? Lance shot u in your side" Keith started answering one by one, but Pidge could've sworn she heard him growl when he answered her first question, maybe she was just imagining it? Could be, she still feels dizzy in the head. "How long were u out? Atleast 6 Quintants" Pidge's eyes widened "6!?" "Yeah, the injury was that bad and you lost a lot of blood" "And why is Lance in a pod?" "Apparently I broke his arm really badly during the training, I don't remember any of it, but that is what Shiro, Allura, Hunk and Coran told me" "How long has he been in there?" "I don't know, I was out cold when you two were put in the pods, I think he'll take a while longer to heal considering how bad his arm is"

"Then you must've done a number on him if he has to be in there that long" "Yeah, I suppose, let's go tell the others you're awake" Keith said. Pidge nodded and they walked out together to tell the others.

=Meanwhile with the others=

"So you're saying that Keith is in heat?" "Yes" "And you haven't told us about it!?" "Yes, that's 100% correct, yes" "WHY!?" ((okay here comes the most horrible reason of all time)) "We didn't think it was necessary, we had told you it was very dangerous this time of year, so we postponed freeing other planets by 2 earth months cause that's how long it is, as for none of u to get hurt" Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "And you didn't think Keith, who is half Galra, wouldn't go into heat like the rest of them!?" "We didn't know Galra hybrids go into heat!" Allura shouted

"Galra hybrids are part Galra! The instincts are still there! No matter if you're a hybrid of two species or 5 species, if one of them goes into heat, you're still going into heat!" Allura opened and closed her mouth, trying to find words to say to defend her and Coran. He does have a point Allura thought and shut up."Just how dangerous is it to be around him right now?" Hunk suddenly asked

"Very dangerous. That's why I suggest all of the men on this ship stay miles away from Pidge. The deeper into the season we go, the more aggressive Keith'll become. He'll see any of us as a threat to both him and her. He won't be so aggressive around Lance because he knows that him and Allura are dating and in his mind, Lance has a mate. But they still need to stay away from them. Shiro you especially." Coran said

"Why?" "Because your like a brother to Keith. If a Galra has a sibling and they go into heat, they will see their sibling as the most threat. They won't hesitate to kill their sibling, no matter how close the two of them are, if they get to close to them or their mate, they're dead. So if u still want to keep all your limbs intact, stay faaaarrrr away." Shiro looked at him in fear and said "Gotcha"

"And me?" Hunk asked "You too Hunk, even though you arent like a brother to him, he knows you aren't dating anyone, he still sees you as competition so don't get close or you're dead meat" Hunk gulped and nodded his head fast. "And how about Allura?" Shiro asked "Oh she can still go near Pidge, since she's a female" "But then why did Keith attack her then?" "Pidge was injured, and he was acting on instict like he always does and was protecting Pidge, he thought we were trying to hurt her" "Oh" "Shh, I hear someone coming" "Sounds like Keith and Pidge!!" Hunk said "Now remember, don't make contact with her or even go near her!"


Words: 751

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