Chapter 21

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Keith was panting. He had made sure they weren't following him before he headed for their den. "Keith what's wrong? Why're you out of breathe?" Pidge asked worryingly. "Long story short the Hydrans know we're on their planet and are looking for us we need to start packing and get out of here before they find us" Keith said in a panic. "Too late" a voice said

They turned to look at the entrance and saw a couple of Hydrans standing there. "Tie them up!" Wilder ordered. The Hydrans charged towards them. Keith tried to fight them off but was useless. They had pinned him down and started tying him up "Hey let us go!" Pidge screamed "Let her go! Don't touch her!" Keith yelled. He tried to get up but they kept him down.

"Hey isnt this the Green Paladin?" The one tying up Pidge asked. "Yeah it is her right?" Another said. "So how did a noble hero like you end up being the mate of a Galra?" Wilder asked her. "Like I'd tell you" Pidge said. She wouldn't tell that Keith was part Galra or this would end up real bad, not only for Keith but for Voltron aswell. If word got out, this would be bad for the alliances.

"Fine don't tell me" Wilder said. And started walking away. "Knock 'em out" Wilder said and they put clothes over Keith and Pidge's noses and everything went black


Back at the castle everyone was relaxed and things were peaceful. They were playing a homemade version of Earth's Dungeons and Dragons. Hunk and Lance had decided to make one of their own and wanted to teach Allura and Coran. They caught onto it pretty fast since they had a similar Altean game.

A beeping noise suddenly went off "Who is trying to contact us?" Coran said as he went to answer the call. A screen popped up and the Chief of the Oak Wood Village appeared on the screen. "Oh Chief Bogo. What's gives us the pleasure of you contacting us?" Coran asked.

"Greetings Paladins of Voltron, Princess Allura and Commander Coran" Chief Bogo greeted them. "Lately we've had a problem. Some of our live stock has gone missing and when it got too much we decided to go and investigate and found out a Galra has been taking them all" "There's a Galra on your planet?" Allura asked surprised. "But we drove them all away" Lance said. "Well one seemed to stay and not only that we had found out that his mate is none other than the Green Paladin" Chief Bogo said "Care to explain this?"

No one said a thing. If they did know this would end up bad and the thing is Hydrans aren't very reasonable. "Im sorry but may I ask. Where is the Red Paladin?" Chief Bogo asked with a raised eyebrow. "You know. This Galra we had caught looked quite familiar to me, he did resemble the Red Paladin a lot. Could it be-"

"That the Galra you caught is the Ref Paladin? Yes that's true" Shiro said "What Shiro-" Allura started but Shiro put up his hand telling her to stop "Trust me" he said to her. "Yes it's true that Keith is Galra, but he isnt a full Galra" Shiro started "But yet he is still Galra, half-breed or not they're all evil!" Chief Bogo argued back. "Listen to us, please. Even though he is half Galra, he was raised human. He was raised on Earth, our home planet. He doesnt have the mind set of a Galra and above all he hasnt done anything but help save you planet"

"Yes all that it true, but he was also the one stealing our live stock, breaking and entering our and also attacking some of our hunt memebers" Chief Bogo said starting to accuse Keith. "There must be a reason for him doing that. He won't do such things without a reason." Shiro said. "No matter what you say we can't let him or his offspring be around any longer" Chief Bogo said "Wait what. What offspring?" Allura asked "Why the Green Paladin is carrying the Red Paladin's child and we can't let that child be born now can we" Chief Bogo said.

"No. You wouldn't kill a child that isnt even born yet!" Lance yelled out in anger "Oh but I would. We can't allow more galra half-breeds to be born so we decided to start off by making sure this one doesnt survive, aswell as the father, but dont worry, the Green Paladin will be safe" That was the last words Chief Bogo said before signing off. "That Monster!" Lance yelled and stormed off to his lion "Lance where are yo-" "I'm not going to sit here while they kill Keith and his child! We gotta do something about this!" Lance said and ran off into his lion's hanger.


"Get ready!" Chief Bogo ordered. Everyone besides the children and women had gathered in the middle of the village to witness it all. Keith was tied to a pole and was slowly regaining consciousness. He looked around and saw almost every male in the village surrounding him "Ah you're awake Red Paladin" Chief Bogo said as he saw Keith was awake. "You woke up just in time to see the death of your baby" Keith's eyes widened and he tried to get loose from the pole "Dont you dare!" He said in a dangerous tone.

"Oh I dare" Chief Bogo said as he took out a knife and started walking to the table where Pidge layed unconscious "I'll make sure this demon won't ever be born" he said before he struck 

The world suddenly went black around Keith, he saw nothing but the sight before him. Chief Bogo started walking towards Keith "And now its your turn you vile creature" He said as he put the knife this his throat "Now di-" before he could finish fire had struck him "What was that" he groaned and tried putting out the flames on his clothes "Look!" Someone in the crowd screamed pointing towards to sky

"Its the Red Lion!"  Someone else screamed. The fire had burnt through Keith's ropes and he broke free from it. He quickly ran over to Pidge who had started to gain consciousness. He slowly scooped her into his arms held her tightly, putting one hand on her wound trying to stop the bleeding "Keith I dont feel good" Pidge said weakly "Shh shh. Its okay. It'll be okay" he said while sobbing


"Come on we're almost there" Lance yelled through the coms. They were entering the atmosphere to the Hydrans planet amd was heading towards the Oak Wood Village. But they saw that it was all up in flames. The Red Lion was attacking the villagers, burning everything in its path. The entire village was being reduced to ashes. This was a horrible sight. "What is Keith doing why is he attacking the village!?" Hunk yelled through the coms.

Shiro opened up a link to the Red Lions control panel but he saw that no one was in the seat "Guys Keith isnt in the Red Lion, he must be controlling it sub-consciously" Shiro said "Look over there!" Hunk yelled. He had spotted Keith and Pidge in the centre of all the fire. "Lance freeze the surrounding area so we can land" Shiro ordered. Lance went down and got his lion's freeze canon at ready.

All of a sudden Lance felt something crash into his lion. "What the-" "Lance watch out!" Hunk yelled. Lance looked up and saw Red charging at him. Before Red got to Lance Hunk had rammed his lion into it causing it to crash below. Red got up and stood over Keith and Pidge protectively. "We won't be able to get near them" Hunk said. "We need to try and get Keith to call off Red" Lance said but how were they going to manage that?

All of a sudden, Red got out of its protective stance and sat down. Lance took this chance and froze the surrounding area for them to land


Red was standing protectively over Keith and Pidge, canon at ready. Shiro, Lance and Hunk were circling trying to find out how to get to them. "Keith, you need to allow them to come to us" Keith didnt respond "Keith, they wont hurt me. Trust me" Pidge said. "Okay, I trust you" Keith responded and called off Red.

Lance froze the area around them and they all landed. Once they all landed they all rushed towards them. "We're too late" Hunk said. "Hunk get Pidge to the healing pods, Lance put out the fire. Ill take Keith" Shiro said


The healing pod lid opened and Pidge fell out "Woah, I gotcha" Keith said as he gently her. "Come on, We have to get her to Coran so he can check if everything is alright" Shiro said. Keith scooped Pidge up into his arms and carried her to another room. Keith layed Pidge down on a bed and Coran put a scan thingy across her stomach.

"Please. Please" Keith was muttering the whole time while holding Pidge's hand and with tears running down his face. Coran put down whatever that scan thingy was and sighed. "And?" Keith asked. "Im sorry Keith"

"The baby didnt make it" this hit Keith hard. He had just lost his unborn child who was only in the first stage of development. "Not only that but I'm afraid she won't even be able to conceive anymore kids"
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