Chapter 15

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Keith was cold and alone. When he woke up he found himself in a cell. The cell was circular, surrounded by what seems like glass. It was small. And from one side of the circle stuck out what seemed like a bed? But it didn't matter. All he cared about was getting out of here and finding Pidge. But the question was...

How was he going to get out of there?


"Let me out" Pidge banged on the door. She had been doing this for over 5 Vargas (hours) and she also had already escaped 3 times but every time someone would catch her and bring her back into her room.

She was becoming depressed.


"What was she talking about!?" Shiro yelled at Allura. "What do you mean?" Allura asked. "What did Pidge mean that this will kill Keith!?" Shiro was furious. If their plan meant killing Keith then that was the final straw, he wasn't going to risk it.

"I don't know what she meant by that" "Then why don't you listen to what she says!? We can't risk Keith dying!" "He's not going to die!" "How do you know that!?" Allura didn't know what to say. Given she didn't know a lot about the season but there was absolutely no way that Keith would die just being kept up for a phoeb. They making sure that he get his food and nutritions.



Keith was going to go crazy if he didnt get out. If he didnt see Pidge anytime soon he would definitely go crazy. He tried looking for a way to get out but there didnt seem like any exit. Damn alien prison cells. Couldnt they just be lesss complicated! I mean it didnt even seem like there was even a door! Like how did they get him in there? Did they drop him 10 feet from above!? He had to get out of there. He started to walk around the cell looking for anything, anything at all that would give him the slightest chance of escape.

But there weren't any.

(/°0°)/  \(°0°\)

Its almost been a Movement (week) since the incident happened. Everyone on the ship was starting to get sick and tired of Pidge escaping and almost getting to Keith and Allura barking orders. It was getting tiring for them. And ever since a Movement had passed everyone was getting on edge with each other, they didn't talk much to one another. It was horrible.

Pidge was sitting on the floor, her back leaned against her bed she was trying to figure out the next plan to escape and get to Keith. Again. She had managed to get his blade and hide it from Allura and the others, but in doing so Allura had decided to take her gadgets since she had used them previously to escape.

Pidge was becoming depressed. But she couldn't imagine just how depressed Keith is right now. Since Galra are pack animals it is very bad to keep them apart from other people, its the same with dogs, its all the same. Confine them and not have them socialise drives them insane and in most cases it makes them become depressed and that's very bad.

Keith had been on his own for a long time after his father had died in a fire and he lived alone in the desert with no one else around. That is part of the reason why he wasnt good at interacting with others. He didnt evem know his mom then either

Pidge wished she could contact Krolia, but they had taken away her communication gadgets so she could do absolutely nothing.

Pidge closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. That's when she heard the door open. She slightly opened her one eye to see who it was. "What do you want Hunk?" Pidge asked as she closed her eye again waiting for a response.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk" "What do you want to talk about?" Pidge asked, still having her eyes closed. Hunk came to sit next to her. "Can you tell me more about the Season? I know quite a bit of it but what I dont know is why you say what we're doing is going to kill Keith. How is that?"

Pidge didnt want to talk about it, it was painful for her. "I-i don't want to talk about it, bye Hunk" "But-" "I said bye Hunk!" Hunk slowly stood up and started to head for the door. He didnt want to pressure Pidge into talking about something she didnt want to. Before he exited her room he said "Allura is going to bring your food soon" "Hm" Pidge hummed in response.

Hunk really didnt like how it was in the castle right now. Why couldn't Allura just trust Keith and Pidge. Keith wouldn't hurt her and he would make sure that she wouldn't get hurt by any other Galra or anyone else. Hunk wanted to say something, but Allura was stubborn and didnt want to listen

If Hunk could, he would definitely get Keith out of that cell, but no one but Allura could get into the control deck by the prison, Allura made sure of that after Lance had tried to open up the cell from the control deck, but since the stuff was written in Altean and he couldnt read it, he had pressed the wrong thing and alarms went off. Boy did that anger Allura.

So now the only time Hunk ever got to see Keith, was when it was his turn to go give him his food and he rarely got that job. Allura decides who goes to give his food.

"Oh Hunk! I was looking for you" speak of the devil "Yeah what do you want Allura?" Hunk asked. "Its about time for dinner so I wanted to ask you to give Keith his food before I go give Pidge hers" "Sure, I have noting better to do" Hunk said

Allura and Hunk went to the kitchen and prepared everyones food, once they were done first thing they did was go to the prison area to give Keith his food. Allura went to the control deck and opened the doors to where the Galra cells were, in other words where Keith being held.

Hunk walked up to Keith's cell. First thing Hunk had noticed was claw marks. They were everywhere along the glass walls. It seemed like he really wanted to get out. Keith was laying on the ground with his back facing towards Hunk. His arms and legs laid straight out infront of him and the side of his chest slowly went up and down. Keith's ear twitched and he slightly turned his head to see who was there this time.

When he saw who it was he just turned his head back and just continued to lay on the ground. He didnt look good. "Hey Keith. Its been a while. I brought your food" Keith still didnt budge

"Keith?" Still no response. Hunk sighed and put Keith's food in the cell through an opening that Allura had opened. "Here Keith you should eat" But Keith didnt make any movement, he just looked dead. Hunk didnt like the sight of this.

Hunk started walking back, looking back one more time at Keith. Even though Hunk had left his food, Keith still didnt try and eat his food. Hunk and Allura were walking back to the kitchen when Hunk spoke "Allura, I dont want to take Keith's food to him anymore" "Huh, Why?" "I don't want to see him like that"

"I dont like seeing him like that"

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