Chapter 18

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They loaded their things as fast as they could and once they were finished they boarded Red and took off.


"What the QUIZNAK!?" Allura yelled. Allura was angry, no that's an understatement, she was beyond pissed. Shortly after Pidge had left the control deck she had finally gotten Shiro off of her but when she got to the Red Lion's hanger Hunk, Coran and even her own boyfriend stopped her.

"We did what we had to do Allura" Lance calmly said back. "What do you mean! You let the-" Allura yelled when she got cut off by Lance "Allura" He said with a strict tone. This immediately shut her up. She had never seen him this serious before. It was a surprise to everyone actually.

"Allura imagine this. What if everyone here kept us apart for 2 whole phoebs (months). We are kept in rooms far from one another. Not allowed out unless to use the bathroom. Not allowed to see one another, because one of them said that they had to keep us apart. How would you feel?"

Allura was silent. She hung her head down in shame. She hadnt realised how this affect everyone so much. "Im sorry everyone. I just wanted to keep everyone safe. I thought that what I was doing was the right thing" Allura started to apologise. "But you didnt take their nor our feelings into consideration when you planned all this" Shiro said with his arms crossed. "I know and I am really sorry for what I've caused everyone" Allura said. "Im sorry"

"Allura we forgive you just learn from this mistake" Shiro said. "No. I want to make it up to all of you. Get ready because I'm going to treat you all tonight" Allura said and gave a small smile. She knew this wouldnt make up for all she did but she could give them a good time after two weeks of sadness and unhappiness.

She promised herself that she would try and do her best to accept and think through anything from now on

O///o [[ahem so further part of this chapter is rated sixteen]]

They had finished unloading their things and packed everything away. Pidge went to rest on the bed since she had hauled a lot of her stuff out, it was her fault for bringing so much stuff. She had it coming. Keith had gone off somewhere for who knows what.

Night fell upon the planet when Keith got back to the den. Pidge heard Keith enter and sat up to look at him. She saw that he had transformed back into his human form. "Oh you transformed back! Can you transform at will?" She asked but Keith hadnt replied. He walked up to the bed and stood in front of Pidge. "Keith?" She asked in confusion.

Still no reply from him. But before she could ask what was happening, he put his hands on her shoulders and pinned her down onto the bed. Him ontop of her.

((Oh gosh dunno if I can even write this))

She looked at him and saw his eyes were transformed. "Keith?" She asked, but instead of answering her he bent down and started kissing her collarbone. "Uh..Keith" she said. "Please Katie, let me mark you" He whispered in her ear.

She didn't hesitate to answer him "Okay Keith" she said as she relaxed. Keith went back down this time to the side of her neck. "This will hurt a bit" he said "Hm" Pidge hummed in response. She put her arms around his neck while tilting her head me to side to expose he neck more. A sudden pain was felt in the crook of her neck as Keith sunk his canines into her neck. Pidge clenched her teeth and gripped onto his shirt.

"Sorry" Keith apologized as he took out his fangs from her neck and started to lick the wound. This was the way a Galra claims his mate. This also symbolized that other males arent able to try and steal her anymore. She was now claimed.

While trying to clean the wound, He held her close to him, afraid that if he let her go she might disappear. She brought his face up to hers and kissed him. Keith pinned Pidge back down to the bed and looked into her eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked with soft eyes and voice. "Yeah"



That happened....

The number of times I stopped while writing this just to cringe. Omg. Just. HWOSUSDHS TF HOW IS SOMEONE ABLE TO WRITE SUCH SCENES

Words: 779

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