Chapter 3

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After they had formed an alliance with the three planets Allura had told them that they would be on 'vacation' for two months. Even though they really wanted a rest, they had protested against the fact that they aren't going to free any planets in those two months, it was still they're job after all. "Just listen to me, I know this is sudden, but it is for all yours and others safety. This time around gets very dangerous even to be in just an eye range of a Galra" "And why is that?" Keith asked. "It's like going into a territorial Klanmüirl cave, sometime of their lives they get really aggressive, it's a common thing in species in outer space" Allura and Coran had decided not to tell the Paladins that the Galra were going into heat for some odd reason that the author doesn't even know herself.

"There's no need to worry, the rest of the Galaxy -besides Earth obviously- knows about this, they'll understand" Coran told them. "Okay, if u say so, that means I get to spend more time with my girlfriend " Lance said cheerfully also emphasizing the word girlfriend mainly to somehow get Keith jealous that he has one and Keith doesn't. Which obviously has no effect on him whatsoever. "Great! That means that I get to make more recipies for everyone to try out!" "Make sure not to put skultrite in the mixture like you did with your cookies" "Haha Pidge, I learnt my lesson, I now know what's edible and what not" Hunk put his chin up in the air and walked out to the kitchen.

Lance and Allura had left to some planet that Lance wanted to take Allura a date on for a while now, Shiro went to go check in with Matt and Mr Holt, while Pidge and Keith had planned to hang out for the rest of the day, since they just generally enjoy each other's company and wanted to spend more time together but never had the time due to all the missions and Keith's visits to his mom and the Blades.


It's been two days so far since they were informed about their vacation and today the Galra are officially going into heat. Keith woke up and felt a little fuzzy he also felt rather dizzy and had a really big urge to...


He sprung from his bed and ran to the bathroom, occasionally slipping since he was still was half asleep considering he just woke up and that he felt weird this morning. "I knew I shouldn't of drank all that juice Hunk had made us, stupid Lance" he said coming out the bathroom. The previous day Hunk had prepared them a feast and made juice that was similar to Earth's juice but with alien fruits and then Lance had this great idea to see who could drink the most and fastest. Of course everyone pitched in once he started making as if they were cowards and that he'd obviously win and all. Yeah that got everyone riled up to join the competition, but surely it was nice.

"Out of my way!" someone shouted scaring Keith a little. It was Pidge and man was she running fast. She dashed past Keith and into the bathroom Hehe must be that juice He thought to himself. After she relieved herself and washed her hands she came out of the bathroom to properly greet Keith "Morning Emo" "Morning Nerd had a nice Marathon this morning?" Keith joked "Yes I can run thank you and damn that Lance, I would've slept in today but I had to use the bathroom. My bladder felt like it was about to burst" "Haha I know what you mean"
Before Pidge could say anything they started to feel the ground start to shake. They looked up and saw a stampede running towards them. It was everyone else who had taken up the challenge.

Coran was running up in front of everyone and shouted at the pair to get out of the way and they did just that but since the hallway wasn't wide enough Keith ended up pinned against the wall with Pidge against his chest. He held onto her tightly so they wouldn't drag her away. Once the stampede was over he loosened his grip on her a bit. He had caught a wiff of her scent and he started to feel fuzzy and dizzy again causing him to hold his head with his one hand while the other still around Pidge "Hey Keith are you alright?" she asked in concern "Huh? Yeah, I just feel a little dizzy since I woke up" "Are you sure u don't need to be checked up by Coran?" "I'm sure, it's probably from a lack of sleep" "You're pushing yourself again, I told u to stop doing that" "I know, I'm sorry" "You better be Red, now get your butt back in your room and get the sleep that you need to become a strong healthy man!" "Yes Mom" Keith said as he walked back to his room.

"Coran hurry up in there!" Lance started banging on the door while him, Hunk and Allura were still waiting for their chance. "Do the peepee dance and I'll consider on hurrying up" "CORAN!!!"

Words: 900

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