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daniels presences was never noticed around the hallways.

no one really knew daniel

no one cared.

that's how daniel wanted it.

no one noticed his skin was weary and that he only stayed to the sidelines. He was never the one to stick out.
sticking about scared daniel half to death. He would do anything to not be center of attention.
absolutely anything.

daniel sat in a table towards the back of the cafeteria with two other boys. He didn't know then they just happened to sit at the same table.

if Daniel sat alone it would draw more attention to himself.

By half listening to their conversations everyday he learned their names where jack and Zach they had a friendship daniel longed for.

But daniel would never have a relationship like that.

daniel was too scared that they would cheat or hurt him. People were dangerous

they lied




and none of them really knew what love was. that's what daniel knew.

daniels hands usually shook as he tried to do things when someone watched him and he could feel Zach's invasive eyes watch him.

Unlike jack  Zach seemed to get lost in conversations and his eyes would wander often looking at daniel because he also sat at the table. Jack never really looked in daniels direction because neither of them knew him.

they never dared to speak to daniel. He had a lot of bad rumors that surrounded him and that's the last thing the friends wanted to be involved with.

Daniel scrambled for his AirPods as a unusual person approached their table putting on his hood and pulling out his book.

Daniel was lucky they hadn't looked at him.


daniel walked home fast as usual

he was always scared that he would be jumped,kidnapped ,raped or killed if he walked a little bit slower.

daniel seavey was paranoid.

his hands gripped his backpack straps and he only had one headphone in. He was afraid if he had both earbuds in the wouldn't hear a siren and he would die in a surprise bombing from a foreign enemy.

He walked as fast as he could to his favorite café getting inside he painted. His fears became so great he began to run the last mile.

he stood and pondered the menu wanting to try something new. "May I have the peppermint latte please."

"It's March." The boy at the cashier was clearly new daniel hadn't recognized him. Sarcasm laced his voice

daniel politely payed ignoring the comment that wasn't necessary.

daniel timidly watched the blond boy as he made his drink. Daniel was scared that he would slip something into his drink if he wasn't watching him.

"here. Stop being so weird okay?" He said in a monotone voice.

daniel grabbed his drink and sat down


"hey I'm sorry I was such a dick earlier. Guess I'm just stressed it's been a hard first week." The cashier sat across from me.

I looked at the blond boys features he had clear skin and beautiful blue eyes. He wore a brown uniform with a black apron that was covered in dust and dried coffee.

"I'm corbyn by the way what's yours?"

before I responded my mind got in the way. I couldn't tell him.

what if he was using my information to terrorize me?

was he going to get me comfortable to rape me?

maybe he would expose me online and all he needed was my name?

maybe he was going to steal my identity and my social security card?

Why would he possibly want to know my name?

I had seen him around school. He was very well known and popular. Being seen with him would draw eyes I had to get out of there

"Leave me alone."

I grabbed my things and left.

daniel seavey was paranoid.


hey y'all hope you like this so far

hey y'all hope you like this so far

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