𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙞 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙚?

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my mother kissed my forehead smiling at me sadly. "I love you mom I'll be back soon I promise."

"You won't but I love you dearly. I want you to live the life you dreamed of and if it means leaving today that's alright baby." she squeezed my hand one more time before letting go.

I left to the front door grabbing my bags and sitting by the door. I felt Ana's gaze on me. She was mad that I was leaving again with corbyn. It made her angry.

My phone chimed indicating corbyn was on his way.

I looked up from my phone seeing that Charlie stood there. "Charlie?"

"Where are you going love bug?"

"Toronto." I watched his motionless face slowly twist to a smile.

"With corbyn right?"

I nodded waiting for him to yell. Maybe hit me for being disrespectful but nothing came. Just a secure hand that pulled me up to stand. "I'll let you go this time daniel."

"Thank you Charlie." I said thankfully grabbing him into a hug. Charlie was finally letting me do what I thought was right for myself. It was a new step in our relationship and maybe not as lovers that he thought we were meant to be but as friends.

his hands slipped around my waist pulling me closer in out embrace I rested my head on his shoulder. I saw a car pull up and the window rolled down revealing corbyn who smiled motioning me to come.

I moved my head back to look at Charlie once more. I didn't know when I would see him again but atleast I wouldn't be afraid.
"Kiss me one last time danny then you can leave."

I nodded leaning on my toes to reach his lips. He slowly turned us around so my back was towards corbyn. his hands traveled down my waist and he squeezed my ass. I assumed he was trying to intimidate corbyn.

I kissed him passionately because I was ending a chapter in my life with him. No matter how sad he made me at times he always had the best intention. I would still love him for all he did for me. Now he was willingly letting me go.

He pulled away from the kiss after a few minutes. And let his hands fall off my body he put his lips to my ear "Edwin is gonna pay for this you desperate slut. Chasing any dick that will give you the time of day danny." He whispered.

suddenly everything I thought just contradicted itself. Charlie didn't really want me to go. He wasn't happy for me this time. He hadn't changed at all and I felt it in the way my knees trembled.

my breathing became unsteady and my eyes wide and watering. I stared forward with disbelief. It would be my fault if something happened to Edwin.

the car honked and I turned around seeing an impaient corbyn.
"Go." charlie whispered kissing my neck softly. He put his hands on my shoulder giving me a push after so I grabbed my bags and walked away slowly.

Continuating how things would change in edwins life the second I stepped in that car. Selfishly I did anyways letting my head drop into my hands as I sobbed quietly.

corbyn didn't say anything but put a hand on my thigh as the driver began to drive.

Corbyn assumed I was crying over charlie but in reality I was crying over Edwin

dear god what have I done?

shorty haha ;)❤️

shorty haha ;)❤️

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𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 || 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐲𝐧Where stories live. Discover now