𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙚

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when I woke up corbyns arms where securely wrapped around my body. maybe I liked how we fit together more than I should. I turned around kissing his cheek as he slept.

his snores were barley audible due to Anderson's loud ones. As my eyes adjusted to the brightness I saw Harrison putting away the clothes in his bag. My eyes searched the room I gasped lightly when I saw Jordan in the room.
His eyes looked into mine. I quickly looked away trying to hide my nerves.

"You won't last long." He said quietly just enough for me to hear. Than left the room.

I laid my head against corbyns chest sighing.

'How the hell was I going to get his brother to like me?'


"Jordan really likes football.like he plays it with a passion." Corbyn looked at me once more away from his breakfast. "Why do you want to know buttercup?"

i blushed lightly at the name despite the fact corbyn sometimes talked with his mouth full. Corbyn knew it was gross but claimed if he didn't say it at the exact moment it would slip his mind. I think he was making excuses for his mistakes.

"No reason..I just didn't know you had a brother till recently." I lied.

"Well I got a job interview today since we are gonna be down here awhile. So I'll see you later." He stood up grabbing his plate.
I nodded.

"Want a kiss before I go?"

I grimaced at the idea seeing the plate of food he just devoured. "I'll pass.." I eyed the plate with a frown so he got my point.

"Your loss." He left the room leaving me to think.

'I can't play football to save a life but maybe I can get him a nice jersey and ball.' I thought to myself. I knew the gift wouldn't make him like me but it would open a window of conversation between us. That's what I desperately wanted.

cause if I couldn't win over Jordan who knew what was in store for corbyn and I?

I was surprised by a kiss to the cheek. I looked up to see corbyn smiling like an idiot. "I brushed my teeth for you."

"You say that as if you don't regularly brush them." I scoffed.

"I do.."his face became confused.

"It's a joke corbyn." I leaned up kissing his lips.

"It's the packers they play football." I smiled my best toothy smile handing him the shirt. "I was thinking maybe we could watch the game together."

He looked at me his face blank."what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I also got you this!" I said nervously handing him the football that cost way too much. My knees trembling while I waited for him to respond. Instead I got a harsh gaze and a disappointing scowl.

"Dude you try to bribe me with jerseys and a football to get me to forget that you're the reason corbyn is ruining his life?"He said sternly making my eyes water. I felt intimidated looking up at him feeling powerless.

in a way it reminded me of being lectured by Charlie.

"You will never make me like you no matter how try because no single person is worth throwing away someone else's life. And I'm gonna be here to make your life hell." He said before storming off.

I let the tears hit my cheeks.

'How the hell can I win that over? If only I had a fucking genie.'


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I would marry Edwin over anyone ever!

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 || 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐲𝐧Where stories live. Discover now