𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚

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How could someone love me?

i had so much on my plate and everyone could see that.

why did corbyn want me?

"why?" I asked timidly.

the air in the room felt thick. The silence from corbyn almost unbareing. He was making a mistake by wanting to be with me. I was no good for him. There was so much better than me.

"that's a silly question." He smiled. "you don't really need me to tell you right? This isn't a cheesy romance book." He chuckled.

"It's not." I smiled back. corbyn was so perfect.


Corbyn had decided to take me to the park again. It was a place we spent a lot of time at whenever we both had no work. Sadly Anderson tagged along.

if corbyn would've gotten ready faster Anderson wouldn't have made it back from school in time.

Being around Anderson was almost as if they were baby sitting. Anderson made a lot of bad choices.

"We can't be together." I spoke suddenly as we both sat on the bench. Anderson was laying in the grass infront of us headphones blasting.

"How come?"

"I'm too complicated. You don't know me as well as you think you do."

a long silence passed corbyn looked as if he had lost hope. His eyes sad.

"then let me get to know you. I want to know you daniel."

"do you really want to?"

"more than anything."  He whispered putting his hand over mine. I gripped his hand comfortingly.

"I feel it when we kiss. I know we were meant to be here right now. Together." corbyn spoke again.

I nodded I felt the same way. I still couldn't wrap my head around it.

The only other person who loved me was charlie but that's because charlie wasn't perfect. Charlie was very obsessive and overbearing. Charlie admitted to me how paranoid he was.

Corbyn was nothing like Charlie. Corbyn was different he wasn't broken.

despite my acknowledgement for all the things I've done out of my comfort zone for corbyn

It didn't feel right yet.

" i don't think I'm ready." I looked away . Shame engraved in my emotions.

"I'll wait. I'll wait as long as it takes."

Later they had left the park because Anderson kept falling asleep in the grass they figured he was burnt out from school.
Daniel sat in his bed on his new iPhone corbyn bought him. Daniel was beyond grateful.
Daniel took a look at his old social media.

he forgotten the password but he could still look at his comments because his Instagram was public.

Under his post multiple accounts of old friends and family commented. Words such as
'come home danny

we miss you so much

we want you safe please come back

Daniel I swear you're not in trouble just come home momma says she needs you. She's been crying everyday. We need you home with us daniel.'

The last one made my chest ache with longing. I wanted to talk to my family but if I did they might try and track the call.

feelings of regret boiled inside my heart. I ached more and more for my family. It wasn't fair I had to feel this way.
I just wanted to be happy.

After all corbyn did just tell me he loved me but all I feel is pain.

I'm scared of what will happen from my dumb decisions.

If I tell them I'm okay who knows what will happen?

Suddenly corbyns speaker began to play slow music that snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see him mindlessly tapping away at his phone not a care in the world.

He looked over to me and a smile grew on his face. He quickly jumped up and came over to my bed.

"Wanna dance?" His hand held out before me.

I took it with a shy smile. I stood as he put his hands on my waist.

I couldn't help but blush.

Ironically a one direction song played through the speaker. Just like the night we first spent together.

'More than this by one direction' filled out ears.

corbyn wasn't so ashamed to sing along this time.

his voice was angelic.
so angelic I didn't realize that my old phone that sat on the table was going off with millions of notifications from Charlie.

All I could think about was corbyn.


it's 5 in the fucking morning imma go back to sleep
Imma write more fluff

it's 5 in the fucking morning imma go back to sleep Imma write more fluff

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