𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙮 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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the moment I woke up my body shook due to the amount of sobbing I was realsing.
I cried aloud not caring where I was or who was around. Luckily I was alone left in the living room where I was beaten the previous night.
I desperately needed something to pull me out of this dark moment in my life. Everyday felt like a stormy night. And I was scared of the dark.

"fuck!" I sobbed aloud thinking of the aching on my back from my beating and the terrible throbbing in my head.
I let out a scream thinking of Anas face of disappointment and Charlie's display for disgust.

"Daniel?!" Corbyn yelled running into the living room only in a pair of boxers. I shut my eyes as I cried feeling my body ache in pain. The cuts from the belt stung but couldn't compare to the throbbing pain in my head.

he rushed over grabbing me and sitting me up to put me in his arms. I rested my head on his bare shoulder breathing in his sent. It was calming to say the least.
"it's no fair corbyn." I whined quieting my cries. I saw luke and ruel trying to peak around the corner without being seen. I shut my eyes to ignore their presence.

"What's not fair sweetheart?"

"why can't I just be happy? why is the world so against me?"

"do you want me to tell you the truth daniel?" Corbyn said suddenly as his grip on me tightened.
I nodded and he felt it against his shoulder.

"I think everyone attains happiness when they aren't seeeking it in life. I think the only time you will become truly happy is once you wait for the pain to go away on its own. So you're probably gonna be hurting for awhile daniel. But not forever you just have to be strong enough to know that your pain isn't permanent.

"It feels damn permanent."

"I know. it's not danny and I'll be there every step of the way."


Daniel felt like a nuisance more than ever and he finally felt he needed to fix it. He would always be in ruels way while he tried to study. He would have like worrying about what next place would have enough room for three. He had his sister worried if he was alive everyday.

I would fix it permanently because there would only be so many times corbyn could fix me with his words. One day it wouldn't have the same affect.

Daniel wasn't suicidal. He actually feared death in his every day life. But now he felt like it was something he shouldn't have feared it would have given him the release of stress he longed for.

Despite his realization his hands shook terribly as he wrote on paper a farewell to corbyn. He no longer wanted to be the weight on corbyns shoulders.
Not only was he a weight to corbyn but he was a weight to his family. His own sister had to put her life on pause to find someone who wasn't even going to go home with her.

she had wasted her time because of Daniel.

but most of all daniel wanted to help charlie. Daniel knew he was the biggest problem in his life. Charlie worried about Daniel as if it were a religion.

Daniel had saw a beautiful cliff the day he went sightseeing with ruel. It would be quick and he would go out quick as if nothing ever happened.

Daniel would never bother anyone again.

Daniel grabbed his suitcase dropping it outside the trash can outside the house.
I left my favorite shoes because I knew corbyn said he always wanted a pair. Now he could have It himself.

"Danny?" corbyn spoke.

I turned to see his eyes red his cheeks puffy and covered in tears. my knees shook as I saw the note he held in his hand. He found my suicide note.
"s-selfish." corbyn stutteres our as he shut his eyes tightly. I looked at him confused.

'Am I really selfish?'

"I love you so much and all you leave me is a damn piece of paper. Do you really hate me that much?" corbyns eyes stayed shut as his voice cracked. He looked as if he was in pain.

"and you think you bother me? Daniel if you bothered me so much I would've left you with Harrison and Anderson. For fucks sake daniel when are you going to realize you're Enough?" Corbyn stepped over to me putting his hand on my cheek and the other on my waist.

"Daniel you're more than enough." He cupped my cheek putting his lips against my own for a breathtaking kiss.

"You're not mad at me? You know for causing all this heartache.." I whispered pulling away.

corbyn besson was perfect. The light in my stormy night. The comfort I always needed.

"I can't stay mad at you."

Heard y'all missed this book haha hello

Heard y'all missed this book haha hello

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