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"you've gotten a lot taller." Tyler said looking at me. Everything felt so tense no one knew exactly what to say to eachother. I looked at Tyler before my eyes shifted elsewhere out of nervousness. I didn't realize i was completely ignoring him.

The room fell quiet as the three of us sat at the table together. Corbyn was mindlessly scrolling through his phone and I dare not look in Tylers direction.

"So daniel introduce us to your friend." Christian spoke up re-entering the room with four mugs. "Not sure if you drink coffee so I made you and him some hot chocolate."

"Thank you." I nodded at him before looking away to the table.

"I heard you just finished highschool. What was the delay for?" Christian spoke catching my attention. A small sheepish smile crept to my lips.

"I ran away before the last month..when I got back I had to finish online." I replied looking over to corbyn who still wasn't paying any mind.

"Are things rough at home? Is everything alright there?" Christian asked with concern.

"Everything's fine actually. I like life at home with mom and ana." I shifted awkwardly in my seat  looking away feeling nervous as all eyes hit me. Even corbyn set his phone down to listen in on the concert now that it was on the subject of me leaving home.

I didn't talk about it much.

"Then why would you leave.. it even worried us when we got the word you were missing." Christian said sadly. "I reached out to you on your old phone number but you didn't reply."

"I threw my phone away after a month. Sorry I didn't see it." I said nervously trying to avoid the more important question at hand.

"You didn't tell us why you ran away." Tyler suddenly said.


"It doesn't matter how how about we all get settled in for the night. It's getting late and I've got the day planned for us all tomorrow." Christian interrupts standing from his spot at the table. Tyler rolled his eyes standing up as well.

"Can we atleast know who the hell this is? It's weird you bring a random friend with you to houston." Tyler's tone was annoyed catching corbyns attention he put away his phone again.

I looked over at corbyn he smiled lightly. " I'm corbyn his boyfriend.Nice to meet you guys."

The room fell silent as they looked at us two in shock. "Boyfriend? Well that's..unexpected." Tyler commented.

"It's nice to meet you corbyn." Christian said reaching to shake corbyns hand. Corbyn gladly took it. I sighed in relief after a tense moment. Atleast I wouldn't have to deal with hate at least not yet. "Let me show you your guys room."

"Hell no. They are not sleeping in the same room together! I don't know this blonde kid he's not sleeping with daniel in the room." Tyler said suddenly getting defensive. It surprised me because up till this moment he seemed to have a strong dislike for me. Now it seemed as if he was protective.

"Well daniel and I are roommates where we live."

"I don't care if you're roommates there. If you're under this roof daniel will be sleeping away from you. I get it we were all teenagers and teenagers are horny. " Tyler said shocking us all. "Corbyn is sleeping in my room" he added.

"Well than let's go daniel." Christians spoke up with a warm smile before leading me upstairs.

I set my stuff in the small room with a single bed. It was lonley and plain. I wouldn't be away from corbyn too long.
"Sorry you have to stay alone in here tonight.tylers nature is to be a protective brother."

"That's okay..do you know when I'll get to see dad? I haven't seen him in years.." I smiled slightly thinking of seeing my father after so long. He paid for my ticket to see him so I knew he wanted to see me too.

"Well..I'm afraid he won't be here till the last day you're here he was called for a business trip. But you'll see him." His smile was shy and my small smile turned to a disappointed frown.

After all this time I had to wait even more. The waiting felt endless. "A few more days won't hurt." I said as cheery as I could.

but I wasn't happy as I looked at the empty sad room.

"Goodnight daniel..you know I'm really glad to see you again. You're all grown up."

"I'm glad to see you guys too.goodnignt Christian."


Things are about to get awkward next chapter

Things are about to get awkward next chapter

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