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when the two boys got back to their temporary home corbyn wasted no time showing daniel he was loved, wanted and most of all adored.

I grunted when corbyn pushed me against the wall when we entered our room before I could question the aggression his lips met my neck causing me to gasp. His soft lips left wet kisses up and down my neck and his arms snaked around my waist. In the moment I felt spontaneous and lifted his head kissing his lips. I felt so loved when corbyn mumbled words between our kisses. "I adore you seavey." He muttered slamming his lips on mine once again. His tongue licked across my bottom lip asking for an entry which my lips parted for him.
Things got heated when his hands traveled further down and I was okay with how things were going. I had never felt to in love with someone in my life not even charlie could compare to the way that corbyn made me feel.
Corbyn was perfect. He had no flaws in my eyes he was everything I ever dreamed of and more.

Corbyn picked me up dropping me on the bed and laid above me kissing me again. My hands were now wrapped around his hip and I dared to push them under the boys shirt. They touched the warm skin of his back and moved around greedily wanting more of him and he seemned to want more as well. We craved each others touch more and more.
The moment I felt something poking my thigh I was a little scared at first but realized. It was corbyn and I wouldn't have it any other way.

and no Daniel seavey wasn't a Virgin, in fact he hadn't been a virgin for awhile. But Daniel was proud to admit he finally had gotten his true virginity taken that night

Corbyn and I's breath were heavy and I felt as if we just got back from our trip from heaven. His hand slowly intertwined with mine almost as if he were shy. I believe he was when he turned on his side to look at me. Still both of us out of breath, hot and very exhausted "Daniel I don't want to scared you and I don't want to end anything we have now but I have to be honest." He breathed out and my eyes widened. 'Had this been the moment I've been waiting for?' I wondered eager for him to continue.

"I love you." corbyn breathed out quietly but loud enough to reach my ears. He leaned over to the dresser rummaging through it and turning back towards me. The way the light hit his face illuminated his features in an extremely dreamy manner. His hand extended taking my own in his. "May I give you this promise ring my love?"
i nodded looking at my hand where he slipped on a black ring with a golden rim it was absolutely beautiful. Again, corbyn besson was perfect.

I stepped out of the bathroom after my shower looking over to see corbyn still fast asleep. It was Two in the afternoon but after yesterday's long day and night I wasn't all that surprised.
Though latley I couldn't stop thinking of my future where would I end up soon? Plans changed very quickly and I was meant to be dead today. It was funny how corbyn changed everything for me.

Funny enough I wasn't scared either. No longer I felt paranoid thinking that what happened tomorrow was unsure and there was no plan. I was sure that as long as I had this ring and the boy in this room I would be just fine. Or maybe not alright

but I had my angel and his promise.

I smiled at the idea of making corbyn breakfast in bed and happily ventured to the kitchen. I stopped instantly upon entering all the memories of the past few days flooding in my mind abruptly. There in the kitchen sat Harrison at the counter with the same girl that I thought would steal corbyn. He was sobbing into his hands and I realized it was all my fault for letting Anderson go.

His eyes reached mine and he shook his head his eyebrows furrowed. "I hope you rot in hell daniel. I hope you rot, I don't care what you did for us. I made a mistake letting you into his life." He spat angrily standing up with balled first. I would've been scared if I didn't see the tears rolling off his face as he tried to stand tall. He didn't mean his harsh words he was just hurting.

I swiftly walked towards him and he collapsed in my arms. "Andy he's my everything." He sobbed quietly and I comforted him. "Don't worry I have a plan." He lifted his head looking my desperately and Christina was also listening.

"Anderson is only waiting for you to leave to come back. All I have to do is tell him that you left and he will come back." I looked up and noticed corbyn awake and watching.

and to me corbyn looked proud,

My sweet angel was proud.


ending coming soon 🤧

ending coming soon 🤧

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