𝙨𝙖𝙛𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪

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"so you got the other fifty reasons from who now?" A unfamiliar voice asked

jack turned around to see a boy who towered over him. It wasn't just any boy either it was jonah marais one of the most popular boys in school.

To sum it all up he was extremely out of jack Avery's league.

"Now you're gonna start talking or you're gonna regret it. See I stick up for my friends and if corbyn needs an answer I'm getting him one." Jonah treatened after jacks silence.

Jonah stood a step closer so now jack would have to look straight up to see his face.

"h-his name was c-charlie. He came up to me and z-zach while we sat in the café by school we were brainstorming and he said he could help us. We didn't know how he knew who we were doing this list for. He g-gave me his number too." jacks words fumbled while he tried his best not to studder.

Jonah marais could kill his reputation in a minute.

"Give me the boys number." He said sternly.

Jack nodded giving it to jonah.

"Thanks curly." He winked and walked away. jack almost fainted.

corbyn stuffed clothes into his suitcase for the trip while daniel watched.

Corbyn May be a very clean cut person when it came to appearance but he lacked organization skills.

"Urm let me help with that love." I spoke .

after a moment of silence I realized my choice of words and clasped my hands over my own mouth.

Both their faces painted red.

Daniel grabbed corbyns clothes and began folding them and placing them back inside. I hen he reached corbyns boxers he found himself in a odd situation yet again.

"I'll take care of that!" Corbyn snatched them from me in a hurry.

"if we don't hurry we are going to be late. You said we had to pick up jonah as well."

"Actually jonah got a car this weekend. He note grounded anymore. also we have to uber because my car can't sit at the airport for a week."


Daniel and corbyn now walked side by side to the gate before boarding the plane.

Sadly jonah and jacks seats were in between corbyn and daniels.

Not every situation can be a fairy tale.

Daniel noticed that jack seemed a little on edge during the flight.

Jonah looked down at jack and glared at him. "Wanna be my roomie? Corbyn is already taken."

"Well uh Zach and I were gonna-"

Zach turned around from the seats infront of us."Actually teachers said we can choose anyone and Kay asked me first." He stuck his tounge out mockingly at this best friend.

Jack was in panic mode. "But I'm your best friend we already talked about this!"

"Cmon chill it's just one week okay?" Zach tried to reassure jack as corbyn and Daniel watched the situation play out.

"Cmon don't you wanna mate?" jonah winked at jack causing shivers to go down jacks body.

"then it's settled." Jonah cheered


daniel jumped in the bed ready to sleep without even changing.

corbyn came out of the hotels room shower and jumped on daniels bed too.

"Let's share." Corbyn exclaimed.

"No silly you have your own bed right there."Daniel shoves corbyn playfully.

"As you wish." Corbyn giggles before turning on the tv.

He put a movie on and within three hours corbyn was asleep.

but daniel was staring at the door.
watching the shadows pass by as people walked. Daniel was afraid one of them might hurt him.

Tears escaped his eyes as he got lost in his paranoia. He couldn't take his eyes away from the door afraid it was his demise. He was on the verge of a panic attack.

A hand rested on his shoulder daniel turned to look in a panic.
"hey are you okay?"

daniel nodded wiping his tears. "Yeah you can go back to sleep."

corbyn nodded but hesitated after looking into Daniels sad blue eyes.

after a few moments corbyn returned to daniels side and climbed in the bed.He gently guided daniel to have his back towards the door.

a small smile was present on corbyns features while corbyn set his phone in between him and put on a playlist of music.

corbyn then made a brave move and intertwined his hand with daniels.

"I feel safe with you. I don't know why but you do." daniels voice was shy as he moved closer to corbyn under the covers

"you make me feel safe too."

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Also makes me feel like y'all care when y'all comment haha :,(

hey janah fans ;)
should I do a one shot book w requests?!

cause I will have y'all crying

cause I will have y'all crying

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