𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙗𝙮𝙚

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"I don't have much time daniel. Ive got to go." Corbyn said after shutting the door and laying a hand on my cheek. "I know you're happy so I wanted to say goodbye. I want you to live your life with someone who loves you as much as I do. But I refuse to take you away from your family again."

I was speechless as I took corbyns features in. His checks had sunken in and he was a lot more skinny than last I saw him. His hair looked as if he hadn't bothered going to a barber in the past month or however long he was gone. His clothes were clean and his sent was nostalgic as ever.

"Is...is it really you?" I chocked out. I remembered all the dreams I had of this day or the amount of nightmares I had of living my life without him. I've always wanted him back and now he was here infront of me telling me goodbye.

"I want to go with you." I decided thinking of the feeling of loneliness I had without corbyn. I realized even with family and two people who loved me dearly I felt alone and empty when he wasn't around. I felt like half of my heart was missing.

I was half a heart with him.


"I try to get you out of my head.. but truth is I got lost without you. I need you in my life corbyn I don't care the consequences. I finished highschool just wait one more day. I want to be without forever just give me a day." I begged grabbing his hands. He seemed anxious and ready to leave to run away again.

Corbyn always ran.

"I've got to leave now...."corbyns eyes averted to the floor tears began to fall.

my world stopped. I needed a day that was all.

"Actually I'll wait for you. I couldn't imagine a life without your little gaped tooth smile." He smiled at me worryingly putting his arms around my waist in a loving hold.

"Danny love who's at the door?" edwins voice said as he came down the stairs.

"Oh." Edwin spoke again as we both looked back at him. I knew it was time to break it off with edwin and Charlie. Hopefully they wouldn't take it too hard. Edwin quickly ran back up the stairs slamming the bed room door shut.

"Corbyn I can explain." I quickly said. "It's okay I understand..just know I love you. I'll pick you up tomorrow at midnight be ready to leave okay?"  Corbyn said kissing my lips in a savory kiss.

His lips lingering before he completely pulled away and left the house.

I quickly ran up stairs opening my room door to see Edwin grabbing his things to leave.
"That's corbyn isn't he?" He said suddenly. Edwin knew I missed my ex dearly I told him often about corbyn and i's story.

"You love him more don't you?"Edwin spat anger present in his features. It made my legs tremble he resembled Charlie in that moment.

"I..I don't want to lie to you." My head lowered. I did love him. Corbyn was different than anyone else. Edwin was a caring, amazing, and perfect lover but he wasn't corbyn. He and I weren't meant to be.

"fuck.. what are we all going to do daniel..what's charlie gonna do when he finds out. He will be heartbroken.. you fucking cheated Danny. Did you ever love us?"Edwins features turned sad and he began to let tears flow. "Daniel I thought you loved me.what did I do wrong?"

"I do Edwin.. I love you so so much. You've showed me true love different than Charlie. You showed me I could be loved without a bad intention behind it. You were the first boy to love me that wasn't forced to love me because a dare in the beginning. Your love was pure from the beginning. But I love corbyn he's showed me the world isn't so scary he taught me to be a better person and to live more. He's my real soulmate Edwin and I know you will find yours."

Edwin grabbed me pulling me close as his tears hit my hoodie. "Kiss me one last time daniel. Please just show me our love was real."

I began to think of why Edwin and I began to date in the first place. I realized what I was doing by breaking the relationship. Without me charlie was going to turn Edwin into how I used to be. Scared , paranoid and willing to do anything to make charlie happy.

The only reason I was with Edwin was to make charlie happy. Nonetheless I still learned to love Edwin even if he didn't see what charlie did to me behind closed doors.

I leaned up connecting our lips in a final kiss. A peaceful goodbye to a friend in my heart. I would never forget the kindness Edwin showed me.

"Goodbye friend." Edwin said before leaving the room not looking back.

hopefully I could leave before charlie finds out.


i know y'all saw those lyrics ;)
I may be pullin this book in for a end

i know y'all saw those lyrics ;)I may be pullin this book in for a end

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soon. I haven't decided

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 || 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐲𝐧Where stories live. Discover now