my feet trembled as I sat in the car nervously looking at corbyn. My house was in front of me and my mothers car was in the drive way. "After this ive got a few things I need to grab from my house." he commented as he led me out of the car.
"I don't want to go in..please let's just go to Toronto."I pleaded with desperation. he shook his head "no daniel you have to face your family sooner or later."
he gave me no choice as he gripped my hand harder and dragged me to the door. Before I could say much more he rang the bell.
the world stopped for awhile as I stared at the door with anticipation. Seconds turned to hours as I pulled on corbyns hand trying to make him turn away.
"Darling?" I looked up from the ground seeing my mother before she grabbed me in a hug. I felt my ribs squeezed as she held me tightly and the heavy droplets hit my shoulder.
"ma..." I tried to gather words but nothing came to mind. What I did was terrible and she had every right to be mad. There was no good explanation for why I left her without notice. But it was the only way to be with corbyn.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
My mother had a frown on her face as the three of us sat at the table. I tried my best not to look at her disappointed glare.
"Please give me the whole story no holding back. I swear I won't get mad." She spoke calmly she seemed exhausted.
"I have..a complicated life at home ma'am. "
"Complicated?"my mother challenged him.
I had to stop this before my mother could get more aggressive. "Corbyns mom used to hit him a lot." I blurted.
corbyn sighed softy before nodding. "Yeah I guess she did.thats why I had to get away..I wanted daniel to come with me because I love him. I'm sorry ma'am." He muttered quietly.
"I'm sorry. I get it you're young but I think you can understand the damage you have done to my sons future. I need him to finish highschool atleast if it's online."
"Mom If I finish highschool can I go with corbyn to Toronto?"
"honey I don't care what type of adventure you want to go in your life. As long as you finish highschool and keep in touch you can be any kind of man you want to be." She smiled sadly as I rushed around the table to hug her.
"Thank you I love you."
corbyn kisses daniels cheek before leaving the house as the sun set. he traveled to his mothers house because something dear lay in his house that he needed desperately.
his sisters ashes.he traveled to the front door deciding on knocking knowing if he snuck in all hell would be loose.
"Corbyn?" Jordyn corbyns younger brother opened the door shock on his face. Jordan had ran away years ago to live with his aunt who said one of them had to stay with their mother. Corbyn was the unlucky of the two so it seemed.
"Uh hey..what are you doing here?"
"Aunt cas said we needed to get the rest of grandmas stuff after she passed. But I heard you ran away..didn't you?"
I nodded."I came for Ashley's ashes before mom threw them away." corbyns gaze traveled his brothers feature. He rarely got to see him .
"You shouldn't be her-"
The tall blonde women appeared behind Jordan a scowling look present.
"How dare you show up here!" She yelled grabbing corbyns shirt and dragging him inside the house.
She threw him into the floor while corbyn cried out. "Welcome back rat."
Daniel hasn't seen or heard from corbyn in thirteen days _______________________
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