𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Ana and Charlie took a step inside daniel backed away in pure fear and shock.

a yawn was heard as corbyn entered the room with a yawn. Corbyn had no idea what daniels family looked like or what charlie looked like so he assumed ruels friends came late at night or family.

"Is that him?" Ana asked with her arms crossed. Charlie nodded a devilish smile played on his lips.

"I'm gonna talk with him." she muttered so daniel couldn't hear as she stormed over to him. "Can we talk?" Her tone inpatient.

corbyn looked at her confused. Nonetheless she grabbed his arm pulling him outside to the porch.

I trembled as I looked up. Charlie towered over me looking down at me. I felt my bones shake as he glared at me. The smile on his features is what scared me to the core.

a small laugh left his lips as they got louder he began to laugh hysterically. I nervously laughed along.

he stopped laughing looking at me. "You think this is funny?" I stopped feeling a lump in my throat.

His hand met my cheek in a a sudden harsh movement. My cheek stung fiercely as I grabbed my cheek in effort to stop the pain.

"You think leaving me behind is a joke?" He pushes me harshly as his smile faded to a frown. "Let me show you what happens to boys like you who do this type of shit to people who love them." He yelled before landing a punch to my eye.

I cried out in pain as my body hit the floor. "You're gonna remember this daniel." He growled grabbing a fist of my hair.

I yelped as he dragged me to the nearest room. "please charlie stop!" I pleaded sobbing my eyes out "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry!" I yelled in desperation as he shut us in the room and flipped me against the wall.

"Please no!" I sobbed hearing his belt coming off his pants. "This is what you get for being a bitch!" He yelled before slashing my back with his belt.

he struck over and over until I felt the blood go down my back. Charlie has hit me before but never this intense.

I sobbed and pleaded for him to stop but he kept going until he reached 50.

when I turned around weak as my knees shook he hit me once more.


"you destroyed our family do you not realize that?" the girl I just found out was named Ana whispered tears leaving her eyes.

"im sorry I was so selfish." I lowered my head ashamed.

"will you please just let me take him home?"she asked pleading.

I bit my lip a feeling of selfishness fought to keep daniel but my heart told me to let him go.

"don't you think your family misses you too? if you're a good enough person for Daniel to trust that means you have a good heart." Ana spoke again as she looked off to the night.

"my mother doesn't want me and my nana passed away. there's nothing left for me there only daniel." corbyn whispered thinking of his nana.

his nana was the only reason he didn't run away sooner. He should've though because then he wouldn't have been in such a mess.

"I'm in love with your brother Ana. That's why I asked him to come with me." Corbyn spoke once more thoughts of Daniel floated his mind.

"I love him too. I do appreciate you after all you made him feel more comfortable with the world despite the cost. Maybe now daniel will return to his normal self before he got paranoid." Ana smiled sadly thinking of him.

she really loved her brother dearly.

"i love daniel for who he is. I've never been so sure about someone in my life. I want him to be happy but I also want him to be by my side forever. I would give up anything to make him happy. So take him home with you please." corbyn said with a sad gleam in his eyes as he looked at the star littered sky.

the stars reminded corbyn of the boy he fell in love with.

"if what you say is true just make sure he calls every now and then." she sighed. "I want him happy and he is with you.

before corbyn could say anything she went inside to get the other boy that came with her.

Daniel lay on the couch eyes closed. "He fell and hit himself on the kitchen counter. He went to sleep after saying he was exhausted." charlie lied.

daniel was unconscious from the hits from Charlie.

"It doesn't matter we have to go. Leave him this is what daniel wants." Ana muttered.

"No we can't leave him!" He argued furious.

"We will be back." She yelled dragging him out of the house.

corbyn sat down set to daniel on the couch. he put his hand in daniels hair a frown on corbyns features.

corbyn was conflicted.

Just because corbyn had nothing to go back to didn't mean daniel didn't. "Danny do you want to go home?"

yawn its time to end this book soon so

Good ending or sad ending

There will not be a sequel btw

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 || 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐲𝐧Where stories live. Discover now