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i silently put the things I bought for Jordan in a  trash bag feeling defeated.

I had always had a dream of having a younger brother it was destroyed. He thought I was a terrible person and made it clear there was nothing I can do about it.

when I was younger my brothers left with my father in the divorce and I was lonley. I always wanted a brother even if they weren't related. I could show them the world and teach them the ups and downs of life.

but i was destined to be unlucky.

I sighed quietly feeling ashamed about the money I wasted that corbyn gifted me. I should apply for jobs so he doesn't have to work for the both of us. It isn't fair to him and not what he asked for.

I looked up when feeling a hand on my shoulder. "Hey mate what you doing with that stuff?" Anderson asked.

"I'm going to throw them away. Turns out they were non refundable."

"I like a little what do Americans call it? Oh! Football! Care to play bro?" Anderson giggles.

A smile couldn't help but creep onto my face.

I threw the ball as hard as I could watching it fly and Anderson run to catch it. Harrison was so lucky to have such an amazing younger brother.

I yearned to reconnect with my brothers I haven't seen them or heard from them in years.From what I heard was after the divorce they moved to Houston Texas and I was going to go there one day.

Anderson ran over tackling me to the grass as he screamed laughing. I laughed along with his contagious laugh. I let my head lay in the grass and looked at the porch.

there sat jordan with a harsh gaze on his face.

"Get me hot coco right now." Anderson demanded catching my attention.

"Only if you stop laying on me."



In the cafe Anderson dipped in his second cup of hot choclate with extra whipped cream. I starred at the screen of my laptop scrolling patiently.

"What you looking at babe?" Corbyn said kissing my cheek.
I giggled looking up at him in his work uniform. "Nothing really just Facebook.. you look cute in your uniform."

"I wouldn't describe that uniform as cute." Anderson snorted earning a glare from corbyn.

"You know if Daniel didn't like you you wouldn't be here you little rat." Corbyn said in a playful tone while Anderson stuck out his tongue and went back on his phone.

"I love you now get back to work darling."  I said standing up and kissing his lips lightly.

"will do boss man." He chuckled walking away.

I looked at the screen hesitantly before sending a friend request to 'Christian seavey'

now I waited.


Within the next two weeks Christina responded to my message and I had never squealed more over a simple message.

Christian seavey: me and ty would love to see you and ana!

I sighed heavily thinking of how Ana wouldn't want to see me after I left again with corbyn.

Daniel seavey: how soon can I come see you?

Christian seavey: hows next week sound? I'll take off work and we can spend the week together or however long you plan on staying in Houston. Is mom alright with you coming?

Daniel seavey: can I bring one person along?

Christian seavey: Yeah we got room! Better not be a girl!

Daniel Seavey : thanks you're the best see you then!

Christian seavey: can't wait!

It would be a new beginning with my siblings

I happily closed my laptop and put it on my nightstand as corbyn walked in the room.
"Hey love bug." He said while yawning.

"Tired day at work?" I questioned.

"I can get through it when I have you on my mind." He smiled tacking me to the bed.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"you deserve the world."

Yawnnnnnnnnnnnn I needa go to bed bro

Yawnnnnnnnnnnnn I needa go to bed bro

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