𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝒃

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in the midst of the night Daniel tosses and turned in bed starring at the door. He knew motels are the most dangerous places to sleep at yet here he was in a room with a seventeen year old who cried himself to sleep. Daniel wished he could sleep as well he wasn't used to being the one who had to protect someone.
Desperately Daniel wanted to be the one to hide behind Anderson's shoulder but he knew it was the boy who depended on him.

So Daniel sat up and watched his phone flood with notifications from Harrison and Corbyn even a missed call from Jordan. The boy who claimed to hate Daniel and wouldn't ever except him, which was now ironic considering the information Anderson told him. Corbyns name popped up again calling and daniels thumb ghosted over the green button.

Only a tap away from his boyfriend he so dearly cared for, and without a person to talk him out of it daniel stood up going to the bathroom and pressed it knowing good and well he shouldn't have. "Daniel? Daniel sweetheart are you there?..." corbyns voice was panicked and frightening even scaring Daniel a bit. everything scared Daniel now that he was alone.

"hi love.." I whispered into the phone unsure. "where are you? It's four in the morning baby..We're worried sick."Corbyn sighed relieved. "You must be so brave to be out there all by yourself daniel. I'm so proud of you, you probably aren't even panicking." Corbyn finished and I felt my stomach flutter by his words and I almost forgot I wasn't coming back home. "I..." nothing came to mind as I spoke so I listened to his breath on the phone. "Sweetheart...why aren't you saying anything? Where's Anderson?" He asked and suddenly I could hear someone beside him. "Goddamnit daniel where's my brother!" Harrison suddenly said with a harsh tone.
"I swear to god daniel if he's hurt-"
"Danie please tell us everything is alright." Corbyn interrupted.

"He's sleeping and he's alright. He doesn't want to go back home and I..I didn't want him to be alone. It's scary where we're at and I'm afraid we're going to die this time."I wish I had told corbyn the entire truth. "But it's gonna be okay I hope.. maybe corbyn can get a girlfriend that will make him happy and Anderson will be safe.." I explained calmly but they couldn't see my knees trembling and my eyebrows furrowed  I was panicked.

so panicked I had one thought of how to end my paranoia forever.

I've had the idea for some time. It had always been my plan B for when Charlie decided to leave me for the dirt but one thing lead to the other and once charlie left I had corbyn then Edwin and then corbyn once more. I knew my luck would end soon and I needed a sense of security. I didn't want to tell corbyn my plans for when he left because corbyn was a people pleaser. He loved to make people happy and if I told him my plans for when he inevitably left me he would probably drop on a knee and marry me.

And I wasn't opposed to the idea, the truth was I loved everything about him despite the fact our relationship was built off of a lie. I loved his fake blonde hair to his vibrant eyes even his contagious laugh. He had a heart made of gold and i knew I couldn't be the only one who wanted him and now he had Christina. It was time for my first true love to move on I believed ,so when I drop off Anderson in a few days to be with Jordan I would have to say goodbye to Edwin before I enacted plan b.
"Harrison your brother is gonna be just fine I promise..but he doesn't want to be with you."

"Also corbyn.. I want you to know that I love you..I need you to stay strong and move on for me." With the words that left my mouth my thumb fell on the 'hang up' option, the line falling dead. I sighed heavily and left the bathroom and Anderson was sitting on the bed facing me. " tomorrow Jordan and I are going to leave together then you can go back home to corbyn."

"Actually I think corbyn and I just broke up.. so I'm going home." I told him approaching him and resting my hands in the younger boys. "After tomorrow I don't know when I'll see you again Anderson. I need you to not make the same mistake as I did. Harrison loves you so much please just let him know you're alright if you really think running away is the right decision." I said reminiscing in the memories of falling in love with corbyn besson.

"Daniel.. come with me and Jordan the three of us can be happy I swear." Anderson said tears welling in his eyes and in the moment I felt as crying too.

in the morning Anderson and I hugged tightly him not seeming to want to let go. He was a lot more emotional latley and I knew him running away was a bad idea, after all he had a brother who cared for him and running away because he couldn't stand London wasn't a valid reason and neither was love.

I ran away for protection.

"Now please be safe." I said looking out the window seeing Jordan waiting by the car ready to leave. Anderson nodded as I walked him to the car my eyes met Jordan's. "I don't like you..but please corbyn needs you in his life."he pleaded when Anderson had gotten in the car. "I'll talk to him.." I lied and he frowned knowing I wasn't being truthful. "I'll take care of him." Was his final words before he left me alone in the morning of a motel 6.

Now it was time to see Edwin again than my family..then I could finally get rid of my paranoia

for good.

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