𝙣𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪

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it was normal for Charlie and I to be exhausted during sex. I was beginning to think he was falling out of love with me.

Charlie told me he would be the only one to continuously love me. he told me even the mother who gave birth to me was bound to fall out of me but not my soulmate.

And if Charlie was my soulmate why was he getting bored of me?

"Daniel we need to talk baby." his fingers on my chin turned my head to look at him. I stared into his eyes they seemed nervous.

"don't leave me please.."I whispered desperately. He was all I had left.

"I wasn't. I was going to say that I decided we need someone else in our relationship. Truth is Daniel.. I'm falling in love with someone else."

I didn't want to cry. I was so over crying. Charlie didn't like it but I needed to show him how much I needed him how much I cared for him. Even though I didn't want to care for him.

"I want you to fall in love with him too." charlie spoke up.


"Edwin is polyamorous." charlie said while i stared at him.


"he is in relationships that include more than one person. But we can only make this work if you fall in love with him too."

"It seems strange."

"Give him a shot. After all I love him he's like you."

I nodded hesitantly following charlie. I didn't like the idea of being in a relationship where your partner likes someone else.

Edwin turned out to be extremely dreamy. I was so struck by how lovely he was I started thinking of how our names fit together.

Daniel honoret would be adorable.

Edwins kindness reminded Daniel how much he craved a normal relationship instead of the complicated one he shared with Charlie and the relationship he shared with corbyn.

Daniel should've dated corbyn when he was aked

I sat on Charlie's bed next to Edwin as he smiled and put his hands through my hair. Netflix was on and Charlie left to go to work.

I kept thinking how charlie told me no one could ever love me. But for some reason Edwin did.

Edwin leaned over and kissed my forehead after I laid my head on his chest.
"It's only been a few weeks but I can tell that you're not happy with our relationship. What is it honey.. I can tell this isn't your normal."

"It's not..it's just im still in love with my ex. Even before I got back with Charlie." I admitted. I did love Edwin I loved him a lot more than charlie but my heart told me after all this time that corbyn was still the one for me.

I needed to see corbyn no matter the cost.

little did daniel know was a week ago corbyn had ran away again but this time with Jordan. He had spent the week sleeping in his aunts backyard while his brother Jordan finished his last week of school before they would run away together. Corbyn had the house to himself during the day while everyone was working he stayed there in order not to be caught outside by his mother.

corbyn wasn't eighteen yet that's why he had to hide. He was praying that he wouldn't bum into her within the last day he was there. But corbyn couldn't stand sitting in that house any longer. He had to see Daniel he could t stand being free knowing that daniel was in the arms of another when corbyn was in love with him.

But corbyn wasn't sure if he would ever see him again. Because he would risk his whole future and his brothers by leaving that house.

that was a risk corbyn was willing to take.


I had fallen completely out of love with  Charlie. I didn't want to be lonley though. Charlie told me Edwin only loved me because he was supposed to.

my skin was sore and hurt constantly from his beatings when Edwin wasn't around. or the amount of time we had sex he took the spark away. It became routine and not loving.

I let Edwin hold me tightly in his arms. Charlie wasn't home it was the two of us alone. I kissed him softly strangely it felt like I wouldn't see him for along time. He could sense the feeing too as his arms felt secure and he kissed my forehead. Edwin always felt more as the soulmate I would have in another life.

the doorbell rung and I stood up after savoring his kiss for a moment. I opened the door my jaw dropped.

hands secured around me tightly I couldn't believe my eyes.


pls don't hate Edwin I love him
Also a year ago I saw prettymuch

pls don't hate Edwin I love himAlso a year ago I saw prettymuch

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