the next morning after daniel decided just one friend wouldn't be too bad Corbyn suprised him with a milkshake every morning but still got the same reaction.
"Here just for you!" corbyn smiled as held it out for me to take.
I slapped out of his hand and too the floor. "Just because we are kinda friends doesn't mean you're trustworthy. I'm not getting poisoned by you."
"I'm not trying to poison you." corbyn sighed at the mess on the floor.
"That's what someone would say if they were trying to poison me." I shuddered thinking of the senerio
Corbyn was at a loss. He wasn't completely sure how to get daniel to trust him and they had been friends for at least a month.
"what if we sat together at lunch today." Corbyn spoke up shyly. He was praying that he would say yes despite the amount of times he had been turned down
"Promise me you wont try anything funny. Like no leaving to the bathroom or getting up more than twice and no plotting." That made corbyn chuckle but it was extremely serious to daniel.
"No bathroom. No getting up more than twice. And definitely no plotting. I got you daniel seavey I'll see you then ." Corbyn winked at me before leaving.
"It will be a cafeteria date." He added
"Oh god what have I done?" My hands in my hair I began to feel stressed.
'he winked that means he's definitely plotting
oh god how I hate people so much'
corbyn was jumping and celebrating in the class he had before lunch. His friends thought he was crazy. "Corbyn what the fuck are you doing?" Christina a popular girl said watching him.
"I'm celebrating what does it look like?" He sat down besides her so she would calm down.
"Why exactly?" Jonah had chimed in not looking away from his phone.
"I'm sitting with someone at lunch today I kinda like him." Corbyns voice suddenly shy. They all knew he was bi but they assumed it was a popularity thing
"Oh, Daniel seavey am I correct?Jonah looked at him with an odd look. Corbyn gulped nervously before nodding
"You don't want to date daniel seavey. You should ask his Ex Charlie. Charlie said he changes when you're in a relationship like he goes weird." christina commented.
"He already is a lunatic!" Eben spoke up laughing.
corbyn ignored his idiotic friends. All corbyn could think about was daniel. Maybe he was falling in love.
- daniel sat at his usual table where the two other boys sat and conversated.
the one with curly hair seemed to find everything the other boy funny. They probably just liked eachother not the jokes.
Corbyn came over and sat beside me smiling.
"I didn't know you were friends with Zach and jack."
"I'm not."
"Oh I see." He smiled.
the two boys conversated he entire lunch hour. Corbyn tried his hardest to make daniel laugh but it didn't work as he planned. Daniel only laughed because corbyn forgot the punchline.
corbyn adored daniels tooth gap he thought it was freakishly adorable but daniel hid it.
"How about you spend the night at my place it will be fun." Corbyn said killing daniels happy attitude.
Daniel shook his head in fear." It's unfamiliar. I-I don't know what could happen to me." Daniel thought of all the terrible situations that could take place in his head and they made him tremble and corbyn noticed.
"Hey hey don't get scared daniel it's just me." Corbyn reassured. Though it didn't work.
"It's a no. But maybe you can come to my place?" Daniel covered his mouth as soon as he said that. Now if corbyn knew where he lived he would know a lot about daniel.
And he could use it against daniel.
"That sounds great! I'll have to stop at my house first I need a change of clothes but sounds like a plan!" Corbyn noticed that daniel didn't mean to invite him over because his irrational fears but nonetheless corbyn ignored it.
after all daniel was extremely paranoid.
should I write a Larry book?
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