𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙢𝙚

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A/n: comment cause the last chapter under preformed :,(

Within those days that corbyn was absent from daniels life daniel learned how dependent he was on corbyn
how much he needed him emotionally.

he learned how his heart felt when he was near and began to regret the decision of letting him go home alone. After all this time he knew corbyn said he loved him.

but did her really mean it?

he had ditched daniel for good and daniels emotions were everywhere. from heavily depressed to relieved at some points. Daniel had always felt paranoid if he was holding corbyn back from greater things.

he made up his mind that he was holding him back and that's why corbyn disappeared. Daniel also didn't fail to notice how lonley his nights were now that corbyn wasn't in a room with him. Not completely lonley although he felt a presence outside his window and he wouldn't be surprised if it was charlie.

Charlie used to check on daniel during nights when they were together.

he was too scared to go check at corbyns house for him being afraid his mother knew daniel was the one who ran away with her son.

I walked around the store with Ana before she punched my shoulder.

"Why did you hit me?"

"He looks just like your boyfriend don't you think?" She pointed at a younger blonde boy he looked strangely similar to corbyn.

he seemed timid as he quickly grabbed things and put them in his cart.quietly swearing and cursing to himself.

my heart was screaming to talk to him and before I knew it my hand tapped his shoulder.

"besson." I breathed out not knowing what to say. "Corbyn besson do you know him?"

he nodded. "I've got to go I'm in a rush."

"Have you seen him lately? he's gone missing..I lov.." I stopped myself but maybe I shouldn't have. Because i feel strongly for him I don't know if that feeling was love.

"You know my brother?"

I nodded. "Please I need to see him."

"corbyn doesn't want to see anyone goodbye." He said suddenly leaving.
I stared at him leaving with a frown. I shouldn't push it I guess.


around a month has passed since I last saw corbyn and charlie had found his way into my life once again. I wasn't surprised because he was always in my life whenever I was alone. It was inevitable that we were together

whether I wanted it or not.

"Kiss me baby."
I nodded turning and pecking his lips. They were soft but nothing compared to the living soft ones like corbyns. Atleast with Charlie I knew I was loved something I am usually unsure of.

"You seem down today." He added.
"I am. I miss corbyn." I sighed heavily. I knew I could be honest with Charlie because he was the one who was desperately trying to be apart of my life.

"you won't soon enough. You will realize I've been your soulmate all along." He muttered as he gripped my waist pulling me down on the bed. He flipped us over so he was on top and looked down at me.

I turned my head to the side and sighed. Charlie's and my relationship has been different ever since we got back. He had been a little less controlling and I felt as if I controlled the relationship. He didn't fail to remind me I didn't ever now and then but he was aware he was stepping on eggshells.

he knew I was still in love with corbyn and it was hard to get over him. Luke ended up going to Toronto without us telling me he would wait for me there. Little did Luke know was that I wasn't coming.

I lost connection with him when Charlie took the phone corbyn gave me and Luke has no social media. It was painfully hard to find Harrison's and Anderson's as well.

a kiss fell upon my neck followed by more. "Corbyn cant love you like I do. You know that right darling."

I didn't reply.


"Hmm?" I hummed looking up at him. "Tell me that you know." He demanded his voice harsh suddenly.

"I don't know if I believe th-"
a harsh smack landed on my face pain shooting through my cheek. I felt tears threaten to leave.

"Don't you fucking cry!" He screamed as tears left my face and I cried aloud.

I kept sobbing despite the yells I was recieving. His hand wrapped around my throat and began to apply pressure. I quickly quieted my sobs I could barley breath.

he left go and I gasped for air. "Tell me I'm better you piece of shit."

"you're a better lover."

there Charlie went again showing he was really the one in control. After all I couldn't leave him he would be the only one who would ever love me.

And I couldn't live my life alone I would have no one to protect me. And people who aren't protected get raped, murdered and assaulted.

That's what Charlie told me


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