𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮

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Daniel hasn't left his house much since he got home unless it was with Charlie to run errands. Since charlie wouldn't be around daniel today he had decided to venture out and try and find a little bit of hope now that he felt very lonley.

Turns out the old cafe he used to work at was just what he needed. when he walked in he immediately saw a familiar face but decided not to say anything and got his drink before sitting in a corner.

It seemed as if jonah had gotten taller since he last saw him and jack had gotten a lot shorter but more stylish. Jack had also cut off all his curls and now had short purple hair. Jonah's appearance was very much the same.

they sat together Jonah's hand over jacks while jacks face was red. Daniel would've done anything to have that feeling of love back.

the feeling when everything still feels new and feelings don't fade. Daniel missed corbyn more than life at the moment.

jacks eyes wondered around the café to avoid Jonah's landing on my own. I suddenly remembered how familiar his gaze was thinking of the days at the cafeteria table. Jack never said anything to me but he always gazed. he waved slightly smiling shyly.
Jonah turned to see with wide eyes before getting up and rushing over.

"SEAVEY!" He hollered grabbing me in a tight hug.

I waited patiently for him to let go despite the paranoia that crept in my mind. I might get caught.
"Does that mean corbyns back with you?!" He immediately said.

"I-it's complicated." I whispered scared that Charlie might hear me talk about corbyn. Charlie hated to hear me speak about him.

"Complicated? Cmon just tell me where he is I haven't seen you guys in months!" He exclaimed as jack put a hand on Jonah's shoulder.

"I don't really know where he is. once we got back he said he would be back and I haven't seen him in a month and two weeks. He left everything at my house. I thought of checking his moms house but I know for a fact he wouldn't go there."

"Oh my god..yeah you're right he wouldn't go there.. have you talked to his brother? He may have went to his aunts to see his brother." 

"I fucking tried everything." I felt tears brim my eyes again. The subject of corbyn made me sensitive every time.

I didn't even get to say goodbye.

"Daniel please don't cry." Jack spoke sadly. Jack had never spoken to me before.

Jonah stood up grabbing me in a hug and jack joined.

"I miss him so fucking much it's not fair." I sobbed. tears wouldn't stop flowing as jack wiped them away a sad look on his face.

I suddenly stopped crying seeing charlie outside the window a frown on his face.

He came inside grabbing my wrist yanking me along with him as I began to cry again.

why did the only person that loved me have to be so insensitive?


I felt exhausted while I felt kisses on the back of my shoulder. Charlie's skin stuck to my sweaty skin we moved in cinque. his moans were quiet along with mine but not in fear of getting caught.

in fear of upsetting him I kept my moans low. He pulled away from me flipping me over to look at him. my eyes felt droopy a feeling of tiredness felt overwhelmed.

I yawned aloud he did shortly after.

"Danny im tired can we stop?"
I nodded happily ready to fall asleep. This was our second time having sex this night turns out we weren't really feeling a second time.

he lay beside me eyes closed as I put my head on his chest. "Sorry I'm such a bad boyfriend charlie."

"It's okay we can work on fixing that. I love you no matter what phase you're in." He kissed my forehead.

"Thank you."

sometimes Charlie could make me happy



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