𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏

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corbyn besson's pov

I had to admit though Christina and I ended on good terms after our relationship was over it didn't mean I wanted to be glued to her side after. Things don't always work out how you want them to I realized as I sat beside her and her group of gossipers during lunch.

I stood up grabbing my bag and I knew I needed some fresh air. High school was exhausting but most of all Christina marie was too. "Where you going corbyn?" She smiled catching my attention once more. "I need to get my work done. I'll catch you in class."I smiled politely leaving before she could convince me to say, But it wouldn't have worked anyways.

I walked outside down the schools payment feeling the fresh air and it was better than the schools atmosphere. The sky was blue and there were a few clouds, surprisingly it wasn't as hot as usual in Los Angeles. It was perfect.

well almost, if it weren't for my new obsession daniel seavey stuffing his lunch trey into his bag acting completely out of the ordinary. Latley daniel has caught my eye. I remembered every time I would see him pass me in the mornings, after second period and on his way to gym every day. Daniel always has rumors surrounding him but I never listened he seemed almost too perfect. I felt like there always could've been a friendship blossomed if I had the guts to talk to him. He was astonishingly weird and different and I wanted to know more.

I craved to know more. I took a deep breath and approached the boy with my legs trembling but kept a strong look.

"You know if you put your trey in your bag your papers will get covered in food."
His blue eyes met mine for the first time and I felt something tug my heart strings almost like how I felt with Christina a long time ago but more.
"They will b-be fine."

let me help you out I'll grab a bag if that's okay." I insisted digging through the boys bag getting the trey out."may I?" I asked though I already started.

he nodded timidly " I have pepper spray, don't try anything funny." He looked at met seriously and I couldn't help but chuckle and take the trey out. Luckily his bag wasn't a mess.

what are you so scared of seavey?" I questioned the boy with a giggle.

"I-I thought the smell would attract a dog. the dog m-might kill me. I don't wanna die today." daniel shook slightly thinking of the senecio. It was so real in his head but it made me smile even more. He was paranoid and I thought it was the most adorable thing ever. He was so irrational it made corbyn smile.

"You're a piece of work."

it caught daniel off guard and made his cheeks turn red of embarrassment.

what are you so scared of seavey?" He smiled joking.

"I-I thought the smell would attract a dog. the dog m-might kill me. I don't wanna die today." daniel shook slightly thinking of the senecio. It was so real in my head but for some reason it made corbyn laugh even more

"You're a piece of work." I winked.

it caught the boy off guard and his cheeks were now red

nervously he stood up. "I've got to go bye stranger."

"it's corbyn." I lost a bit of hope when I realized I was a stranger to him.

Jonah looked at me oddly after the bell rang and the two of us sat on the school bench not a word being said until jonah had opened his mouth. "Are you still planning on running away?" his voice was filled with concern.

"Yeah ,I need more money and I can't do any more..favors." I shuddered thinking of the things I did for money something only jonah was knowledgeable of. Jonah was aware of my struggle to leave home and how desperate things had become. I didn't mind that jonah knew the things I was most ashamed of because jonah never judged me for it and he's been there for me through it all. Jonah has did things to help me get by on my own things that dehumanized himself. Because jonah was in a similar spot of desperation for money and he believed he would do it for us and we could share until I went on my own.
That's how close jonah was to me but he didn't always show it.
"I've got a plan and it's going to get you the money you need to get out of here for good."

The plan jonah had was good. Jonah has befriended a guy was had lots of money in another high school but what jonah did for me was humiliating. Jonah tended to the girls every need on hand and foot and it was unbearable to watch. She knew everything about the school and one boy in particular. She knew of Daniel seavey.
One day jonah had brought corbyn to a party of hers and he entered the room with him and after some discussion she made a deal with corbyn.

"For an almost worthless three hundred dollars corbyn would have to pretend to love Daniel for her pure entertainment and entertainment of her brother charlie who has an eye on him."

And corbyn did what she asked and got his money not thinking of it too much and even forgot Charlie's name.

it had all went to plan to get daniel to trust him but corbyn realized as time went on he was doing it for himself

and he was falling in love with a paranoid boy named  Daniel seavey.

30 votes a new chapter

Since y'all wanted to know corbyns side

(No one asked lmao)

Also Edwin added me to his meme groupchat and I'm living for it

Also Edwin added me to his meme groupchat and I'm living for it

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