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slowly a month slipped past daniels grasp.
feelings of paranoia were always around but not as much anymore.

Daniel dare say he was happy.
well happy if his family knew he was alright and striving. But daniel was alright and striving.

He worked a nine to five job with Anderson which mainly had teenagers Anderson's age.  Typically 16 or 15 years of age.
Daniel loved being one of the oldest kids there. They all admired that he was a drop out.

Daniel didn't admire that. But he knew that there was no further education needed in his life . Because he simply wanted to travel with corbyn and he didn't need a diploma for that.

Daniel was scared of his future until corbyn told it to him when he asked him to run away.

now it was all planned out and Daniel had almost nothing to fear.

daniel only feared all the irrational things as usual.

Corbyn worked a different job that paid more. A restaurant as a waitress and the tips were often huge.

But it didn't matter who made more corbyn still used all his money to buy daniel clothes and presents. Anything that would make daniel feel appreciated and loved by corbyn

it worked sometimes. Daniel felt as if he was a burden to corbyn most of the time and a burden to Harrison as well.
Daniel tried to stay outside the house otherwise he felt as if he was stepping on everyone's toes.

"hey what's up man" Frannie Harrison's girlfriend said surprising him. She never came to his job.

"Frannie!"I  squealed jumping on her for a hug.

"so great to see ya. Wow you're even working!" She giggled.

"I'm about to take my break if you want to eat together for a bit."

"of course daniel."

while Frannie and I sat together I couldn't help but notice the pepper spray attached to her keychain.

"Why do you need pepper spray?" I pondered.

"Well cause at night I walk home and it's a dangerous area."

Daniel felt a lump form in his throat.

'I walk home alone at night..

I didn't know it was a bad area...

what if I get hurt?

what if no one knows that I got kidnapped on the other side of the fucking world.'  I thought.

"Daniel are you okay?"


but I wasn't I couldn't stop thinking of the senrios

They were endless.

I began to sweat nervously and tune Frannie out. I didn't want to die.
not here of all places. I was so unsafe.
so desperately unsafe.

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 || 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐲𝐧Where stories live. Discover now