𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙝 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩

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it was nerve racking and a lot to think about. But daniel didn't want to think about it.
Daniel grabbed his suitcase in his hand and headed to the lobby.

the only way daniel could stop fearing everything was to make a dangerous decision.

So when he saw his classmates he took one last look at them all. He looked at his coworker jonah who held hands with jack a small smile on his face. Daniel wanted to see how their relationship would play out. He realized there was nothing left for him in America.

he felt like a burden to his family.

when I left the hotel room I heavily debated my decision.
I wanted to be with corbyn.

corbyn stood besides the fountain infront of the hotel bags in his hand a nervous look on his face.
"This is it daniel it's now or never. Are you sure this is what you really want? To leave behind your family and your friends? Leave behind college and a better chance of living?" Corbyn asked holding my hand.

"yes this is what I want. A fresh new start."

"Luke is waiting for us. He said he's got three plane tickets to London where he's got a couple of friends. "

I nodded gripping his hand tighter biting my lip.

"Are you sure about this?" He pressed on.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my life."


on the plain I had an anxiety attack. We had gotten an amazing amount of calls from my family and corbyns friends.

All except jonah who knew what was happening. He promised to keep the secret for a few days and tell everyone once we were out of Spain.

I worried the most about what my mother and Ana kept texting me.
"what if we got you a new phone? So no one can contact you except me?" corbyn asked hand in mine as I looked at my messages blow up.

"that would be nice."

"Daniel there's no going back once we land are you okay living with that?"

"I am."


Luke sure did talk a lot. But it kept my mind off of home.
"It's a little hard at first. I understand I left my family too. They just didn't understand that this is what I want to do with my life." He reassured as we walked down an unfamiliar street.

corbyn was paying to mind to them as he had his headphones in listening to music.
Luke talked on and on until we ended up at a small house.

"This house belongs to my friend Harrison he said we can stay and explore the city for two months. He also has a little brother." luke smiled before knocking on the door.

"LUKE MATE!"  A brunette boy opened the door who was rather y'all grabbed like into a hug.
"It's so great to finally meet you in person!" luke smiled hugging him back.

"And who's the cheeky bastard corbyn?" He said looking between us both.

"Oh shut up you act like you've never seen a photo." Corbyn smiled hugging him as well.

"im guessing you're the poor soul that has to deal with corbyn. Daniel am I correct?" Harrison asked stepping closer to me.

I nodded.

"Oh he's a quiet one? Well I'm Harrison it's nice to meet you." He held out his hand and I took it and shook it.

inside Harrison's flat it wasn't huge but it had enough room for us all. "You guys can share a room and Luke can share with Anderson. He's at school right now so you won't see him till this after noon.

At night I sat next to corbyn on the bed in desperate need of comfort.
This was so fucking scary I didn't know why he was so calm.

he put his arm around me without me having to say a word. He could tell I was distressed.

"hey you're doing great daniel okay?"

I nodded as a few tears slipped out of my eyes. I wiped them away quickly but corbyn still noticed.

"We can do this okay? It will be fun after all it won't be forever unless you want it to."

"O-okay.." I nodded sniffling.

corbyn grabbed my chin gently turning me to him. "May I kiss you?" He whispered.

I leaned over kissing him. My nerves suddenly calmed.

his lips were soft and plump against mine.
corbyn moves them suddenly and I moved mine too. Suddenly I felt hungry for more as I slightly bit his lip.

He licked my lip deepening the kiss.

"Hey guys nice to meet you on a happy FROGGY FRIDA-" A boy bursted in the room suddenly stopping.

me and corbyn pulled away from eachother in embarassment.

"Sorry sorry I'll be in the living room." He scrambled to leave shutting the door.

After a moment of silence corbyn and I began to laugh.  Corbyn put his arms around me as we laughed together.

maybe everything was going to be alright.


I think I'll update every other day or every week idk haha

HEY YALLLLL I think I'll update every other day or every week idk haha

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