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I smacked my lips, sitting up looking through the windshield trying to see where Alexis at. My phone was vibrating. I looked on my phone, it was Alexis calling.

I hurried up and answered. "Girl where the fuck you at? It's almost curfew." I cursed at Alexis. "Serena... I'm stuck on the roof. Ima' see if I can look down- oh shit! I can't! Fuck! How am I gonna' get down Serenaaa." I shook my head, hearing Alexis crazy ass.

She always risks herself to do some crazy shit to avoid any trouble by any means necessary. I looked at her house as I held my phone to my ear. Her jump wasn't even that far. She can make that without getting hurt, she over exaggerates shit.

"Lex.. go around the house to the front and climb down using the pole. Your jump is not that far." I calmly explained to her. "Okay." She sniffled. She really didn't was crying on the phone. I don't blame her. She could break something but her fall won't even do damage.

I watched how she carefully crept sideways to the front of her house. She slid down slowly frontwards and stood her foot on the porch. "Okay, Serena what now?" Alexis asked.

"Okay use the railing to scoot down, then jump." She did exactly what I told her, then she jumped.

She stumbled from the ground. I lowkey laughed how she almost fell. "Shut up," Alexis said, on the phone. I guess she heard my laugh.

She ran from the yard towards my car, hopping inside it afterward. I looked at her as she got in. "You crazy as hell," I said in all seriousness.

"I almost twisted my ankle. That shit hurt." Alexis said as she rubbed her ankle. I pulled off fast before anybody becomes suspicious.

"Did you get the money?" I asked her as I drove on the road. "Yeah, I got the money. She had me fucked up if she thinks I was gonna' wait until tomorrow." Alexis pulled the money out of her pocket and counted it.

I saw a $100 bill. My eyes bout' jumped out of my head. "Lex. You said you only had $50." I exclaimed.

"I did? I forgot about this. This the money Boomer gave me. When he was trying to get me back. It should be enough for a room until I start selling my wigs." Alexis said.

"Okay big pockets." I snickered, glancing at her.

"What you gonna' do when they come back down here?" I asked, making her raise her eyebrows. "Not shit. I'm just gonna' pursue my own dreams, and my next nigga." She shrugged her shoulders.

"That energy." I'm proud she's maturing especially with a situation like this.

She told me which hotel she wanted to go too. I waited until she got her key to leave. It was time for my curfew. I rushed back to campus. I wasn't trying to get in trouble already.

Plus I was already tired from walking all day and driving.

I parked in my normal parking space. Just when I was about to get out my phone started ringing. It was nobody but Ben. Whenever his name pops up, it automatically puts a smile on my face. I instantly answered my phone.

"What?" I answered. "You got me fucked up answering the phone like that." Ben retorted, making me laugh.

"I'm just playing. Ole' sensitive ass. What chu' doing?" I hurried up and switched up the conversation.

I heard smacking. "Shit nun' eating." He says. "Boy you stay eating. I hope when I see you, you still got yo' six pack. Instead of a four." I bust out laughing after I said that.

"I still got it. Ion gain weight. Fuck up." He retorted. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. "Where you at?" He asked.

"Going inside my school. Tryna' to hurry up so I won't get in trouble."

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