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"Malcolm?" I called on to my husband. Seeing that he wasn't in the bed anymore. I heard voices downstairs which made me go look to see. I walked down the steps to see Malcolm talking with the police. I hid behind the wall to make sure they couldn't see me. "We'll issue a warrant out for his arrest as soon as we get more information. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Bryant."

"My pleasure." Malcolm shook hands with the police. When they walked out of my house I appeared in sight. "Michelle, I see you've awakened." He speaks. "Yes, I have. Why were the police in our home?"

"Informing me of Lyric's whereabouts. She was last seen fighting at Houston." I gasped. "That girl couldn't lift up a fist if she wanted too!" I say in denial.

Malcolm showed me pictures of Lyric on top of an unknown girl. My eyes widen. This boy has my baby fighting. I shook my head in disbelief. "Oh, but she did. Don't worry the police is going to do what they can to bring her back." He put his hands on my shoulders assuring me. I nodded my head, despite me already knowing what Malcolm did.

His phone vibrated through his robe. "Is that her calling?" I crossed my arms. "Michelle don't give me that look." He says with a slight guilt. "Answer it Malcolm!" I demanded him. He stood back taking the call anyway. "Malcolm it's time!" I could hear her even though he doesn't have her on speaker.

"Time? Already? I'm on my way." He ended the phone call right after that. "Time for what Malcolm?" I tilted my head. "Michelle don't start this now. She's having the baby." He moved passed me to get his shoes. "WHO'S BABY MALCOLM?!" I yelled asking him.

"Michelle! You're gonna' wake Gisselle up! We'll talk about this when I get home!" Malcolm said before rushing out. I sat back on the stairs and burst out in tears. I couldn't believe he gotten this bitch pregnant. Little did I know I thought she was somebody he'd sleep with on the side here and there.

I got up from the stairs to grab the house phone to call Joy. She answered, "Michelle I hope this is important for you to be calling me so late!"

"Malcolm gotten that bitch pregnant." I say. "Well? What are going to be your retaliations? I hope you're not going to divorce my son as much as this family as done for you." She said. "If I divorce him he will lose everything." I retorted back.

"On the contrary you two signed a prenup. The odds of you staying with him separately having the house, cars, and keeping custody of Gisselle. That might seem better for you. Cause I'd hate to take my grandchild away because of y'all unfair battling."

"You're right." I say letting her have it. "Now goodnight, Michelle." Joy hung up from me before I could say anything. She's right about the odds. But I could manipulate my way into this now. If Malcolm still continues to see this woman intimately, I will hire a private investigator to take pictures of them. And divorce him winning the house, cars, and potentially the church.

Possibly Lyric too if she could ever forgive us. But with Malcolm tipping off the police or doing whatever he did, it might be too late.



"Ma, I really don't know if I could do this..." I say to her on the phone. I was talking to her while on the patio. KD was doing whatever which was fine with me while I got some me time. "Do what? If you ready to come home just come home." She assumed that I was talking about that. I mean I'm ready to go home but that's not what I meant.

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