Vivianna and (Y/n)

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Ivan sat hunched over his desk, working avidly on his newest project. The sound of metal clanging and pieces coming together echoed within the house, much to a certain puppet's annoyance. Paris walked into the messy creative space of his creator and sighed when he almost tripped on one of the older creations.

"Oh great, another monstrosity." Paris mumbled.

It was loud enough for Ivan to hear but the man didn't reply if he did, he was still focused on the project in front of him. Putting to figures together that were both cheek-to-cheek and hand-in hand. One had long red hair and vibrant green eyes while the other had (h/l) (h/c) hair and beaming (e/c) colored eyes. Despite these differences, everything else about them was identical. From the model, to their height, and face shape.

Setting the two carefully down onto their set, The Creator set a glass dome around the two. Pouring light oil, a little water, and antifreeze into the hole at the top. Reaching for a glitter container, Ivan grabbed a fistful of the sparkly substance, and threw it into the snow globe's liquid concoction. It fell slowly like real sparkling snowflakes, landing gently and softly at the two figures feet. Then Ivan twisted on the snow globe's cap and watched eagerly. Paris glancing over his shoulder, glaring at the object, and ready to slice it into pieces.

"It's fine, Paris. I made these two to be corrupted and careless about everything." Ivan explained calmly.

Paris then nodded. For someone else it would be strange to hear someone say they made two things with such twisted intentions, but that wasn't the case. Ivan the Creator was cursed to make anything he wanted, but they wouldn't do what they were supposed to.

Things made to comfort, terrified.

Things made to cause joy, caused pain.

Things meant to entertain, tortured.

I think you can understand at this point why Ivan made the two girls the way he did.

He watched the snow globe with bated breath, anxious to see how the sister's would turn out. He and Paris almost had a heart attack when the redhead began to move her foot, the (h/c)-ette followed slowly. They began to awkwardly separate their hands from one another, moving away into their own different directions. At first, their movements were stiff and robotic, but they soon became more fluid and natural.

The red-haired one was peering at the glass, brushing her fingers softly against it. The other one was sitting lady-like on the ground, smiling at the pictures she was making on the ground with the glitter and then she cupped some glitter in her hands. Paris raised a brow and Ivan only smiled softly when the (e/c) eyed figure began to pack the glitter and throw it at her companion, who turned around and smiled, she created her own snowball and threw it at her sister. They began to engage in what one would call a snowball fight, but with glitter.

Ivan coughed softly, catching their attention. They stood in awe and fear at their creator, the red haired one standing protectively in front of her sibling, and a glare of determination and defiance were clear in her bright green eyes.

"I promise I won't hurt you. In fact, I created you." Ivan assured, chuckling at the bravado of the figure.

Yet, the first one still refused to believe him. Until her sister looked into Ivan's eyes with her wide (e/c) ones, as though searching for sincerity, and by the way her face beamed Ivan could tell she found it.

She whispered into the redhead's ear and only got a look of disbelief in response, her (e/c) eyes pleading and her lower lip quivering. The other only sighed and seemed to relax a little, not fully though.

"Now, I'm going to let you girls out. You will be a bit dizzy," Ivan spoke loudly to make sure his voice was being heard through the liquid and  glass, "You may want to back up, Paris."

Obeying his creator' s words, Paris ran to another room and stuck his head out. Watching intently as the Creator began to lift the snow globe with both hands, the two girls shaking and clinging to each other for balance. He then unscrewed the cap, extending it as far as he could away from him.

Nothing happened.

"That's odd, I thought that I had made it too-AHH!" The man was about to drop it before his reflexes allowed him to catch it.

A silvery glow erupted from the snowglobe, then encircling the object like a sparkling mist. Ivan coughed and Paris tried his best to guide his way through the storm. The puppet held up his hand to see it shimmering, much like the glitter the girls were playing with.

When it cleared, there were two silhouettes standing in the center of the room. Both wearing the same white long sleeve dress shirts m, black and white striped skirts, and white leggings under their polished Mary Janes.

"Woah, that was crazy." The red one first spoke.

"That experience..." The (h/c) agreed breathlessly.

It took awhile for them to recover from shock but soon Ivan tried to be as welcoming as he could and explain the situation to them. Everything from his curse to the creations and to Paris. Which soon lead them to the subject of the girl's purpose, the reason behind their creation.

"You want be partners with....him?" The red head frowned, pointing at Paris.

"That's" Ivan trialed off.

"What's wrong?" The second girl chirped.

Ivan only chuckled sheepishly, "It's just...I haven't really named you two, yet."

Paris groaned at the unprofessionality of his maker, "Probably for the best, he's dreadful at coming up with decent names."

The red one just shot a nasty look at Paris whereas the other just laughed at the puppet's comment, the laugh ringing in Paris's ears for some reason.

"Eh, he's right. Maybe it's best you two name yourselves." Ivan smiled sheepishly,

The green-eyed female only tilted her head, "Name ourselves? But we don't know anything about names."

The (e/c) eyes of the other doll widened once more, as though there was something going off in her head. She grabbed her sister's arm excitedly as she jumped up and down.

"How about Vivianna?" The girl asked.

The red-haired doll blinked dumbfoundedly before turning her head, "Vivianna...hmm."

Anxiously awaiting her older sister's answer, the (h/c)-ette was still hanging onto her sibling's arm as she bit her lip.

"I like it! Thanks, sis!" 'Vivianna' gushed.

This only made the other smile happily and glad that she was able to find a fitting name for her older sister.

"But since you named me, I'll have to think of a name for you...."Vivianna looked around the room, trying to find some inspiration.

"Why not '(Y/n)'?" Paris suggested.

"No one asked you, puppet!" Vivianna spat venomously.

The figure then mumbled '(Y/n)' under her breathe, listening to how it sounded on her tongue, and the smile only got wider.

"I like (Y/n)!" The girl beamed.

Paris only smirked at Vivianna, Vivianna turned to her younger twin only to see her prancing around the room, and chanting her new name. Even if Vivianna didn't make it up, she thought it was fitting for someone as happy as her sister.

"Vivianna and (Y/n). It has a nice ring to it." Ivan laughed lightly.

(Y/n) then ran over to her sister and hugged her tightly, "This is going to be soo fun!"

Vivianna wasn't so sure, "We'll see, sis, we'll see."

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now