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It was a cold autumn morning when Wang He Di, a 17-year-old good student and comic-book eater, realized he had found the right girl.  The one that he would one day marry.
That morning, for the first time in his whole life, he found himself running at breakneck speed so as not to miss the bus that would take him to his best friend's house.  Wang He Di had never arrived late.  Never.  On no occasion.  But the night before he was dreaming of fighting crime along with Spiderman, one of his favorite superheroes, and he was so immersed in the dream that he couldn't hear the alarm of his cell phone ringing repeatedly.
As he ran, he suddenly passed by a group of tall, giant boys who looked bad.  In a "normal" situation, he would never have thought to stop and talk to them ... But a girl's fearful voice forced him to stop abruptly.  He turned to the group of gorillas and noticed that they were surrounding a tiny girl.
He hesitated a moment before approaching ... Courage was not one of his characteristics.  Those guys were at least twice his size and surely, in a hypothetical fight, he would find himself with broken bones and a face full of blood.
He thought of looking for help, but he didn't feel like leaving the girl there alone ...
"Oh come on, Wang He Di! What kind of man you are! Spiderman wouldn't have hesitated a second to intervene! Last night you saved the world!"  he thought to himself.
He took a long breath and decided to come closer.
"Good morning! What's up?"  he asked politely.
Perhaps the situation could have been solved civilly ... Right?
"What do you want, you idiot face?"  one of them snapped, looking askance at him.
"Er ... Nothing! Only ... Ehm ... She is a friend of mine and we are late and ..."
"Oh, so this flea is your friend? Well, well! Then we'll give you a lesson too!"
Another tried to grab him by the neck of his shirt, but before he could, Wang He Di felt someone take him by the hand and drag him away.
In front of him, the girl who was previously surrounded, kept running without letting go of his hand.
When Wang He Di felt that he would die breathless, the girl pushed him on a bus and waved him with a smile, then started running again along the road.
"I just saved the life of a girl in difficulty! I'm a fucking hero! But ... Um ... Where is this bus headed ?!"
After an hour's journey, he finally managed to reach his friend's house.
"Where on earth were you ?! I was worried! You weren't even answering the phone!"  she scolded him.
"Jaqiiii! You will never believe what just happened to me!"  he exclaimed, still out of breath.
"Ok, ok, come in and tell me" she invited him, rolling her eyes.
They locked themselves in Jaqi's room and Wang He Di lay down on her bed with a sigh.
"Can I know what happened to you? Look at your hair! And your shirt!"  she barked, sitting on the armchair in front of the desk.
"My dear friend, you will never believe it, but ... I am a hero! I just saved a girl from a group of giants! As soon as I realized that she was in danger, I intervened ... Those idiots wanted to beat me,  but I didn't let myself be intimidated and I took her away from there! Damn! I'm like Spiderman! Or Superman! Or... Or Super Mario! "
"Wait, wait, wait! Super Mario ?! Anyway ... You're lying to me, right? You would never have the courage to do such a thing ..." Jaqi eyed him suspiciously.
"I swear I am not lying to you! And I will tell you more: I think I am in love! She's the right girl, I can feel it! It was like the beginning of a love movie! An anime! A comic book! You should have seen her! She had a blue dress with white flowers and a pink bow around her waist ... She was really petite and had short dark hair ... And her eyes! What eyes, Jaqi! Huge! Like those of Japanese comics girls! When we said goodbye she smiled at me and ... God! She looked so sweet! And innocent! And defenseless! And adorable! That girl looked like she was out of a cartoon, okay?I say so!"
After a moment of silence, the room filled with Jaqi's laughter.
"Hey! There's nothing to laugh about!"  he muttered, offended.
"I'm sorry, Didi, but ... I struggle to believe it ... I mean ..."
"I'll find that girl again, ok ?! I'll find her and she'll become my girlfriend! We'll see then who will laugh!"
And with this statement, he closed his eyes and thought of that angelic face that had conquered him.

Meanwhile, somewhere else...

"Shen Yue! Your dress! It's all wrinkled!"
"Grandpa! I told you, an old woman was run over by a guy on a bicycle and I had to help her, okay? That's what you always tell me: to be more selfless. And so I found myself running like crazy for  get the bus! "  Yue explained, exhausted.
"You know I don't believe you, do you? But we'll talk about it later. My friends are coming! I recommend: behave like a polite girl!"  her grandfather told her.
Yue nodded, holding back a sigh.
She hated that damn dress. She wanted her baggy pants and sweatshirts!
But her grandfather wanted to present her at all costs to his new group of friends with whom he played cards at the club, so her family had forced her to dress in a "normal" way, as they said.
What a terrible day!  First she had to wear that doll dress and then had to save that dandy from a group of brainless apes.
Those idiots had recognized her ... A few months earlier she had been able to play a prank to them with her best friends, and that morning they had seen fit to retaliate.
Well, that boy with nerdy glasses and a well-ironed shirt had managed to distract them and allow her to take him by the hand and run away.
For a moment she had thought of escaping without him, but she knew well what would happen to him and she didn't want to live a life of guilt.
"Shen Yue! Come! They're arrived!"  her grandfather called her.
"I'm coming!"
She took a deep breath and adjusted her dress.
She could do it.

Author's corner
Ok ... Here I am with a new story ☺️💜💛
I really hope that the beginning has incurs you at least a little ☺️
If you like, let me know what you think🥰
It's an idea that came to me from nothing ... I tried to ignore it, but it always remained there in my little head, so I decided to try writing it 😅
Thanks to those who supported me on Twitter as soon as I posted the cover 😘
And thanks in advance to those who will dedicate some time to this stupid story ❤️
A big hug,

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