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5 hours. 48 minutes. 13 seconds.
Shen Yue hasn't seen Wang He Di since all that time.
He hadn't shown up at school and hadn't answered any of her calls.
Had she really managed to get him away from her with that "I love you"?
Was it really such a bad thing to hear from your girlfriend?
At first she was angry ... Dylan had practically kicked her out of his house after she opened her heart in front of him!
Then the sadness took over for not having received a reply.
And then came the fear. The damned fear of losing him.
She decided she couldn't wait for classes to end to make sure everything was okay, so at the first opportunity she entered "ninjia mode" and she climbed over the school gate to escape. She didn't care about the consequences.
She ran to Wang He Di's house and entered through his bedroom window.
No trace of the boy.
She knew his parents were at work, so she went around the whole house to make sure he wasn't there...
"Where are you, stupid?" she whispered anxiously.
The next stop was her home. Maybe Dylan was waiting for her there to talk ...
But again it was his absence to welcome her.
"Okay, Shen Yue. Think. Think. Think. Think ..."
She looked around and suddenly came up with an idea: the comic book shop!


Wang He Di looked at his watch and he decided that the time had come.
He took the rope he had bought just that morning and tied it as tight as he could to the railing of the roof.
"I'm going to die," he told to himself.


Shen Yue was out of breath.
She had run from one part of the city to the other, with no results.
Overwhelmed by fatigue and a sense of panic, she sat on a bench and in a second she burst into tears.
Every fear, every bad thought, every fragility spilled over her right at that moment and once again she was surprised to realize how much she loved Wang He Di.
She got up and started running again, determined to find her Super Mario and to hold him so that he wouldn't try to run away anymore.
Suddenly she felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket and she stopped  to run, to read the message she had just received.
It was him.
"Science classroom"
The message only said that.
"Science classroom? If you've been at school all this time I swear I'll kill you," Yue said to herself.


Wang He Di's heart was beating very, very fast.
He had never done anything so crazy and dangerous for anyone.
As much as he tried to be one of his favorite superheroes, he realized that total lack of courage was not a point in his favor.
Still, he felt that he could also learn to fly for her. For Shen Yue he would have been willing to do anything. He was ready to make that leap into the void ... For her.
He took one last look at the rope tied to the railing and he took a long breath.
He saw Shen Yue running across the school yard.
It was time.


* To better understand what's going to happen, please watch the video ... *

The science room was completely empty.
Shen Yue looked around, confused, and then she reread Dylan's message.
Maybe she misinterpreted?
Suddenly she noticed that on the windowsill of one of the large windows of the classroom, there was a beautiful sunflower with a purple note next to it.
She approached quickly and noticed that it was Wang He Di's handwriting.
"You are my superhero. I am yours"
She read.
She didn't even have time to assimilate those words, that she saw something ... Or rather, someone ... Rushing from the roof of the school!
The victim was tied to an ankle with a rope and his flight had stopped right in front of the window of the science room.
When Yue realized who that poor unfortunate man suspended in midair upside down wearing a Spiderman costume was...
"WANG HE DI!" she screamed in disbelief.
She quickly opened the window.
"Hsvaiw hGjdif kandhai" he replied.
"Jahxia mahdua!"
The boy pointed to the mask and she helped him to uncover his mouth, leaving the rest of his face covered.
"Shen Yue! Did you hear what I screamed when I was falling?!"
"No, you idiot! I didn't understand anything with that mask! What's your problem?! Get in! You could seriously hurt yourself! You could ..."
"I screamed that I love you! I love you, Yueyue!" Dylan interrupted her.
Wang He Di saw her hold her breath as her eyes filled with tears.
She was beautiful in her amazement, she looked like a child... And at that point he didn't give a damn if the blood was going to his head or if probably the rope would give way and he would crash into the ground at any moment.
The happy expression on his princess's face was everything. Everything.
"I love you," he repeated.
"Are you sure?" Yue asked, in a little little voice.
If his face hadn't been covered by the mask, she would have seen Dylan's eyes widen beyond belief.
The girl laughed and leaned over the window. She took his face in her hands, looking in his eyes.
"I love you too," she whispered, and then she gave him a kiss so slow and sweet that she made him forget for a moment that he felt his head explode because of that position.
The applause of the students who had witnessed the scene came from the courtyard.
"Now come in, you fool."
She helped him get into the class and get rid of the rope and mask.
They sat on the floor with their backs against the wall.
"So ... Spiderman, mmh?" laughed Yue.
"2002. A classic," replied Dylan, satisfied.
"You could really hurt yourself, stupid!"
"It was worth it," he whispered, smiling sweetly.
They looked at each other and Wang He Di's heart began to beat wildly.
It was always like that with Yue. Suddenly he thought back to the question the girl had asked him earlier: "Are you sure?"
"I'm sorry".
"For what?"
"For making you feel insecure. I ... I wanted to tell you how much I love you for some time. But ... Maybe I'm just a fool as you say ... I wanted to tell you in a special way. Because you are special. I know you don't even realize this and it drives me crazy! I wish you could see yourself through my own eyes... You would discover what beauty is. Beauty is you. You, with your funny laughter and your sudden smiles. You, with the pride in your eyes. You, with the tenderness with which you hug and caress me. You, with your voice that breaks when something moves you. You, you and still you. I love you. I love you, with your beats and your cuddles. I love you and suddenly it seems to me that even these three words are not enough to describe how I feel. You changed my world..." he said in one breath.
Yue just couldn't hold back her tears ... She had never felt so strong and fragile at the same time.
Wang He Di hugged her tightly.
"You are my superhero and I am yours" whispered Shen Yue, hiding her face in the hollow of his neck.
"Exactly. Forever," Wang He Di smiled, holding her even closer.
"But don't jump from a building anymore, okay? You almost killed me in fright," she muttered.
"Sure? I was already looking for the best building for the marriage proposal," he laughed.
Yua blushed suddenly and she punched him in the arm.
"Ouch! Hulk! Control your strength!"
"And you control your stupidity!"
"And you control your ..."
Yue interrupted him with another kiss.
"Tsk! Okay, you won," murmured Dylan.
"Now can we go home? This suit is crushing my b..."
"Okay, okay!"

Author's corner
He finally said it! 🥰
I know, I know, a little banal scene 😂
But for those who, like me, love superheroes (or Seth Cohen in O.C.)...
Well, the kiss scene between Spiderman and Mary Jane in the 2002 film is unforgettable 😂 I remember when I was a child I hung Ken upside down everywhere and then I made him kiss by Barbie 😂
I think Wang He Di's stupidity in this story is definitely my fault 😂
Thanks for everything! 💜💛
A big hug,

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