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Mr. Shen knew that his daughter was a special girl ... But seeing her jump on the bed like a madwoman singing metal songs started to make him worry a little.
He left his daughter's room and joined his wife in the kitchen.
"Er ... Darling? Do you think Yue is okay?"  he asked worriedly.
The woman laughed and nodded.
"She's perfectly fine, honey. She's just nervous..." she answered.
"Uh ... Nervous for what?"
"First date".
"First ... First ... First ... WHAAAAAAT?!"
"Shut up! Don't scream! Wang He Di asked her to date," grinned Ms. Shen, jumping happily.
"I knew it! I knew I couldn't trust him! He came here dressed all cute, he ate with us, he slept here! And now he's stealing me the only daughter I have! My daughter! It was all a plan to take her away from me!"  yelled her husband, upset.
"She is no longer a child, darling. And we must thank God that a cute, sweet and polite boy like Wang He Di took an interest in our daughter!"  she replied.
The man was about to retort, when the volume of Yue's voice rose significantly.
"Maybe I should go talk to her," sighed Ms. Shen.
"Yes, run before the neighbors call an exorcist!"  exclaimed the man.

Wang He Di had been sitting at the kitchen table for at least an hour, watching the clock on the wall.
"Maybe I should go now. Better get there early, right?"  he asked his mother, who was reading a magazine next to him.
"My love, five or ten minutes early are enough... I think that forty minutes is too much," replied Ms. Wang, holding back a laugh.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure".
Dylan drummed his fingers on the table for a few minutes, then sighed loudly.
"Damn! Time passes so slowly today!"  he snorted.
"You can't wait to see her, huh?"  she smiled.
The boy blushed and nodded shyly.
"I'm so happy for you and Yue! I like that girl!"  exclaimed Ms. Wang.
Dylan laughed and hugged her tightly

Shen Yue sat down on the bed next to her mother, out of breath after jumping and singing as if there was no tomorrow.
"Better?"  the woman asked, brushing her hair off her face.
"Mmh ... I think so," replied Yue.
"Is there something that worries you, honey?"
"I'm not worried, but ... I don't know ... I ... I'm a little nervous. I go out with Didi almost every day, but tonight it's different ... Right? In short ... We won't be just   friends anymore and ... "
Ms. Shen watched her little girl blush strongly and she felt some tears threaten to run down her face.
She took a long breath and hugged her.
"You're right, Yueyue. This is not a night like any other. This is your first date! And it will be extraordinary, you will see," she said softly.
"I love you mom".
"Me too, my baby".

When Wang He Di knocked on Shen Yue's door (twenty minutes early), he thought he was ready.
He had dressed well, carefully combed, perfumed and he even mentally planned what he would say and do during the date ... But then she opened the door and in front of her beauty, everything became stupid and insignificant.
"Wow" he sighed, admiring her in her white dress.
"Don't look at me," muttered Yue.
"And who am I supposed to look at, you fool?"  laughed Dylan.
He leaned over to her and he kissed her gently on the forehead.
"You're beautiful, Hulk," he whispered.
Yue blushed and smiled.
"Oh! Wait! These are for you!"  the boy then exclaimed, showing her the bouquet of yellow flowers he kept hidden behind his back.
"Didi! Thank you!"
"You're welcome! It was nice to go to Song Wei Long's shop and say I need a bouquet of flowers for my girlfriend," grinned Dylan.
"You didn't really do it!"  Yue's eyes widened.
"Oh yes, instead".
"And who said I'm your girlfriend?"
"Wang He Di! Hi!"  Ms. Shen cut them off.
"Good evening, Madam," replied Dylan, with a small bow.
He said Hi to Mr. Shen as well, but the man merely glared at him, causing shivers of terror down his spine.
He was not used to that version of Yue's father ... He had always seen him laughing and joking!
"I want her home before midnight. Is that clear?"  Mr. Shen warned him.
"Ehm ... Of course, sir!"
As soon as the two guys left the house, the man turned to his wife with a grin.
"So? Do I play the bad parent part well?"
"Why did I marry you? I don't remember ..." Mrs. Shen snorted.
"Because I'm handsome!"

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