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"Are you seriously hiding behind me, Spiderman?"  Yue asked to a trembling Wang He Di.
"I'm not hiding! I'm covering your shoulders, Hulk!"  Dylan replied to an equally agitated Shen Yue.
That was the day.
The day when Princess Peach and Super Mario finally confessed their relationship to their best friends.
They were waiting for them in front of the restaurant where they had an appointment.
"Covering my shoulders from what?!"
"Crime never sleeps, Shen Yue. Always remember it!"
"In my opinion you're only afraid of my friends," the girl grinned.
"And how can I not be afraid ?! Those three will kill me when they will know that I'm with their queen! They were ready to give me a speech when they suspected something at the party! They certainly wanted to threaten me!"
"Don't talk nonsense! Obviously they will threaten you, but they won't kill you."
"Thanks, this reassures me," he snorted.
Yue held back a laugh.
"Don't worry, okay?"  she smiled at him.
"Of course, it's easy for you to say. My friends love you!"  muttered Dylan.
"Well, ask yourself why ... I'm probably nice, while you are not," Yue replied, satisfied.
She heard the boy snorting behind her again and she decided to turn to him.
She took his face in her hands and she stood on tiptoe kissing him tenderly.
Calmer, Dylan looked into her eyes softly.
"I adore you," he whispered, then he gave her a small kiss on her nose.
"Ehm Ehm ..."
Zi Wei's voice blew them in fright and they separated from each other in half a second.
"Did we interrupt something?"  Jaqi asked, with a sly look.
"What ?! No! Absolutely not!"  Dylan hurriedly replied.
Their faces were on fire.
Shortly thereafter, Caesar, Darren and Connor also joined them.
The last one ran to hug Yue so tight  that he lifted her off the ground.
"Woo! What's going on ?!"  she exclaimed in surprise.
"His mom put Teddy in the washing machine ... So he hasn't been able to hug it for hours," Darren explained.
"Oh I see".
Yue remained in Connor's arms for a few more seconds, then Dylan's furious look prompted her to ask him to let her go.
"Well, we're all there! We can go in and eat!"  she announced, hopping into the restaurant.
Dylan followed her closely, aware that the guys behind him were somewhat confused about the situation.
A waiter accompanied them to their table and when they sat down an awkward silence fell.
Each of them was wondering why they were having dinner with people they didn't know.
"Er ... Boys, these are Jaqi and Zi Wei. Girls, these are Caesar, Darren and Connor" Yue introduced them.
After several: "Nice to meet you," silence returned.
"So ... are you two together?"  Zi Wei asked suddenly, pointing to Dylan and Yue.
Dylan, who was drinking, spit his drink straight into Caesar's face.
"Hey!"  the boy shouted, disgusted.
"Oh, damn! Forgive him!"  Yue exclaimed,  immediately leaned over the table to wipe his face with a napkin.
"Shen Yue!"  Wang He Di complained.
"So is it true? Are you together?"  Zi Wei asked again.
"No, Yueyue is with the flower boy," said Darren.
Dylan and Yue exchanged glances.
"Tell them," she whispered.
"No! You tell them!"  he retorted.
"Who is the man ?! Me or you ?!"
"... You?"
"Wang He Di!"
"Okay, okay! I'll tell them!"
Dylan took a long breath and, avoiding meeting the eyes of the F3s, said: "Yes, Shen Yue and I have been together. For ... A few weeks. That's why we asked you to come here. You are our best friends and we wanted to tell you together ".
Yue's hand squeezed his under the table and a smile immediately dawned on him.
"I KNEW IT!"  Jaqi shouted, jumping to her feet and starting to hop around the restaurant with Zi Wei.
Yue laughed, then turned to her brothers.
Darren and Connor smiled at her, while Caesar was very serious.
"Caesar ..." she called out, worried.
"I think you already know what I want to tell you," he said, turning to Dylan.
Wang He Di didn't look down and nodded.
He knew that Caesar was the most protective of Yue.  He was ready to face him.
"I will take care of her. I will not let her miss anything. She will always be my priority. I will do everything possible to never hurt her and if it happens, I hope you three punch me," he said.
Yue squeezed his hand even harder.
Finally Caesar's ice mask melted and gave way to a smile.
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," he winked at Dylan and he ruffled Yue's hair fondly.
The two  were stunned.
"What ?! That's it ?! What kind of brother are you ?! I thought you would have threatened or beat him!"  exclaimed Yue.
"Hey! Why do you seem disappointed that he didn't hit me ?!"  snapped Dylan.
"Because he must be certain that you will never hurt me! How can he trust you so easily ?! He doesn't know you! You could be a crazy maniac!"
"Hulk, are you stupid ?! Don't put strange ideas in his head! Everything was going good!"
"We spied on you," Connor confessed suddenly.
Caesar and Darren glared at him as Dylan and Yue stared at them with their mouths open wide.
"Okay, okay, we spied on you. The fact is, we noticed that there was something strange about you, Yueyue. So we got worried and we decided to follow you to understand what was going on.
And the way you looked and acted among yourselves ... Well, we realized what was happening, "Darren explained.
"I don't ... I have no words! You are crazy! Never dare to do such a thing again!"  yelled Yue, beating them.
"Promised! Promised! Promised! Yueyue! Stop! Please!"
"What's happening?"  Jaqi asked as she and Zi Wei returned to sit in their seats breathless.
"Nothing at all ... I am not being beaten for once" grinned Dylan, satisfied.
The two girls hugged their friend tightly.
"We are really happy for you, Didi!"
"Thanks girls".

After that bizarre dinner, the guys said goodbye in front of the restaurant, ready to go home.
"Hey, Jaqi!"  Yue called before leaving.
"Caesar has a crush on you!"
"SHEN YUE!"  Caesar shouted, shocked.
"What?!"  Jaqi exclaimed.
"No ... It's not true! I don't even know you! I can explain!"  he hastened to say.
"Good night!"  Yue laughed, taking Dylan by the hand and starting to run.
The two arrived in front of the girl's house.
"Poor Caesar!"  commented Dylan.
"Oh, is he Poor Caesar now? Just because he didn't hit you?"
"Well, of course!"
The two burst out laughing.
They looked at each other for a few moments, still with red cheeks after the little run and their laughters.
Suddenly Yue took a step towards him and she wrapped his waist with her arms.  She loved to rest her head against his chest and feel the beating of his heart.
Dylan smiled and returned the hug.
Since they were together, he had discovered that in addition to being the funny girlfriend who made him laugh to tears, in addition to the brave girlfriend who made him feel safe at all times, in addition to the strong girlfriend who sometimes intimidated him a bit...  Yue was also and above all the sweet girlfriend who loved to fill him with cuddles and small gestures of affection.
Shen Yue was a tiny dispensing machine of caresses, hugs and kisses... And Wang He Di was willing to pay any price in order to have all her attentions for himself.
"I adore you," Yue whispered.
"I adore you too," replied Dylan.
He kissed her head and then he lifted her chin to look into her eyes.
"Don't look at me," she snorted, suddenly feeling shy under his deep gaze.
"You still haven't understood that it's useless to tell me?"  he chuckled.
Yue shook her head and hid her face against his chest.
"What am I supposed to do? Keep my eyes closed when I talk to you?"
She nodded.
"Ok, done".
Yue raised her head slowly and she held back a laughter at actually seeing him with his eyes closed.
"Well ... now what?"  asked Dylan.
"Let's see if you trust me enough," Yue replied.
"What do you mean?"
"Follow my commands keeping your eyes closed ..."
"You don't trust me?!"
"Of course I don't trust you, Hulk!"
Concerned by her sudden silence, Dylan barely opened his eyes and saw her adorable pout.
  "Ok, ok! Here, now I close my eyes!"
Yue smiled and started giving him commands.
"Take three steps forward. Ok ... Now one step left. Your steps are too long! Wait... Now four steps back ..."
"Shen Yue ..."
"One step to the right ... Well, sit down now."
"Sit down!"
"On the ground?!"
"Just trust me!"
Dylan sighed and obeyed.
As soon as he sat down ...
He had just sat in a puddle.
Yue laughed so much that she lost her breath.
Yue couldn't stop laughing as she watched him jump from side to side touching his wet pants.
Dylan returned to her and grabbing her wrists he trapped her between him and the cold wall of her house.
"What are you doing ?! Leave me!"  Yue protested.
"No, my dear".
Wang He Di looked her straight in the eye and Yue froze instantly.
Her face turned red.
"Stop looking at me like that ..." she whispered.
"Apologize," he replied.
Dylan's gaze became even more intense.  He landed first on her giant  eyes, then on her perfect nose, then on her parted lips ...
Yue closed her eyes to not see.
Dylan smiled amused, then leaned over to kiss her.
"Apologize," he repeated.
Another no.
Another kiss.
Another no.
And yet another kiss.
He finally let go of her wrists and Yue hugged him to feel him closer.
"You deserve punishment, you know? From tomorrow on you will be forced to enter school holding my hand in front of everyone," Wang He Di told her.
"Oh no! Please!" she pretended to complain.
"Oh yes instead!"
The two smiled and exchanged yet another kiss.
"You are beautiful. I will never stop looking at you," the boy said in a breath, against her lips.
"Tsk! Go home now, Super Mario. It's almost midnight."
"Okay, Princess Peach. Goodnight ... I adore you."
"I adore you more ... Goodnight".
Shen Yue watched him go with his wet butt and once again she burst out laughing...
What a couple they were!

Author's corner
Ouch!  A lot of time has passed since the last chapter, sorry!  😅
I am working hard a lot these days ... At work, at home ... And then I am doing everything possible to work on myself and this requires a lot of time and energy 😴
However I don't give up 💪🏻 🏋️‍♀️
I just hope you will continue to have patience with me and my little brain 😅
Thanks very much for the comments ❤️
Thanks for the votes 🥰
Thanks for the dm 😘
And thanks simply for being here with me 💜💛
A big hug,

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