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Shen Yue said goodbye to Song Wei Long and looked around for Wang He Di.
She walked around the house, but no trace of that idiot.
"Yueyue! Are you looking for Dylan?"  Zi Wei asked her.
"Yes ... Have you seen him?"
"He's in the garden ... He seemed angry," replied the girl, looking worried.
Yue nodded and left immediately.
Dylan was standing in front of a small pond full of goldfish, with his hands in his pockets and a dark face.
"Mmh ... Usually the guys with that dark air are charming ... You just look stupid," she said when she joined him.
Dylan winced and turned to her.
Without saying a word, he hugged her so tightly that he took her breath away.
Yue closed her eyes and breathed in his perfume.
"What happens?" she then asked, stroking his back.
"I'm mad at you," he muttered, his face hidden in her shoulders.
"I see ... So why are you hugging me?"
"Because I hate being mad at you."
Yue smiled.
"Do you want to be mad at me away from here? This music sucks," she whispered.
Dylan held back a laugh and nodded.
Without saying goodbye to anyone, they left the party.
As they walked, Yue glanced at him.
"Why are you angry?"  she tried to ask.
He shook his head and didn't answer.
"Sometimes I wonder who the man is and who the woman is between us," the girl snorted, rolling her eyes.

Wang He Di didn't really know what to do.
He felt angry and sad and confused ...
Maybe it was better to go home and be alone with his thoughts.
He was about to tell Shen Yue, but she stopped suddenly and entered a playground.
He saw her run to a children's castle and climb the small wooden stairs to the top.  Then she leaned over and exclaimed happily: "Hey! I look like Princess Peach in her castle!"

 Dylan looked at her and he smiled

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Dylan looked at her and he smiled.  Dressed like that she was truly a princess ... And her eyes shone even in the dark.  But he didn't tell her.
"You look more like Hulk in Princess Peach's castle, to me" he grinned instead.
Yue pouted and raised her middle finger elegantly.
"Shen Yue!"  Dylan scolded her.
"I wanted to invite you to my castle, but you don't deserve it," she muttered.
She sat down and Dylan could no longer see her.
He started to climb the stairs and reach her, but she stopped him.
"My men put bombs on the stairs! If you try to climb, you will explode!"
Dylan frowned.
"Really?"  he asked.
"Really! Go away," replied Yue.
He smiled and walked away from the stairs.
Hearing no more sounds, Yue leaned over to see what he was he doing, but she didn't see him.
"Wang He Di?"  she called, uncertain.
"Who is Wang He Di? There's only Spiderman here."
Dylan, who had silently climbed the slide, appeared behind her on top of the castle.
Seeing her pouting face, Dylan burst out laughing.
They sat together in that small space, clasped against each other ... The colored walls were full of writings of teenagers and children who declared their love to who knows who.
"You really don't want to tell me why you're angry?"  Yue asked after a few minutes.
"I don't know either," sighed Dylan.
"How is it possible?"  she laughed.
Wang He Di did not reply.  He just watched her laugh.
"And so ... You managed to conquer Song Wei Long," he said finally.
"Has he declared himself?"
"And his kiss was magical ..."
Yue's eyes widened.
"His kiss?"
"Yes. Your friends told me you told them about the boy you like ... And that your kiss was magical," explained Dylan.
Yue shook her head in disbelief.  Suddenly she wanted to laugh ... The situation had been completely misunderstood.
"Yes, that's true," she replied, trying to remain serious.
"Why did you say it to them and not to me ?! You kissed! And you didn't tell me anything! When did it happen ?!"  he snapped, angry.
"You kissed Dudu," said Yue simply.
Dylan's face turned pale.
"Yes but..."
"And you didn't tell me. I saw you from my classroom window."
"Ok, you're right. But ... Well, it's different! The kiss between me and Dudu was not ... Magical".
"And is this the reason why you're angry? Because your kiss wasn't magical, while the kiss between me and Wei Long was?"
"No! But ... But ... You didn't tell me! We tell each other everything! Even the things we are afraid to say to our best friends! And instead you talked to them and not to me. They don't know  not even that I'm your friend, but they know about Song Wei Long! "  Dylan shouted, frustrated.
"That's all?"  sighed Yue.
"No! That's not! The two of us kissed too! We kissed and you keep pretending that nothing happened!"  he snapped.
"But that's right, isn't it? Ours were just test kisses ..."
Yue looked at his angry red face and smiled.
"Do you know what the real reason you are angry with me is?"  she asked.
Wang He Di gave her a questioning look.
"You like me," said Yue, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"What ?! Don't say nonsense! I ..."
"You like me. This is why the fact that our kisses  meant nothing to me makes you so angry.
That's why it bothers you that I did something with Song Wei Long.  That's why you would like my friends to know about you," Yue continued, without listening to him.
"It's not true! I don't like you, ok ?! You're not my type!"
"Right. But ... Dudu was. She was exactly your perfect girl ideal. So tell me ... What did you feel when you kissed her? Why did it end so soon between you two?"
Dylan shook his head tiredly.
Yue took him by the hand and took a long breath.
"I never kissed Song Wei Long," she confessed.
Dylan's eyes widened and he turned to her.
"What ?! But you ... You told your friends that ..."
"You were the magical kiss. Not him. It was you."
Yue was overwhelmed by a mixture of fear and embarrassment and her eyes filled with tears.
"What does it mean?"  Dylan asked, confused.
"It means that I like you, stupid."
"What ... I ... Yue ... Since when? How did it happen?"
"I don't know, Wang He Di! I only know that before you were simply my stupid friend and then you became my stupid friend who makes my heart beat every time he approaches, or looks at me, or talks to me ...
I can not stop thinking about you.
I like to see you smiling.  I like to see you laugh.  I like when you get angry.  I also like it when you make fun of me!  With you I can be really myself ... And I also discovered sides of me that I didn't know before.  I know I'm not your ideal girl ... But I don't care.  I won't try to change myself again for someone.  I will probably always be Hulk for you ... But those kisses, Didi ... They weren't just a test.  I felt everything.
I felt ... That I love you. "
Wang He Di's heart squeezed to see her cry for him.
How had he not noticed what was happening to her?
He wiped her tears gently.
That castle was very tight for both of them and moving was difficult, but he still hug her.
"Sorry," sobbed Yue into his arms.
"You don't have to apologize for anything! It's all right, silly girl. But ... Give me some time, okay?"
Yue nodded.
"I know you like me, anyway," she muttered against his chest.
Dylan smiled and held her tighter.

A few hours later, Wang He Di was unable to sit still in his room.  He kept walking back and forth like crazy, looking at one of the photographs on his desk ... A picture of him and Yue, sitting on the girl's yellow skateboard, looking at each other laughing.  Yue was doing her skateboard stunts that day while he was reading a book, when suddenly she asked him to take a picture together.
They placed Dylan's cell phone against a tree trunk and they ran on the skateboard.  The agreement was that Yue would sit between his legs ... But in the hurry to reach the skateboard before the cellphone took the photograph, Yue had sat down first and Dylan had to sit between her legs.  Realizing the mistake, they burst out laughing and Yue hugged him from behind.
It was at that moment that the cell phone took the picture.
And it was perfect.
Looking back on that moment, a smile immediately formed on Wang He Di's face.
"Did you really ask her for time, you idiot?"  he said to the Dyaln of the photograph.

Shen Yue couldn't sleep.
What had happened that night had taken all her energy away, but it was not enough to finally put her to sleep.
She had declared herself.  She had told Wang He what she felt for him.
She felt lighter, but also bloody frightened.
She was sure she did the right thing ... She just hoped she didn't misinterpret the signals.
"Okay, now sleep," she said to herself.
She hid her head under the sheets and she closed her eyes.
Soon, however, the vibration of her cell phone made her jump up.
It was late at night!
She took the cell phone in her hands and she nearly threw it on the ground when she saw Wang He Di's name on the screen.
She took a long breath and answered.
"Can you go out for a moment, please?"  he asked.
Without adding anything else, Yue slipped her slippers on her feet and rushed out of the house trying not to wake up her parents.

When Shen Yue opened the front door, Dylan couldn't help but think that with her Donald Duck pajamas and her messy hair , she was even more beautiful than a few hours earlier.
Yue was always beautiful.
"Didi! What are you ..."
He didn't let her finish the sentence.
He took her face in his hands and his lips collided with Yue's in a second.
The girl froze, surprised by that sudden gesture.
Dylan moved away from her to look into her eyes.  He smiled at her questioning gaze.
"You are Princess Peach. You are Hulk. You are all the superheroes of this world. And I adore you," he whispered softly.
"And you're just a fool, but I adore you too," Yue smiled, her eyes bright.
Dylan laughed and held her tight against his chest.
"Princess Peach ... Do you want to date me?"  he asked, stroking her hair.
Yue looked up to look him in the eye and her smile left him breathless.
"You finally asked me, Super Mario!"  she answered.
There was another kiss.
And it was so sweet and intense that Yue's legs started to tremble and she had to hold on to Dylan's jacket in order not to fall.
"I want to kiss you again ... Do you think it's normal?"  the girl grinned, resting her forehead against his.
"Kiss me," sighed Dylan.
"Yueyue ?! Are you out there? Are you okay?"
At the sound of Ms. Shen's voice, the two jumped and separated immediately.
"Go, go!"  Yue said softly, pushing him.
"See you tomorrow!"  he exclaimed.
Ms. Shen opened the front door and out of the corner of her eye she saw a boy run away from their home. He looked like Wang He Di ...
"Yueyue? What are you doing out here?"  she asked suspiciously.
"I ... Er ... Nothing! I ... I wanted to get some fresh air," Yue replied agitated.
"Mmh ... Come on, go back to bed or you'll get a cold."
Ms. Shen watched her go to her room at a brisk pace, with a super red face.
She held a smile and shook her head.
Something was going on between her and Wang He Di, she was sure ... And she was so happy that she went back to the her and his husband bedroom hopping.

Dylan lay down on the bed and took the cell phone in his hands to write to Yue.

D: Did your mother see me?
Y: No, don't worry ... And your way of running is ridiculous anyway 😂
D: At least I'm not green 😏
Y: Idiot 😑
D: Hey!  Are you the girl who was kissing me a little while ago as if there was no tomorrow?  😒
Y: I don't think so 🙄
D: 🧟‍♂️
Y: Didi...
D: What's up?
Y: I'm happy ☺️
D: Me too ❤️
Y: Wo!  Is that a heart ?!  We still have to date!  Don't start to be clingy!  🤮
D: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 .... Better?  😜
Y: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Y: 😂 Goodnight Super Mario 😘
D: Aw 🥰 Goodnight Princess Peach 😘

Author's corner
Thanks for all the comments and votes ❤️ I love reading what you think!
A big hug,

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