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Wang He Di opened his eyes and got up from the bed with the distinct feeling that this would be a bad day.
He confirmed it when, arrived at school, the gym teacher told the class that they would be lecturing together that day with Section D.
He entered the gym with his classmates and shortly after they were joined by the other class.
In front of everyone, Shen Yue proudly wore her sports shorts and white T-shirt, while her short hair was gathered in a tiny tuft on the top of her head.
Her three faithful knights followed her as usual.
Dylan watched her from afar, unsure if he could say Hi or not.
Seeing that she ignored him, he knew he should do the same.
The teacher gathered everyone around her and cleared her throat.
"Good! Today, given that we are many, we will take advantage of it to do something different. As many of you have a poor vote in my subject, I want to give you the opportunity to recover, working in teams. I have prepared a small circuit for  exercises.
The first will be a dodgeball game.  The second is a test of endurance: you will have to stay as long as possible clinging to the last beam of the Swedish espalier.  The third will be a race.  The fourth will expect you to make a perfect human pyramid.  Now I will choose the captains, who in turn will choose five of you to complete the team.  Please give each other a help , because the result of the whole team will affect the vote of each of you.  Let's begin!"

Shen Yue had been selected as captain.  Obviously no one else among the captains dared to take away her three friends to her, so she called them beside her.
She then chose a girl who looked particularly athletic in section A. She lacked only one component ... There were still few boys left to choose from.
Among them was Wang He Di.
She noticed how everyone avoided calling him.  His face was red and embarrassed.
"Is he really that weak?"  she thought to herself.
She snorted and decided to end his suffering.
"Wang He Di" she called him, pointing to him.
Everyone turned to her in disbelief.
"Are you sure? He's a disaster!"  the girl from section A said softly to her.
Yue didn't answer and waited for the boy to reach them.
When he arrived beside her, she looked at him threateningly.
"Woe to you if you make us take a bad vote" she whispered.
He turned pale and looked at the tips of his shoes.
"Why him?"  asked Darren, as they reached the court to play dodgeball.
Yue shrugged.
Before the match against one of the other teams started, Caesar gathered his teammates in the middle of their half.
"Listen to me: at the risk of falling and breaking your neck, the ball must never hit Shen Yue. Is that clear?"
Connor and Darren nodded decisively, while Dylan and his classmate exchanged a worried look.
Shen Yue shook her head and smiled at Caesar affectionately.
"None of us has to be hit. Let us help each other," she said.
During the game, Yue realized how right that girl was: Dylan was indeed a disaster!

After a long battle, Caesar, Connor, Darren and the girl in Section A were shot and eliminated.
Caesar kept an eye on Shen Yue.  He had noticed that she never lost sight of Wang He Di and she repeatedly  saved him.  He knew Yue: despite her strong and brash character, she never hesitated to defend the weakest.
There were only the two of them left in the court and she ran like a crazy, pushing him here and there to avoid him to be hit.
Wang He Di, on the other hand, shouted hysterically every time the ball was about to arrive.
What kind of man was he ?!
Yue had managed to bring down almost all the opponents ... Only one remained.  Now she could either hit him, or hope to catch the ball to eliminate him.
Suddenly, while a ball was about to hit Dylan, he grabbed Yue by the shoulders and ...

A loud applause echoed in the gym.
"We won!"  exclaimed Connor incredulously.
In a panic, Dylan had taken Yue by the shoulders and pulled her in front of him to shield himself from the coming ball.  She miraculously managed to grab it before it could hit her in her face.
"YOU USED ME AS A SHIELD!"  she shouted then, turning to Dylan.
"Yes ... Er ... Sorry ... The survival instinct, you know ... But we won, didn't we?"  Dylan stammered, then raised a thumb in victory.
"You! Ugly! Idiot!"  she punched him in the arm.
"Ok, ok, ok! Sorry!"  he mumbled, trying to take cover.
"At the next false step, she won't be the one to punch you," Caesar warned him.
Dylan swallowed, startled by his damned serious look.
If Yue hadn't been able to catch the ball, surely the F3 would have beaten him.
He breathed a sigh of relief and followed the others to the Swedish espalier.

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