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Caesar Wu had always been overprotective of Shen Yue.
Someone in their class claimed that he was secretly in love with her ... But it wasn't the truth.
He began to take care of her when they were children because of his strong sense of justice and protection for the weakest.  Growing up, however, he realized that Yue was much stronger than him.  He understood it when, in third grade, he saw her become his strength and his hand in the most difficult and complicated period of his life.
In that year, his mother was diagnosed with a serious illness that quickly turned her into the shadow of herself.  For Caesar it was a heavy blow.  Despite having his friends next to him, it was not easy to be able to stay afloat.  Yue spent a whole year cooking for him and his father, even if they didn't want to.  She helped him take care of his mother.
She pushed him not to let himself be brought down.
Miraculously his mother healed ... And Caesar knew he would be forever grateful to Shen Yue for all she had done for him and his family.
He wasn't in love with her, he never had been.
But making sure she was always happy was his mission.
So now that it was clear that her best friend was dating that Wang He Di, it was crucial for him to know more.
During lunchtime, he asked Connor and Darren to leave them alone and he proposed her that they eat together in the courtyard.
They chatted quietly for a while, until Caesar decided it was time to drop "the bomb".
"Yueyue ... What kind of guy do you like?"  he asked suddenly.
Yue nearly choked on the juice she was drinking.
"You're drunk?"  she laughed when she started to breath again.
"Why ?! It's just a question!"
"A stupid question!"
"How difficult you are! Everyone has an ideal type of boy or girl!"
"Mmh ... You too?"
Yue gave him a sly smile and Caesar snorted.
"Of course, me too! My ideal gir is ..."
He looked around for a hold.
"She!"  he then exclaimed, indicating at random a short-haired girl who was walking with a friend.
Yue's eyes widened in disbelief.
The girl Caesar had just indicated was Jaqi.
"I can't believe it!"
"Why? She's  pretty!"
"I know! You should take a step with her!"  Yue exclaimed, excited.
"What?! It's not me I'm talking about!"  Caesar retorted, taken aback.
"Yes instead! I know her! I can give her your number!"
The conversation was taking an unexpected turn.
"Yueyue! I don't need it!"
At that moment, they saw Wang He Di join Jaqi and Zi Wei.
Caesar decided to act.
"Mmh ... He's Wang He Di, right? He looks really stupid," he commented, waiting for her reaction.
"He's not stupid!"  Yue snapped immediately, angry.
"Oh, I bet yes."
"No! He's smart and kind ... Maybe a little stubborn, strange and even dumb, but he has a heart of gold!"
As soon as she realized what she had just said, Yue blushed and shook her head.
"I was joking! Obviously he's stupid," she snorted.
Caesar nodded ... It was clear: Yue really had a crush on that boy.
After days of spying on them with Connor and Darren, he was now certain that there was really something between those two.
He was not enthusiastic, but he could not choose for her ... So there was only one thing left to do: talk to Wang He Di and make sure that it was clear to him that three tall and robust guys were ready to intervene in case he  had made their precious friend suffer.

Shen Yue was adjusting a wheel on her skateboard in the garage when someone put a hand on her shoulder.
Dylan watched her put her hands on her chest and he burst out laughing.
"What a coward!"
"Hey! Who let come you in, anyway?"
"Oh, your mother. You know she loves me," he replied, shrugging.
"Yeah ... And I don't understand why," she muttered.
Dylan laughed again and sat across from her on the cold garage floor.
Yue's face was soiled with black here and there.  He leaned over to clean her, but the girl brushed his hand away.
Since she understood she felt something for Wang He Di, chaos had reigned in her head.
On the one hand she would have liked to ignore her feelings and continue their friendship, on the other she would have so much the boy to fall in love with her.
"What a temper," said Dylan.
"I know. Now shut up and help me," Yue replied.
She watched him try to help her repair the skateboard ... He was so clumsy and ... Cute.
At that moment she decided: she would try to conquer him!
"You know ... I found my future wife today," he said suddenly, looking at her with a strange light in his eyes.
Like a mirror that crumbles after a bad fall.  This is how Shen Yue felt. 
"Excuse me?" she whispered, out of breath.
"Before coming here a girl from our school stopped me and asked me to talk. And she declared herself! I didn't expect it at all! Yueyue! You should see her! She's beautiful! And she's exactly my type: pretty, sweet, shy, delicate ... Aaaaaah I'm too happy! Obviously I told her I'd like to date her! I will have a girlfriend very soon!"  Dylan explained excitedly.
Yue was having difficulty breathing.
How did it all happen so fast ?!
"Yueyue? Erm ... At this point you should cheer for me."
"I ... Er ... Yes, well ... The fact is ... You said the same things about me, remember? I had to be your future wife and ... And then you were disappointed. Maybe  even that girl is not what she looks like. Well ... You shouldn't be so rushed... "she said, trying to smile.
"Tsk, I'm sure you're unique. No one else could be like you, so I'm not worried about it," laughed Dylan.
And here is another arrow in her chest from him.  Another clear and round demonstration that she had no hope of being able to be like by him.
"Yeah, luckily. So ... Good luck with your new future wife."
"Thank you!"
Dylan hugged her and then went back to work on the skateboard.
Suddenly, one thing came in Yue's mind.
"Dylan! I want to organize a date between Jaqi and Caesar!" she exclaimed.
"WHAT?!" he shouted, surprised.
"Today Caesar told me that Jaqi is his ideal girl! It is the first time he talks to me about girls, you understand? So I think he really likes her! I want Jaqi to know him!"
"Absolutely not!"  answered Dylan.
"Why not?"
"Because that boy is not good for Jaqi. She could never like him."
"You don't know! You don't know him!"
"Shen Yue, I know he's your friend, but ... Guys like him don't suit girls like Jaqi. She's a good girl, she's studious, she's sensitive, while he ... He is ...  "
"Like me?"
Yue looked him in the eye and sensed the answer.
"Go home, Dylan."
"Yue, I didn't mean ..."
"Go home".
"No! Listen! What I meant to say is that they could be friends, but nothing more ... Like us. Do you understand?"  insisted Dylan.
Yue looked at him proudly.
She was tired.
She would shown him that he was wrong.
About everything.
"I understand," she said.
"You will fall in love with me," she thought.

Author's corner
I know, this update is short, but the next one will come soon! ❤️
Let me know what you think, okay? 
A big hug,

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