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Wang He Di watched Shen Yue from afar as they took a walk along the river.
Walking with her almost meant running ... Those two short legs went at the speed of light!
"Are you trying to kill me?"  he muttered breathlessly.
"You're so slow!"  Yue complained, pausing to wait for him.
When he finally managed to reach her, he dropped to the ground.
"Is that how you imagine your romantic walks with your future husband? With you escaping and he chasing you?!"
"My future husband is not a snail like you! He could keep my pace and we walked hand in hand," she replied.
"Yeah, for sure".
Suddenly, Yue heard a strange noise coming from the river.
"Shut up".
"You shut up!"
"Wang He Di! Keep quiet!"
"Don't tell me to keep quiet!"
"You shhhh!"
"Are you an idiot ?! Be quiet just for a second!"
Shen Yue sprinted towards him and covered his mouth with her small hands.
"Shh! Listen," she said, without leaving him.
Dylan surrendered and listened in silence.
From the river they heard a desperate "Quack quack!"  .
"It's a duck!"  exclaimed Yue.
She ran towards the source of the noise and she saw the little animal trying in vain to get out of the water.
Yue was already ready to intervene, but Dylan preceded her and threw himself into the water.
With no small effort, he managed to reach the little duck and take it out.
He took off both his coat and his sweater and immediately wrapped it to dry it and keep it warm.
"It's all right, little duck, it's ok ... Don't worry," he whispered softly, rocking it.
"We need to take it to a vet, it has a wounded paw," he said to Yue.
Shen Yue couldn't say a word.
"Yue? What's wrong with you?"  he called her, worried.
She took off her coat and put it on Dylan's shoulder, who was only in his t-shirt.
"Let's go," she sighed.
"Put your coat back on, Hulk. You'll catch a cold."
"Shut up and walk".

The vet visited the little duck and advised Dylan and Yue what to do, so the two went to the girl's house, ready to take care of their new friend.
"Here, put this on" Yue passed one of her hoodie to Dylan.
"It's yours?"  he asked, looking at the huge yellow hoodie in his hands.
"I seem to be the female protagonist of a fanficition ... I won't wear your hoodie!"  complained Dylan.
"Don't wear it then! But if tomorrow you'll have a fever, I'll come and kick you in the ass ... Understand?"
Dylan tried to support Yue's stern look, but he gave up after a few seconds and ended up wearing her hoodie.
Yue took her backpack and opened the door of the room.
"I go out to buy the ointment the doctor told us. Wait here with ..."
"Aquaduck!"  Dylan interrupted her.
"Its name".
"Aquaduck ... Like Aquaman? Are you serious?"
Wang He Di took the little duck and brought it closer to his face.
"Hey Aquaduck! Don't worry! Now Hulk and I will take care of you and soon you can go back to saving the world!"  smiled at it.
The little duck looked at him for a few seconds before releasing a small: "Quack quack!"
Yue laughed and shook her head.
"I'm going, be good you two children," she said before leaving.

She took longer than expected because it was raining heavily outside.
When she returned home, she found Dylan asleep.
The little duck rested quietly on his head.
She approached the bed and knelt before them.
She watched them in silence.
Dylan's lips were curved in a small smile.
Yue thought back to what he had done for the duck ... That fool was afraid of everything, but he had not hesitated a second to run into the river to save the animal.
His heart was big ... Indeed, it was giant.
While her heart... It began to beat faster.
"What's the matter with me? What is this feeling?"  she wondered, almost shocked.
As if pushed by some kind of force, she found herself caressing Dylan's face.
His features were so delicate ...
Suddenly the little duck raised its head to look at her.
"Shh ... Come, Aquaduck ... Let this idiot rest" she whispered, taking it in her arms.
"Did I really call it Aquaduck ?!"  she thought to herself.
She should have woken Dylan and sent him home, but it was raining too hard outside and he had already caught quite cold that afternoon.
So she looked for the boy's cell phone in his backpack and she sent a message to his mother: "Jaqi invited me to sleep at her house. See you tomorrow".
She took off his shoes, then carefully covered him with the bed sheet.
Her parents had dinner with their work colleagues that night, so they would be back late.
So she decided to come down for something to eat, taking Aquaduck with her.

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